
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Discovery Of Magic

Raven has finally arrived at 3659. She stops on the sidewalk right in front of this house and stares at it. The looks of this house seem like no one could live there. The grass is so tall that it looks like it's not been cut in almost six months. Then the bushes on both sides of the house aren't trimmed. The fence around the house is rusted and chipped.

She walks up to the fence doors, pushes the door open, and slowly walks down the sidewalk to the front of the house. She almost tripped while she walked down the sidewalk because of the cracks in the sidewalk. The paint on the white house is a dirty white color, and the siding on the sides of the house is ripping off as if a storm blew pieces off. Then the wooden front porch is caving in on the left side of you when you're facing the front door. The two rocking chairs are covered in cobwebs, not to mention the curtains are a yellowish color.

While she is standing at the front door and begins to think, "should I knock on this door or leave? What kind of house is this? What did I get myself into?" She hesitates before knocking on the door. She turns around as if she is going to leave, then stops, turns back, and decides she's just going to knock on the door.

Raven knocks on the door quickly before she thinks about leaving. She knocked about four times before a lady opened the door. Raven stands at the door staring at an older lady, not knowing what to say. The lady finally spoke and said, "Can I help you?" Raven mumbles, "A-Ahh, yes. Can I come in?" The lady lets Raven in, and they walk into her kitchen and sit down.

Raven introduced herself to the lady as she poured them a cup of coffee. The lady sits down at the table with Raven and introduces herself to Raven as Madam Adele. Raven then informs her that she's a witch. She wasn't afraid to let Madam Adele know because the looks of Madam Adele must have something to do with the book of shadows.

After Raven informs her about being a witch, she asks her who she is. Madam Adele makes it aware that she is a medium, and then she asks what brought her here. She made it clear to Madam Adele that she was looking through a witch's book and came across a page with her address on it that was the only thing written on the page, so she needed to find out who lives at the address. Madam Adele firmly looks at her and says, "Oh, you have my book! What is the name of the book?" "The book of shadows," Raven replied. "Ahhh, yes. I lost that book when I moved. That book is very important and you must keep it locked away. I have no use for it now, I know everything that I need to know," She said.

"I will, but can you tell me more about the book? I'm new to all this and weird things have been happening around me, and I must know how to use my powers of magic," Raven replied.

"First, your magic is very important to learn and only you can reverse any magic that you do," She said. Raven made sure she mentioned that she knows that much about magic, she just doesn't know much more."

Madam Adele explains to Raven that there is much to performing magic, she explains in detail about the different kinds of magic that she can put on people. She informs her that she can use different herbs and plants, and she can use witch tools that are common objects from her daily life that are empowered with magic. Madam Adele explains magic to Raven in a deep voice, "Your magic first and foremost is the biggest tool you will ever have. The magic will give you an avenue to attain what your heart desires, protection, divination, healing, luck, vengeance, and most importantly your sense of empowerment."

"Only you can cast this magic upon people, you must use it in a way to serve you and only you," Madame Adele said.

The whole time she explained magic, Raven sat at the table and took everything that was said to her. She became a bit nervous because she now realizes she has the power to use her magic on whoever and whatever, it was all up to her! She thanks Madam Adele, and leaves suddenly. Madam Adele sat there and wondered why she had left so suddenly.

After Raven left her house, she went to Melissa's house. She felt like she needed to know what she had just found out. When she arrived at Melissa's she saw that she was sitting on the porch swing, so she sat down next to her, she huffs and puffs out of breath from running. Melissa looks at her and asks her if everything is okay. Raven shakes her head up and down and then she sighs, "yes."

Raven informs her that she is not going to believe what she is about to tell her. Melissa sits on the swing and waits for her to tell her. Raven calmed down and started to tell her about the book and how she found the name and address of the medium on that one page. Melissa still listens, quietly. Raven then makes her aware of how she went to the house with that address and met Madam Adele, they talked and she told her all about using her magic! Melissa spoke and said, "Wait, you mean the lady you met is someone that we can go to if we must?" "Yes," Raven replied.

"She knows everything about witches and witchcraft and their magic," Raven said as she stuttered.

Raven looks at Melissa and wonders why she isn't nervous, like the way she's nervous. Melissa just sits on the swing with a grin, like she already knows all of this, but what she doesn't know is about the bad part of the magic.