
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

The palace received an anonymous letter. The palace was in chaos. Wilfred and Ralph immediately reported to the royal court. The soldier who found the letter was made to read the letter in front of everyone.

"T-This letter... Was w-written in complete disappointment by the royals, w-who were too afraid to take any action, even when the most important person is missing from his own home." he said shivering from the intense glare he was receiving from the King. Wilfred clicked his tongue in annoyance, while Ralph gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I-I'm the kidnapper of Prince Curtis Redwing. I'm writing this to c-challenge the King if he dares to come infront of me and gives back the thing he took from me and takes his son safely back. Or else the consequences will be faced by everyone who cares about him. " the soldier bowed and left. Ralph stood in front of the king and asked his permission to speak.

" Your Majesty.... I knew that the Prince was in danger. I asked you to take action, but you refused thinking that he ran somewhere. If....-God forbids, if something bad happens to His Highness, l'm a afraid but you would be to blame." he said this time, not keeping his gaze low.

" Of course. Unfortunately I didn't think that this matter would go this far... I apologize for my careless acts. But I hoped that Sir Heartward would find the prince before anything could go wrong. Didn't I gave you the full authority of the soldiers? I thought that you were continuing your search."

Ralph was speechless. The King was deliberately trying to get him in trouble. He was trying to prove himself innocent.

" Your Majesty, do you think we'll be able to find His Highness in the kingdom where nobody is aware about it? And we cannot even ask the people for help and we can't find clues without asking anyone about His Highness!" Ralph said irritation was visible in his tone. The King raised a brow at him.

" So you want me to tell the whole Raisaya, that my son has gone missing, because of our careless guards and what was the reason for his disappearance? The king has stolen something from the abductor and since the king isn't willing to give it back, so the abductor decided to abduct my son so I could possibly give it back. In precis, the king is a theif and all his guards are disloyal and careless enough for the abductor to break in and escape."

Ralph couldn't argue with him. What he said was partially correct, but he should be worried about his son and not his reputation.

" Tell me Sir Heartward. Do you wish to get the Royal Palace's name tainted? Not only will I be tarnished, but the whole court's name will be tarnished along with me. The people will loose faith in us. Will take the responsibility it, if it happens?"

After a brief moment of silence, Ralph spoke. " I will, if you will take the responsibility if something happens to His Highness." everyone including the king was surprised by his words, Wilfred was proud of him.

" If there is nothing else to say, I'll take my leave first." he bowed and left the court room, leaving everyone speechless.