

My normal routine of waking up was with drenched sweat ,  a rapidly beating hurt and hyperventilating.

"ugh! The same dream," I said as I groaned .I raffled my hair as I laid back on the bed only to feel something tough yet smooth beneath  me .

My eyes went wide opened when I turned my head to see what It was."Ahh! "I yelled as i kicked the guy who was laying beside me and sent him sprawling to the floor. What was a guy doing in my bed?

"Hey why are you yelling? And what was  that for  ?"he said as he stood up.On seeing him I calmed down remembering the events of yesterday .

I didn't let him go after it started raining and even yet drugged him to my room ,on my bed holding him tight not giving him any space to to escape as if I lost all my sanity.

"Sorry ,"I said to him and he just nodded in response .

"Wait hold up,did I just talk ? Like am I saying words like right now like literally like is this for real?"I kept on blubbering not believing what I was hearing.

First I could hear clearly and  now I could speak .I didn't know what was going on  but I was too surprised and  yet happy.I excitedly jumped on Jung kook hugging him as I cried,"I can now talk again,now no one will look down upon me ,"I said hugging him tightly not  letting him go and surprisingly he hugged back.

If I only knew that that was beginning of imepending doom ,if only I knew it would be ephemeral I wouldn't even dare to be happy...

When I calmed down ,I asked the question that I wanted to ask for a long time,"Who are you ? Are you some sought of magical creature or something?"

He looked at me awkwardly before flicking my forehead ,"Don't get any silly ideas Y/n im just your history teacher got it?"

"Wait ,how do you know my name? And come to think of it how did you know where I live I don't remember telling you the address."It was true yesterday when i got into his car I forgot to tell him where I lived and fell asleep just like that.Seriously at times I am amused by how foolish I could be .

"You are one of my students so why shouldn't I know your name ,and plus your aunt and I are close friends and I know you are  her niece so I called her and asked her ."I nodded to his response because it sounded quite reasonable .

"OK I can believe that ,but how can you explain me being able to hear after you touched my ears and I don't know how  it happened  but I can speak  which is something inexplicable ."

He didn't answer me at first his lips we pressed together but after a while he just flicked my forehead again,"As I said don't get silly ideas running in your head again ,maybe after all the misery you have suffered ,lady luck finally smiled on you ."

I still didn't believe his words but he left just like that. Well I didn't mind I was happy ,happy that no one would consider me as a disabled person ,no one would consider me as a liability no one would bully me anymore.Speaking of which I didn't even offer him breakfast but whatever who cares .

I couldn't wait for my father to come back ,i couldn't wait to go back to school and surprise my aunt .Those two were the only family I had and cherished.

That day was a new beginning for me ,I actually arrived ten minutes before time and happily raced to my aunts office .New beginning? How pathetic it was just the calm before the storm .

"You look happy today,what's it?"she scribbled down ,and I did the same, writing ,"Guess what?"

She squinted her eyes and looked at me before she wrote again ,"What?"With joy gleaming and bubbling in me I cleared my throat before saying ,"I can speak and hear clearly!"

Once I said that she froze ,I thought she was just shocked but I was wrong .She scowled at me before slamming her desk .I flinched as I looked at her scared."Wasn't she supposed to be happy ?Why is she glaring at me ? "I asked myself as if I had the answers to my questions.

"Aren't you happy?"i asked her but soon regretted it.