
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 14

Wilfred followed him behind after the king adjourned the court.

Wilfred found him in the Cansevain Garden, Wilona's favorite garden. The best thing about it was that, the garden was far away from the King's chambers and court room. Ralph was sitting on one of the bench in the garden. Wilfred took a deep breath and sat next to him. Ralph didn't bother to pay him attention.

"Ralph." Wilfred spoke first. "I apologize for what happened that say. I shouldn't have said such things. I wasn't in my right mind. I hope, you forgive me for my recklessness."

The silence was long enough for Wilfred to feel anxious. Thankfully, Ralph spoke.

"Atleast you admit being reckless and out of your mind."

"So..." Wilfred was nervous "Are we good?...."

"... I guess so..." Ralph said, still not paying him attention. Wilfred let out a sigh of relief and rested his back on the bench.

"I saw you heading towards Her Majesty's bed chambers.... Did something happened?" Wilfred asked while taking a peak at Ralph's face. Wilfred's question made him serious.

"She forgot me.... Again..." he said. Wilfred already knew about Her Majesty's health, but hearing it made him feel sad.

"She still can't move, I've arranged so many physicians for her that I've lost count. Going to see her makes me feel like.... Someone is tearing me apart, my heart clenches hard... So hard that I'm afraid it might break into pieces. It's like someone is pushing a thorny sword down my chest... No matter how much my eyes die to see her. It's better for me to go to her less. I must refrain from going to her. " he said as he placed his head in his hands while clenching his eyes shut. Wilfred sat next to him, his heart hurting while hearing his friend's words, and he can't to anything to make the pain go away. He can't help but feel the same pain. He wished he could tell his friend the secret he held deep within him.

" I'm concerned about your health my friend." he said as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "If you stay like this, you might grow weak. And if you grow weak then you'll probably die. And if you die, you'll never get to see your sister if she gets better soon. And if you die, who will find your dear nephew?, who will handle that tyrant better than you? Since I'm your really good friend, I can't bear to see you like this. So let's be happy and healthy, and hope for the best for everyone. Hmm? "

Ralph raised his head and stared at the blank space with a faint smile. Wilfred followed his gaze but saw nothing.

" What are you looking at? "

" Nothing Will. I was just thinking. "

" A penny for your thoughts? "

" You know-" Ralph continued " - this was Wilona's favorite garden"

Wilfred nodded "Yes, she loved it here."

Ralph's smile widened. "She said that she feels calm and serene here. She has every flower planted here. Every time I look at the blooming flowers, I'm reminded of her. She was as fragile, as beautiful and as blooming as those flowers.... I feel her in the breeze of the garden Wilfred. As the wind sweeps up my hair, I feel as if it's her, doing that. The sound of the breeze is just like her light, sweet and soft voice. I can almost hear 'Put that frown upside down brother dear. You look like an old man'..... I wish I had smiled more often when I was with her. That is why, this has become my favorite place too. I can feel my sister here, even though she is not here with me..... Do you remember when three of us, along with Curtis used to have picnic here? "

" Yeah I do." he smiled reminiscing the time all of them spent together. " that was a good time... " he said looking at his feet.

" wasn't it? " Ralph said. The silence took over, and Ralph asked something, that shocked him.

" how long - " he asked finally looking at him " - are you going to hide it?" Wilfred looked up at him in confusion.

" Hide what Ralph?" Ralph averted his gaze from him and stared at opposite direction.

"Hide your feelings about my sister." he paused for a while. "From me."

Ralph was shocked. So many feelings washed over him. He didn't know how to respond. Ralph sighed and stood up. "it's about time. Tell me when you're ready." and walked away. While Wilfred sat there alone, in utter shock. He never told anyone about it before.... How the hell did Ralph noticed.