
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day, Curtis woke up fresh. He had gotten a good sleep, Luria had lended her room to him. Despite his continuous protests and pleas, she forced him into her room by threatening him that she'll turn him into a frog. Even though she was embarrassed that her bed was nothing like those soft, bouncy beds in the castle, but was a single bed with a rough mattress, she knew that he'd get better sleep than on the even worse sofa or the chair. He came out to see Luria laying on the small sofa that couldn't hold all of her. She was half outside the sofa, she could almost fall but however, miraculously stayed. The blanket was thrown down. Curtis sighed and walked towards her. He crouched down and placed the blanket on her, completely covering her body. His hands touched her arm and her body was cold. He sighed once again

"Lady Luria, Even though we all are aware that you are a witch, that doesn't make you some supernatural being that cannot get sick, why don't you think about yourself a bit and take care of yourself a little? You'll catch a cold really easily." he sat down and stared at her for a while, she was pretty. She had pretty milky skin and beautiful green eyes. Her hair were shoulder-length and black in color. She also had a very strong and powerful aura surrounding her. It intimidated him, she looked indestructable. But was was underneath it, was still a secret to him, which was very unusual and new to him. He never met anyone, who he cannot read except for his father. And that fact made him more conscious and observant towards her. He got up and walked out of the mini cottage and admired the scenery. Where ever in the world he was, was beautiful. The silent valley and greenery, the sound of the wind that filled his ears and the smell of fresh grass was a bliss. "Wow..." He walked out in daze, mesmerized by the beauty almost forgetting about the magical sheild they talked about yesterday. He had continued walking if it wasn't for a voice coming from behind him.

"Hey Prince!" he came out of his daze and turned behind to Luria resting her shoulder on the doorway with the arms folded and the blanket draped over her with a slight smirk.

"Wanna get electrocuted?" she asked in a teasing manner.

It hit him like a truck. He had forgotten about it. His face redden from embarrassment as he stammered.

"Oh-i... I-I wasn't really- I was just so beautiful I got attracted towards it i was just admiring it I swear! I wasn't trying to escape or something please don't let your emotions take the best of you! I really really wasn't going to! Please believe me i-"

He rambled hoping she would understand and not turn her into a frog or kill him. But his nervousness was replaced by confusion the the moment he saw her letting out a little laugh. Their gaze connected

" I know you weren't, my prince. The place is indeed very attractive. If I were you, I'd do the same." he wasn't really thinking that she'd believe him. But what shocked him was her sudden proposal.

"Wanna go out for a walk? Might get something for you since you're 'staying over' " she said cool-ly.

"Huh?!" he was speechless. No kidnapper, would offer this to anyone who they had kidnapped. Why was she doing this? Again he failed to get her true intentions behind this kind gesture.

"Why? Do you not like it anymore? You don't want to enjoy the beauty that you were admiring just now?" She asked raising a brow.

"I-i liked it! I accept your offer! I was just-just a little bit taken aback but other than that I'm really glad you brought this up."

"Then let's get ready My prince and if you want anything just say it to me and I'll get you one." a lot of questions were in Curtis's head

Meanwhile Luria's mind was blank. Blank but the Prince's words were all over her head. 'why don't you think about yourself a bit and take care of yourself a little?'. She scoffed in her head. What made him think that? She thinks about herself, alot more than he knows. She is greedy and selfish. And that's why he's here. She wants something so she risked Prince's life. She is desperate for it. His life is at stake but she didn't even think about it. That's because she is greedy. She loathes herself for that, she never knew this side of her. Maybe she was aware of it, but didn't wanted to accept it? She didn't want to see herself like this. Mother... Wouldn't want to see her like this... But is wanting one's thing back.... Considered selfish and desperate?

She hoped not.... Damn..... Living with the Prince is making her question her choices... This isn't good...