
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

The dinner was awkward. Luria didn't dare to look at him but Curtis was waiting for her to speak. As soon as she finished eating she stood up and walked in the living room, closing the door behind her she started reading the grimoire . A few moments later, Curtis sat in front of her and took a book and started reading it. She sneaked glances at him. He looked even better when he focuses on something, his light brown orbs scanning the pages as if he was reading between the lines. She was really embarrassed after the whole crying scene she created. For 2 reasons. 1- she never cried in front of anyone, except when her mother was gone. 2- she is crying in front of Prince Curtis Redwing, who she kidnapped.

He must be thinking what a weak kidnapper had kidnapped him. But then again, the words he said previously made her think differently too. She almost felt guilty for doing this to him. She could have released him by now if it weren't for her mother.

"Uhh." Curtis broke the silence, glancing at her to ask her something. She flinched and pretend to read the grimoire in her hand.

"Who was that... The one who followed me outside today morning? Was it a Raven perhaps?"

"Yeah. His name is Undr. He is my familiar. Why?" she asked.

"No wonder..." he chuckled focusing on the book. This got her curious. She sat upright and disregarded the book which was in her heland and kept it on the sofa.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Mhmm.. Whenever i tried to focus on the soldiers on the way, he kept making noises and tried to pull me back by pulling my shirt collar. He almost bit me. And not to mention, he tried closing my eyes with its wings. Now that I think of it, he reminds me of you, it was so funny. " he said chuckling.

" Hey! Undr isn't that bad! He is the sweetest he was just trying to protect you! " she said folding her hands on her chest letting out an angry huff.

" Lady Luria. When did I said that he was 'bad'. He is a sweetheart and he tried to protect me is exactly the reason why I was reminded of you. " he said sweetly gazing at her. She immediately looked away from him and felt her face warning up. He cleared his throat and scanned the book again before talking about it.

" Kissing The Night by Erik Steele, is my favorite banned book. " he said.

" Why? " she asked quietly. She was still nervous to look at him, afraid that he might be staring at her.

"It talks about a man who was deeply in love with someone he shouldn't be. But she was like the night with no stars and moon. She was completely dark and nobody liked her. She tried to distance herself from him because he was like warm sun rays and breeze, everybody adored him while hated her." she listened to his words very carefully. As if his words hold really high value. She loved the way he explained everything to her. "But since he is compared to sun, he brightens everywhere he goes and she is the night so if she stays near him, she might vanish. Since whenever the sun rises, night goes. She was afraid that one of them would have to go if they were together. So she tried her very best to stay away from him. "

She felt her heart clenching hard. It felt like he was talking about her. She actually distanced herself from everyone just with the fear of people getting hurt because of her powers. She could relate to Night. She was as dark as her, with coldness and dark fog.

"However, the man never stopped. People were jealous of her getting his attention. He saw her as an eternal beauty. He saw something in her that others didn't. He slowly made her life a bit complete. And she started to like his presence. She was now like a beautiful night, with a bright moon that comes and goes, and full of bright twinkling stars that shined regardless. People also noticed the change in her. Just when she thought everything was fine now, her life took a turn when the thought of staying together forever came in their mind. "

She knew where the story was going. She knew it very well because she could relate to it. She knew if she were do this with the prince, the ending of their story would be exactly like how she has assumed. None of them would be happy. The worst is the chances of her dieing. And that's why she shouldn't make the decision like the main character. She should keep her distance. So none of them gets hurt.

"It was either the warm sun or the cold and dark night. She decided to go far away from him. So he could be happy. But when he heard of it, he didn't stop and ran to her. He tried to talk to her, but she still refused. He didn't think and kissed her. That's how it was. Even though they stay far far away from each other, they are still in each other's heart. The best part is that they still meet each other. Like how there is a time where it's a bit sunny and a bit dark too, that's how they meet, and that's how the kiss every day. I think the way he showed the love of two people who shouldn't be in love, gave them a beautiful ending and personified them to the nature is really beautiful. The best part of the day for me is when it's both sunny and dark, and I imagine night kissing the day, it makes it even better. Don't you think that too? I believe that, no story has a sad ending. But a happy ending that they haven't reached yet. I believe that for everyone. Even you, this chapter might be hard for you and you'll come to a part of your life where you think that God hasn't given you a happy ending, but that's juat a sad chapter that is going on, once it's finished, you will get your desirable happiness. If we keep thinking this way, nothing will be hard to overcome. " he said gently squeezing her hand.

" No wonder you are so good in comforting others, you read such books with a optimistic heart. I believe that this book will be my second favorite from now onwards. Maybe I've never read it with your point of view, I thought that they never meet each other again." she said with a faint smile on her face that was extremely charming to Curtis.

" I wasn't exactly optimistic Lady Luria. Maybe after meeting you i had a change of heart. Maybe meeting you wasn't bad after all. Maybe It was a destiny. "

She laughed, throwing her head backwards. This was the first time he had seen her laughing so hard, his heart skipped a beat. She looked so beautiful, her eyes mad a shape like crescent moon. He didn't realize that he was still squeezing her hand.

" Same goes for me, My Prince." when she said 'my prince' with that same smile of hers, his face reddened. He shyly looked away.

"N-Next time, let's read us together and tell each other our point of views. So we can understand it in both the ways. Oh and I wanted tell you that, about this evening, please don't feel embarrassed around me, it not a bad thing to cry and I didn't felt anything offensive towards you, in fact I was happy that you opened up to me even if it was for a little bit. " he said

" Yes, let us do that. I don't have anything to do anyways. Thank you easing the awkward atmosphere, My Prince. "

" Oh and you said something about this being you second favorite book. Which one is your first favorite then? " he asked excitedly.

" I'll tell you tomorrow ~" she said teasingly.

" Awww~ please! ~" he whined. Slowly the room was filled with their talks and laughs. They both were having such a great time that they forgot about their worries. Only if each day was as beautiful as this one.