
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Witch's Heart

Raven and Caleb hit it off so suddenly. She becomes thrilled that Caleb does not care that she's a witch. But, will he still be with her when he finds out about her witch's circle? Thoughts scatter through her mind about telling him more about her, she doesn't want him to run off and never talk to her again. She also knows it's vital that she keeps most things secret about her and her circle. At least until she finds out the truth about what happened to Circa.

Her heart is so pure, it has been ever since a young age. All she wants is to be loved for who she is, not for just her looks. Many of the men only want her body, and she knows that's all they want, so she's more cautious about who she becomes close with. Her good heart sometimes gets her into trouble because she's too giving and loving to all others that she goes to extremes to help anyone that she can.

Her heart is sensitive to love and being loved by someone since she's been hurt in the past. She's not one to dwell on it, but she's just more intelligent to who she gives her heart. She's dying for love and attention from a man, she will never show it though, she put a guard up after her last relationship.

It kinda made her nervous explaining to Caleb that she's a witch. When he acted as though he did not care about her being a witch, she felt a bit of relief. She often ponders giving her heart to Caleb because she feels in her heart that he's the man for her, but then her thoughts of guarding herself against others take over. While she often wonders if she could ever be in a relationship again, her heart tells her that she can!

Raven is the type of woman that is selfless, she cares about the world around her, and she does good deeds to help make her world a better place. Before she becomes any closer to Caleb, she's going to make sure he is who he says he is.

She also knows that she must be a bit lenient towards him since she cannot tell him the truth about her circle of witches. She knows she must hide it, at least for now, so she would understand if Caleb has a secret that he's not mentioning to her.

When she's not with Caleb the thought of being with him excites her. All she can think about is Caleb and what could they become. Could she love him fully or will her heart stop her from loving someone so much? Something inside her body made her tell him that she was a witch so her thoughts are that maybe she can be in a relationship with him. Her mind keeps racing back and forth in so much confusion, she must try to clear her head, it's getting out of control for her.

Then she instantly thought, "I am a witch, I can make my heart love again!" She's on a whole new path now, knowing she can change her heart and love Caleb. But first, she must read the book of shadows.

Raven flips through the pages, she is about halfway through the book searching for that magical spell, but nothing is showing her anything about casting a spell onto herself. When she becomes frustrated she flips the pages quickly, sliding each page with her fingertips, she suddenly stops, there is a page in bold black letters. She stops to read what it says:

"This book is the property of Madam Adele." At the bottom of the page, it gives her address.

Raven grabs a pen and a tablet from her desk drawer, and she writes down this name and address. She closes the book promptly then puts it away. She becomes baffled by this name and address. She sits at her desk deciding whether or not to go to this address and find out who this person is. She asks herself if finding this person would be a good or bad idea, knowing it must have to deal with the book of shadows.

Raven goes over and over the thought of going to this address and finding out who this person is, the only conclusion she can come up with is to go to the address and find out for herself. She feels many different emotions running through her body, she feels anxious to find out who this person is, and she feels tense and on edge. Then she becomes skittish, she thinks maybe this person is evil and she wants no part of an evil person. Then again, she remembers that she's a witch and she can do whatever she wants to do to someone.

She puts the piece of paper with the address on it in her pocket and leaves her house. She thought about going to Caleb's house and asking him to come along with her but that's not a good idea yet she thought.

The address says, 3659 67th street. She starts walking to it. She's not quite sure of where it's at, but she knows it's not far away from her house, she's heard of that street before in conversation. When she arrives on 67th street, she looks at the first house to see what their address is, and it's 2900, so she has a ways to go to get to 3659.

She stops and takes a breather, she looks at the house on her right to check the address, and it, is 3644.

She's jumpy and on edge about going to the house and then finding out information that she's not expecting.