
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

"Rise and shine my Prince." said Luria as she pulled the curtains, welcoming the sunlight in the room. Curtis winced and blinked his eyes open.

"Here's your breakfast." she said keeping the plate on his lap as she sat in front of him.

Curtis glanced between her and the plate and scoffed

"Am I supposed to eat or something?" he asked.

"Yes, unless you are planning to do something else with the food I just gave you." she said nonchalantly.

"With my hands tide to the chair like this.. I suppose I'm better off without food. Do you want me to eat like a dog or something?"

She made a movement with her hand and the rope untied. Curtis was taken aback by her behaviour.

".... Aren't you holding me captive? " he asked unsure of what she did.

"Why are you asking me the obvious? Of course I am. I'm your kidnapper. I abducted you from your castle. Remember?" she asked as if trying to remind him what happened just yesterday. Curtis rolled his eyes.

"Of course I remember! But you just... Abnormally!, without touching anything! Just!.... Untied my hands! I don't know how?! But aren't you afraid that I might escape or something?! For your information! I've mastered many-"

"I know, I know my dear prince. I know that you know many fights, I also know that you are a very well trained swordsman. But I'm a master of magic. I've memorised spells from grimoires and other ancient books. I've never went to a proper school for those nor did I got private training for that, but I can guarantee you that without those, I'm still much more better than you." she said leaning back on the chair, proud of her abilities "But even if you do manage to escape me, you can't escape this house. It's guarded by very dangerous spell, let me tell you just in case if ever, have a thought about escaping, you might get electrocuted or even die. So, take my advice and-" she leaned closer to his ears and whispered. "Don't even think about doing it." she patted his shoulder and walked away. This was probably the 50th time he was getting shocked by her. He couldn't get her... She was totally not the type of girl he used to see in his castle or the balls. But why was she keeping him alive? And what does she wants from her father?

It was almost noon, Luria came and sat infront of him and smiled. Curtis gulped, she is really strange, he thought.

"You.... Seem quite fine.. With seeing me like this...." he said awkwardly swinging his hands in front of her.

"Like I said. I know you can't leave, and you know that too. What's the point of asking me again and again? Do liked your hands tied that much? Want me to tie you again?" she smirked folding her arms on her chest.

"No!.. No.. Sorry. I must have agitated you. I can be annoying sometimes. Sorry." he said scratching his nape and avoided her gaze.

"I was just teasing you, my Prince. No need to take it seriously." she sighed smiling slightly.

There was an awkward silence between them

"Do happen to like books, my prince?" she asked him, clearing her throat.

"Books? You happen to have them?!" Curtis loved books. His mother always used to read them to him. After his mother was bedridden, books were the only ones who gave him inner peace and happiness. Those were his only companions in his hollow life after his butler Wilfred Clifton and his uncle. And he was so happy to hear that he did not realize that he sounded desperate. He once again scratched his nape in embarrassment as Luria snickered.

"Of course I do. I'll bring them to you." the books were brought by magic. Curtis eagerly searched through the books

"You.... You don't realize how much I've searched for these books! I may have the biggest library in the kingdom, but they don't have these! These are banned books and literatures! How did you even managed to get them?!?!" his face was red from happiness. He was really excited to read everything. Luria just smiled at him.

" Right.... I mustn't question you power. You can do, the most incredible things you can even the most unimaginable things." he said happily.

"You mean the most worst things don't you?" she smiled at him sadly. She knows, that witches never get along with the non-magic people. Witches have destroyed many life's for that and vice versa. Curtis looked at her confused.

" No? I never said that? I've heard and read about you all. Not all of you species are bad. You must have your reasons for those fights, and we have ours. You hold power to wonders, and one day i might have the privilege to see it." he smiled at her. Now it was Luria's turn to be surprised. Maybe, what the people said was true after all. He was innocent, too innocent for what she was using his for. She felt guilty. But she had to finish what was started.

"Luria. That's my name. Nice to meet you, my Prince ." she said extending her arm to him. He hesitated but showed his charming smile again and shook her hand

"Pleased to meet you too, Luria"

This was probably the starting of the new journey in Luria's life, which she wasn't even aware of.