

"When did this start?"I looked at her confused until she grabbed my arms as she asked again ,"Damn it! I'm asking you ?"

"I ...I ..It started yesterday when I...that friend of yours.."She didn't let me finish and butted in ,"What friend? "

I was going to answer her but she was hurting me and I could feel her nails digging into my skin and  not only that but also we were  interrupted by some uninvited  guest .My aunt let go of me and glared at Jung kook,"What's the meaning of this?"she roared at him but Jung kook looked calm as he looked at her puzzled .

"What's the meaning of what ? Laura,"he asked as he walked towards me ."You know what I mean!"

Jung kook ignored her and sat opposite me as he took my arms in his .He rolled up my sleeve and blew on where my aunt had dug her nails into as she glared at Laura .

"I'm sorry Y/n I didn't mean to ."I looked at her as she apologized she looked apologetic and I wanted to forgive her but not before knowing the reason why she was angry .Is it that bad? Why wasn't she happy?

I was going to say something but Jung kook pinched my arm and glared at me before he said ,"She accepts your apology ,so we gotta go ,"he said before lifting me up as if I was paper weight .I wanted to protests and get out of his arms since it would be weird for a student to be carried like that by a teacher but he didn't let me go and ignored my struggling as he held me even more tight.

Before we could leave my aunt said ,"Y/n i advice you not to listen to anything he says its all lies and if you can stay away from him ,As for you Jeon Jung kook you know what you're doing is wrong .She is not the one your looking for ."

Jung kook left before I could even say anything .At that time I was confused so confused.I was lost deep in thought that I didn't notice people were staring at us until he pinched my lower leg and said,"Don't think too much."

"Look at her ,is she that shameless ? I thought she was just an innocent girl but turns out disabled people are really scheming and shameless."

"I will kill her ,such people might bring an embarrassment to our school."

They all said different kind of things and me being as weak as always felt hurt .They were right i was shameless letting a teacher carry me around even though my feet were working perfectly fine. Tears were already forming and making my vision blurry but I didn't want to cry.

"Hey are you crying?"

I nodded my head to refute his question as I wiped my tears ."You can't deny it,you are so  weak just their words make you want to cry."

I knew he was right and I didn't say anything and just  buried my head in his chest .I don't know how but I fell asleep.

I woke up only to find myself in a different room black was the color decoration of the room.I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed .

"You are awake?"I yelped and glared at the person who just startled  me ."No I'm asleep ,by the way is this your room?"

He chuckled before saying,"I didn't know the meek Y/n was this sarcastic."I also didn't know that ever since i met that guy I always felt bold all over sudden but when it comes to others I won't even dare .

I glared at him before he nodded giving me an answer to my question.