
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

The next day, Luria thought of a plan. But she didn't told Curtis about it yet. She was cleaning the room and Curtis was outside, with her permission of course. He saw a shop and couldn't find time to go in because he was overwhelmed by sadness. He was only allowed to leave in the morning and that too with her familiar a raven, named Undr, meaning Marvel. She sat on the comfy sofa seat with a grimoire, revising the magic that she studied long ago. She heard footsteps approaching the front door and it opened with a happy Curtis skipping inside and Undr flapped back in his cage.

"Look what I found!" he said, standing next to her with a bright smile on his face, which warmed up her heart. Not many people come to her and smile, she's a witch after all. She smiled in return and kept her book aside and stood up. "What?" she asked.

He pulled out a beautiful mirror which was golden - copper in color. "I've bought a Magical Mirror!" he said excitedly.

"Pfft... What?" she asked aghast by what he just said.

"I'm not kidding!" he said making a moue. "The old lady in the shop actually told me that this mirror could see something that one can't! She said that I'm charming and courageous with the strength to protect people that I love!"

She shook her head with a small smirk.

"Well she's not wrong about you, My Prince. But I have to tell you, that you are extremely childlike and gullible. Why would you believe anyone like that? She used you, clearly. She isn't even one of us magical beings."

Curtis scoffed "Childlike?! Is that how you see me? Unfortunately for you, I'm 24 years old man who is very well aware of the world and it's shenanigans. And how are you so certain that she tricked me and isn't one of you?" he said full of confidence with his hands on his hips. Her smirk was still on her face as she looked straight into his eyes , which was irritating him and unexpectedly, making his heart race so he avoided her stare and looked everywhere but at her.

" Are you aware that this is Ffestiniog and not your Mexshire Capital?" she asked.

"Of course I do! What do you take me as?!" he asked, still reluctant to look at her.

"Well, unfortunately for you, in this town there is only one witch, and that's me. There used to be a wizard but he is currently out of town. Were you oblivious to all the hate and glares I was receiving while we were buying you some clothes? Why do you think I don't engage myself with the people and why do they run away far from me? " she said, slowly her voice changed from teasing to downhearted. He looked up to see her expression. Even though she still had a smile on her face, her eyes looked heartbroken. He was happy to understand her this time, but he did not know how to uplift her mood.

"M-Maybe.. They were afraid to talk to you because.... You are so great and admirable. They must admire you from far wishing to be just like you..." he mumbled.

She laughed, but it wasn't a happy one, it was like she was forcing it.

"No, My Prince. You are wrong. Nobody thinks that. Those are all fantasies in every magic user's heart." she said as she began turning away from him. But his words stopped her.

"Well unfortunately for you! I think like that! You can believe what ever you want but you can never change my beliefs, for I refuse to believe that you are worthless and a monster. I, Prince Curtis Redwing of Raisaya Kingdom refuse to believe that the lady infront of me is a monster, and I'm not afraid to announce it to the whole kingdom nor am I to fight the person who says this, even if the person is you, Lady Luria. "

Her mind was completely blank. Too many things were going inside her head. Just catching on one thing was hard. She couldn't believe someone, who was a descendent of a man she loathed with her whole heart , was saying this to her. She felt his presence behind her and was about to turn, but she saw his hands, which were holding the mirror, in front of her that reflected her face and Curtis's. It felt like he was back hugging her.

"The lady already told me what she saw in me. Now I'll tell you what I see in you since the old lady isn't here." he said. She was staring blankly at her face.

"I see a beautiful woman, with green eyes that hold arcane magic, with a camouflaged secret that no one can see. Beautiful features that outshine many ladies in this kingdom, and I'm grateful that I got to see you before anyone else" her eyes slowly travelled to Curtis who was focused on his words that he didn't notice her staring at him.

"I see a brave woman, who isn't afraid to use her magic and bewitch anyone who sees it, especially me, I'm very much bewitched by you. A woman who can do anything for the love of her mother, and is very wise. She doesn't care what the world thinks of her, she knows what she is capable of and isn't afraid to test her limits. People are afraid that if they interact too much with her, they may loose there shine because she is, in fact a true enchantress. She spreads magic wherever she goes, only jealous people cover their nose because they don't have what she does, and that's the power of doing the most unique and unexpected things. She doesn't know this but she is gifted in many ways. And I'm honestly glad that not many people surround her, otherwise, how in the hell would I be able to get so close to her?" he said and stepped next to her with a smile. She couldn't take her eyes off him, she felt tears in the corner of her eyes.

" Lady Luria, day before, you told me 'You are good just the way you are. Other people's words don't make you, you My Prince, you make yourself.' It honestly made me happy, and now I will have to use your words against you too. Because the Luria I see, isn't certainly a monster that she thinks she is. And it's about time you realize that. " he said her own words so sweetly and with ease. " I hope that this mirror showed you the beauty you had in you that you were unaware of, that I was desperately trying to show you. I hope you never ever think of yourself like this, till you are with me atleast." he said placing the mirror in her hand. Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, Luria held them holding him back . Confused, Curtis looked at her wondering if he had upset her in someway. Instead, Luria hugged him tightly and buried her face in his chest. He was stunned to see her hugging him. His heart was racing and his face was red. He didn't know where to keep his hands until he heard her soft sobs. He never thought that she would be this touched by his words.

He hugged her back caressing her shoulders which were violently bouncing up and down.

"Thank you, My Prince... And I'm sorry..." she whispered.

"That's okay, Lady Luria. I'll be happy just to see you confident in yourself. You helped me once, and now I did. Let us continue to support each other from now onwards. We are so similar in many ways and we have same sorts of problems and we can understand each other so well. Just remember, if you need some motivation or want to rant about something, I'll always be there for you, regardless of the situation and my position. And vice versa. So never hold back expressing your feelings in front of me. "

Surrounding their stationary selfs was a comforting silence and steady breaths. Her sobs slowly died down but she still was in her warm hold. The things which she felt for him when he does such things for her, or whenever she was with him, were confusing and she had a hunch that it wasn't good. But for now, she focused on his calm heartbeat and the unfamiliar melody that he was humming. Living wasn't so bad after all.

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