
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

The room was dark filled with sickening aura. The only sounds in the room were ragged breathing and soft sobs. The woman, who laid on her bed, suddenly got up and held the shoulder of the young girl, who was quietly sobbing in front of her.

"L-Luria.... My child.." she coughed "Listen to me... List-" she couldn't even finish her sentence and began coughing. Her chest ached whenever she coughed, but she couldn't help it. Luria grabbed her thin hands.

"M-Mother.... Please.... Just.. Stop talking. Don't talk. You'll hurt yourself." She wanted to cure her mother. All the years she studied magic were failing her. She was helpless, she thought magic could cure anything. She hoped magic could save her life. Who knew, at the moment when she needed magic the most, the magic would fail her.

"No!... Y-you have to listen to me... I d-don't have much time... This is for your own good.... Luria! promise me that you will abide by my decision! Promise me!" she coughedas she gripped Luria's shoulders. Luria tightly pressed her mother's hands as if she will fall anytime soon.

" Mother! Please I beg you, please!....Just stop talking!... Yes I promise you! Now please stop talking! " tears were flowing down her cheeks like waterfall. Her mother, placed her rough and thin hands on both of her cheeks and wiped her tears away. Luria gazed at her for the first time since she stepped into the room. Her mother's eyes were bloodshot and sunken, but they held adoration and love for her. Luria placed her hands on top of her now cold hands.

".... Beware of the Royals. They aren't worthy of our trust... They.... They'll f-finish you... Kill you. They aren't good P-people. They a-are monsters. Stay a-away from t-them. Or e-else, what's happening to me.... W-will happen t-to you... Please.." she said breathing heavily trying to control her cough but she couldn't.

"Are.... Are you saying that the Royals did this to you!? Mother! Please tell me! What did the royals did to you?! How did this happen?! Mother please! Let me know!" she said holding her shoulders as she slowly laid back on her bed. She pulled out a book from under her blanket and placed it on Luria's trembling ones." Whatever.... You need to know... I-is in the book. This is all you need.... To become a good witch... And a good daughter.... Luria Starin... I love you. Giving life to you was hard, but when I heard your voice... I dedicated myself.... My whole life to you. And i-if you get h-hurt because of me... I w-won't be able to f-forgive myself. I pledge to k-keep you safe my dear. A-and now I won't be there f-for you... So s-stay away from the Royals. " she said taking in a deep breath. This was the first time she had heard such words coming out of her mother's mouth. She knew that her mother loved her, but she was never the type to say it, her love was hidden in her actions.

" I love you too mother. But please stay with me. You need to be with me for me to understand the book. You need to guide me. Without you I'm lost. Please mother, I know that you are very strong! You can't leave me alone." Luria noticed that she pulse died down as she was holding her hands. Her mother no longer had any motion in her body nor did she opened her eyes. "Mother?" she said shaking her shoulder but she didn't said anything. "Mother please..... Don't go.." she tried shaking her but her mother didn't opened her mouth. Luria was lost... She didn't had the most important person in her life with her anymore. She doesn't know why she has to satay away from the royals. She felt herself getting out of breath. The more she tried to breath, the harder it gets for her. Her vision was getting blurry and dark. She felt herself falling on the ground...

She woke up covered in sweat and tried to catch her breath. She scanned her surroundings as found herself on the sofa. She wasn't in her mother's room anymore. That was a dream. Thankfully. After arranging the sofa and making the breakfast, she knocked on the Prince's door and asked him to come out for breakfast.

Her mother's words rang in her mind throughout the time they were having breakfast. She didn't even paid attention to Curtis. However, she was knew, she had to be careful of Curtis. No matter how naive he might be, the same disgusting blood runs in his veins too.