
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Moments after they saw each other, Ninja finally spoke in a surprised voice, "I can't believe it's you! Caleb! I haven't seen you in years." Caleb looks at Nija and says, "I can't believe it's you either! Where have you been?" Before Nija answers Caleb he hands him his cat. Caleb takes the cat into his arms and says, "He must have gotten out somehow. Did you find him?" "I did. I just got into town and I was on a late night walk, I saw the cat roaming around and I figured he belonged to this house since there are no close neighbors," Ninja replied. "I know. I actually just moved in here and I wanted to be away from people ever since my mom disappeared," Caleb said.

Nija stands at the front door frozen, he becomes nervous because he knows where his mom is and he cannot let Caleb know that he knows. They used to be good friends a while ago but ever since he became a demon he has changed. Caleb doesn't know that he is not on his side, and now he must let Alatar know that he may have found the missing link!

Nervously, Nija explains that he must leave and get home. He runs off, and Caleb stands there shaking his head back and forth in confusion, as Nija disappears, Caleb walks back into his house. He tries to go back to bed but he can't fall asleep, Nija showing up like that has got him suspicious about him.

When they were friends a couple of years ago, he just left without any sign and Caleb never saw him again, and now he just shows up on his doorstep pretending he didn't know where he just seemed too suspicious. Caleb tends to stay away from people because every time he becomes close to someone they disappear, so he figures that it's better to not get close to anyone. The only person he's met since moving back is Raven. At first, he was leery about even talking to her, but her beauty captured his eyes, so he put his thoughts aside and approached her.

Caleb's mind races back and forth with many different thoughts going through his head, he feels like he's going crazy as he keeps thinking about Raven and now Nija just showing up the way that he did, his mind is telling him something is not right. But then he thinks, maybe he really didn't know he lives here, maybe he was just taking a walk. So instead of jumping to any conclusions, he must first have a long talk with his old buddy.

Caleb still hasn't slept, it's early in the morning the next day, instead of staying in the house all day, he decides that he's going to go out and find Nija. Hoping that he finds him so that he can have a talk with him. He was surprised when he mentioned his mom being missing, Nija didn't respond to that, and that's when it seemed like he took off quickly.

He jumps in his car and heads to the diner a few miles down the road. It's obvious that he has no idea where to look for Nija, so the diner is his first stop. While he sits at a booth sipping on a cup of coffee, holding the newspaper, and reading it, while waiting for his eggs and toast to arrive, he picks his head up from reading the paper, looks over to the left of him, and notices Raven walking in. He quickly turns his head back to reading the paper because he doesn't want Raven to notice that he was staring at her.

Raven notices Caleb sitting at the booth and she walks over to him. She greets him, he greets her back, then she asks him if she could sit with him while she waits for her breakfast. Of course, Caleb is thrilled that she wants to sit with him, he puts the paper down, looks at Raven, and asks her how she's doing? Raven replied to him that she was good!

She apologizes to him for the way she acted toward him the other day. He accepted her apology and told her not to worry about it.

"So Raven. Tell me about yourself," Caleb said softly.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Raven replied.

"Anything you want to tell me," Caleb said smirkingly.

Raven sits silently for a moment, pondering about telling him that she's a witch since she can see it in his eyes that he feels something towards her and she feels something towards him. If she lies to him and they hook up and he finds out by someone else then things will be ruined and if things work out between them, she won't worry about the lie that she's carrying. She decides to just tell him the truth about her.

"A-ahh.. So If I tell you about me you probably aren't going to believe me," She said.

"Try me," Caleb replied.

"I'm a witch," She said quickly as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Oh really now?" Caleb replied with a sneer.

"Yes. I really am a witch, don't you believe me?" Raven questions him.

"See, that's the thing. I do believe you!" Caleb gives Raven a grin.

Raven is awestruck that Caleb believes that she's a witch. She never expected this from him. Now she's glad she told him the truth about her. She's not so nervous anymore, now she can have a real relationship without hiding who she really is!

Raven sits with her elbows on the table and looks at Caleb, squinting her eyes, and says, "Do you really believe me? I just never thought you would in a million years. Isn't this awkward for you?" "No. In fact, it's not awkward for me. I think you're amazingly beautiful and it doesn't matter to me what you are. I like you for you," Caleb explains.

Raven's still in shock that he believes her, so she switches it up and asks him where he's from.