
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs


After Alatar finished telling Circa the powers she has now, she still has many questions for him. Circa is still a bit confused as to why he picked her and brought her to his world, what this world is made of, and what her duties are in this world. She wants to ask him so badly, but she's still nervous about him, she doesn't really know him and she's not sure if she should trust him just yet, she's not even sure if he is telling her the truth about her powers. She must figure out a way to find out if he is who he says he is!

Circa decides to bluntly say to Alatar, "Forgive me, but I don't believe any of this. I really want this to seem all too crazy to me." Alatar looks at Circa with a smirk on his face and says, "Trust me! This is all real and I am here to help you win the battle of your life. I know more than you think I do and you will find out soon." Those words rang in Circas' head as she stood up from the chair and started walking out of the room. Alatar follows her.

The door swings open and Circa is now outside of the warlock's castle, with Alatar right behind her. She walks around the castle as if she's looking for some clue as to why she was brought to this castle. She whispers, "Is this a dream that I'm in?" Alatar says from behind her, "This is not a dream. Listen to what I say to you!"

"This world is mine and only mine! I am the king of this world and everyone here follows me," Alatar explains to Circa.

Circa must trust him on this, he knows more than she does in her world. He is her protector now. She must come to terms with her new world, she is the leader of the witches in her world and she must do as she's told or her spell will not work. She will carry these powers when she arrives in her world of the living and she must get her three other witches to become on her side. Circa must not disobey Alatar as he gave her new powers and she must use them.

"When I release you back to your world, you must follow what I have told you. When you come to terms with this world here, you will vanish back to your world and I will be watching you," Alatar explains in a deep voice.

Alatar leaves Circa be and she scopes out the area of the castle, and when she looks up to the sky all she sees are bright, shining stars, the sky is clear, there are no clouds, the moon shines bright right over the top of the castle, just then she realizes that she's not in a dream, this is real. Everything looks so beautiful to her. When she looks below the hill that the castle stands upon, she sees beautiful land, when she looks to the left side of the castle, she sees a small river, the water flows gently with small white waves. She begins to walk down the hill from the castle, she wants to see the beautiful land, and even though it's nighttime she doesn't care because the stars shine bright and light this world up. Alatar stands at the top of the hill watching Circa as she roams the land. Right before she leaves the castle, she must open the gate, the gate is a locked gate and she has no idea how to open it, then all of a sudden, the gate opens! Circa stands there in shock, she looks around, and then as she looks to the castle, she sees Alatar standing there, he opened the gate with his powers, and right then, is when she knew all this is real, this is definitely not a dream that she's in. After the gate opens slowly, she walks out into the land.

She walks down the sidewalk, she sees statues of stone men on each side of the sidewalk. She walks further down and to her right, she sees all grass with water well. The water well has statues of small animals, mostly cats sitting around it. As she walks further out into the land, she sees that she's getting close to the river, so she walks faster to get there. As she arrives upon the river, she stops, she looks at the water flowing through the land, and she becomes amazed at how beautiful this land is. On the other side of the river are trees, most of the trees are big and tall with beautiful red, orange, and yellow leaves hanging from them. The whole way down the river on the other side are these trees, then she thinks to herself, 'I wonder what is on the other side of this river?' She has a smirk on her face and puts her hand on her lips in question.

There is much more to this land, but she decides to go back to the castle and ask Alatar about what's on the other side. She walks back to the castle the same way she arrived at the river. As she walks back, she hears a whispering voice, it says, "eye of newt and toe of frog." She suddenly stops and looks around, she's heard this whispering voice before, but she does not see anyone or anything around. Then the voice whispers again, "Double double toil and trouble, hocus pocus." Then suddenly, she's at the top of the hill at the castle.

Circa becomes astonished, she has no idea what just happened to her. One minute she was standing on land, and the next minute she was standing at the castle. She can't help but just stand at the front of the castle, she's stunned as to what just happened.

Now she knows this is all so real. She's a real witch! She is charmed at how she is becoming a sorceress. This is the way she always wanted to be, and now she has it! She continues to stand at the front of the castle, she looks at it and raises her arms up to the sky with a smirk on her face.

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