
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

They went out for a walk and reached the market street, which wasn't so far from her cottage.

They passed many small shops, stalls and stands. However they didn't talked. It was silent until Luria stopped. She furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lip. She turned to the confused and worried prince who was hidden in his black big cloak.

"Shouldn't we buy you some clothes? And some basic things which you may need since you are 'staying over' " she asked.

"You should stop saying that." he said slightly annoyed.

"Stop saying what?" she asked confused.

" 'staying over'.... Stop saying that, it annoys me. Since that isn't what I'm doing."

She snickered lightly

"Okay My Prince, it was very impolite of me to do this. I apologize" she said bowing. He just shook his head and walked and Luria followed him behind. He scanned through many shops until one caught his eyes.

"This one." he said and Luria followed him.

The shop was old and an elderly man was sitting as a cashier. 'The Lucky Anvil Outfitter' was written boldly in blue colour.

"Hello sir" both of them said together.

"Welcome, welcome kids. What would you like to wear. I can make customized ones too." the man said

"My friend right here needs some clothes. Do you happen to have some of his size?" Luria stepped forward and asked. The man looked at him and nodded slightly.

"Yes. I think I do. Please wait and I'll bring them." the man said and walked to the store.

"I don't know why am I wearing a cloak. It's gonna come out once i try the clothes." Curtis said.

"Are you certain that nobody has ever seen you?"

She asked suspiciously.

"How many times have I answered your question? Yes! Nobody has ever seen me! I'm a homebody and I've never liked going out of my castle except for royal events and parties! Could you please take this off me? It's suffocating and I can't see anything."

She thought for a moment and the began to untie the knot on his neck.

" OK my prince. I'll do as you say. "

While Curtis pulled down the hood and stared at her as she untied the knot. He was actually doing this in order to read her thoughts but he unknowingly began to admire her.

"Ho Ho Ho!" the man came back and grabbed their attention.

"Young love is indeed very beautiful." he said referring to them. Curtis was covering his red face with his hand on his face. Luria smiled at the man and offered him help in carrying the clothes.

"it is, isn't it Ken?" she said and turned her head towards Curtis. Curtis stammered

"H-Huh?.. Me?.. Oh y-yeah.. It is! Yeah."

"He's a bit shy sir. How about you try some of the clothes my pr- I mean Ken?"

"Oh... OK" he took a pair and went to an empty room.

"I used to see you all the time. I'm glad you found someone to spend time with. You were always alone." the man said to her with a gentle smile.

"I'm glad to hear that you care about me" she replied

"We all Ffestiniog neighborhood are worried about you, kid. We are worried about your future. You are always alone and sad, but you never talk and we don't know how to help you. But I guess, our worries are now vanished forever. I give you kids my blessings. I hope for you to be happy forever. " said the man

" Uhh... How do I look? " Curtis had come out in a cream loose top and tight brown pant. He looked much better than before.

" Gentleman, you look really handsome. I'm glad Luria found someone as good looking as you. " the man said with a small laugh. Curtis laughed nervously.

" You should also consider yourself lucky because you have a girl like her. She is really good."

"Are all these clothes the same size sir?" Luria interrupted and pointed to the clothes that were bought and kept on the table.

"Ah yes. They are."

"Then please, pack all of them. I'll be taking them." she said and bought her pouch of coin.

"Are you sure you want to do this?!" Curtis exclaimed. He didn't wanted to burden her.

"Everybody needs clothes Ken. And you are going to stay here for a while. You will need clothes. How much is it sir?"

"How about you give me the money next time dear? It's 500 Udok"

"No need sir. Or else I might die with tension of paying you back." they laughed. She gave him the money and walked out saying goodbyes.

"We need some self hygiene stuffs too." Luria said.

"Haven't you already wasted quite large amounts of money on my clothes already?" Curtis said worried that she might go broke because of him.

"Relax, my Prince. Those won't be of high quality like those of you used to have... Like the 'musk lotion from Theidal' " she said.

"How did you know that?" surprised Curtis asked her. She smirked and said "I broke in your room, remember?"

Curtis scoffed. This girl, is really unpredictable.