
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

Luria knocked on the door "My Prince, it's dinner time. You didn't even eat lunch. Please come out." she knocked but there was no response. She sighed. "I guess we'll have to do this in a hard way then." she said as she moved her hands swiftly and the door opened.

The prince was sitting on the floor with his knees pushed up against his chest. He was fast asleep and the dry tears were evident on his face. Luria went up to him and crouched down to his level and brushed his hair that was falling on his face. She smiled unknowingly and poked his cheeks

"My Prince, it's time for dinner and it's not good for anyone to sleep empty stomach"

Curtis blinked his eyes and adjusted it. He jerked backwards after seeing Luria up so close.

"L-Lady Luria?! What are you- I think everyone deserves a privacy. You can't just come in." he said standing up. "I think you should leave"

"You can't push me forever, My Prince. And I can't also let you die before I complete my mission. Eating with me isn't a bad thing. Nobody will ever come to know that you had a dinner with a witch."

"it's not, atrocious to have a dinner with you, nor is living with you. I don't know why you despise yourself so much. I'll come out in a moment." he said.

"Why not come out and tell me what's on your mind rather than sobbing alone with yourself." she said and walked out.

She sat in front of him on the table. She was eating but waiting for Curtis to speak to her. While Curtis was feeling awkward. He placed the spoon on the table and looked straight into her eyes.

" You can stop staring at me now. I'll tell you but it's better if you don't know about me."

"I'd still like to know more about you, My Prince. How about this, you tell me about yourself and in exchange, I'll tell you about mine. No pressure. "

As much as he hated telling her about himself, the offer was too tempting to resist.

"OK... Fine. But you must keep your word. And this shouldn't be heard by anyone."

"Same goes for me."

He took a long breath before starting.

"I... I've never been alone, in my life. My mom was always there for me. That's why it's hard for me to adapt to this harsh environment where nobody cares for me. His Majesty might be my father, but he never once asked me how was I. I-I know that I shouldn't be selfish! He's a King a-and-"

" I disagree. " she said abruptly. Making Curtis look at her. " Even if he is a King, he must show his kids affection if he deeply and truly loves them. Nobody should give such a cold shoulder to their kids. His first duty is a duty of a father, people comes second. But i guess his first priority is himself."

Curtis was taken aback by her answer. For the first time, he met someone who sympathized with him. He waited for the people to agree to his actions but he began questioning his desires when nobody did.

" Don't you think... It's pathetic for someone, a Prince, a man, to be this desperate. And that too for affection?" he asked her. She smiled and rested her arm on the table and her face in her palms.

"My Prince, it's never, ever wrong for humans to long for affection. Everybody needs it. Unless you aren't one. And it's ok to be desperate for anything, I too am desperate for my mission aren't I? And I should also be called pathetic."

He knew she was pretty but this time, she looked different. Beautiful but different. Her smile looked more appealing than it looked to him. He was speechless.

"You are good just the way you are. Other people's words don't make you, you My Prince, you make yourself. You don't have to take the path which everyone takes, nor do you have to become just like your father. Be your own person. It's about time you realize it. "

She was definitely radiating in his eyes. It's been years since he heard such words. His heart was warming, fluttering. He truly felt happy.

" My turn now, I too have never been alone. But just like the people said, I was mature for my age, I quickly adapted to the environment. But I've barely talked to anyone and made any friends. It's simple, I don't really like socializing. I loose energy very quickly if I hear people talking too much or if I talk to them. " both of them chuckled.

" But you didn't tell me why you are doing this... By this I mean, the kidnapping and all that. You are a good person. I don't understand. " Curtis asked her, he wanted to know why, such a talented girl like her was risking her life.

"It is better if you don't know but i will keep my word. I am doing this for my mother. The thing which your father has, it's very important to me. If I get it back before the time, I might be able to bring her back. That's why." she said it.... Her secret. Curtis came to her and went down on one knee as he held her hand in his's

" My Prince what are you-"

" I hope, you get the thing that you desire with my heart. I also thank you for sharing my burden and understanding me. Your words really helped me and I shall remember them, forever in my heart. You might not believe me but.... I happen to like your presence with me alot... I hope, we can continue to be on good terms when all of this ends. " she smiled at his innocence. This will end in the worst way possible. She has even imagined all the various scenarios that would happen. It's either the king, or her. It's better with her dying and the king living since that's the only person for Curtis. But if he began getting close to her he might not be able to let any one of them go. But it was hard for her to push him away.

"Thank you my Prince. How about you read some of the new books I bought you?"

He exclaimed in happiness "Where?!" and happily jogged up to the place where there were books. But if he were to get close to her, who would he choose? His father or her?....

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