
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Mysterious Warlock

As Circa sleeps, comes another storm, but this time, it's not your usual storm. The sounds of the lightning crash against her house, there is no rain, just thunder, and lightning. The thunder starts rumbling as the lightning crashes, Circa wakes to the sounds of the storm. She looks out of her bedroom window, she doesn't see any rain, she just hears the thunder and lightning. She has no idea why this is happening, but when she turns around she sees a man standing in her room. The man is tall, thin, and muscular with long black hair and brown eyes. He holds his Amethyst, blue stone, and a rod. He wears a hunter's coat with a hood on top of his head. Circa becomes shocked, she has no idea what is going on or what is going to happen and all she can do is stand still beside the window, staring at this man.

The man does not say a word, he points his shard amulet at her and she becomes dazed. As she begins to fall to the ground, the man picks her up and suddenly takes her to another world, 'his world.' They vanish into thin air. With Circa still asleep, they arrive at the warlock's castle.

In the dark of the night, the castle shines beneath the moon and stars. The castle sits on top of a hill in the outer world of the warlocks. Circa still sleeps because of the spell the warlock put her under, he needs her to complete his world demons. He has the power of both demons and witches, but he has a greater degree of these powers that make him incredibly powerful. He has two weaknesses that will ruin him. The first weakness is that he cannot cross hallowed ground or a blessed building. The second weakness is, he cannot come into contact with an angel, for they have the power to kill the warlock. His powers are greater than any other warlock, since having witch and demon powers.

Alatar (the warlock) keeps Circa under his spell for hours after he had brought her into his world. His spell should be wearing off her soon, so he sits on his throne and waits for her to wake. A half-hour passes by and Circa awakes. She opens her eyes wide open, looks around, and jumps up from the floor. She has no idea where she is, and she becomes a nervous wreck and starts to panic, she runs to the door and tries to open it, but it does not open, she never saw Alatar sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. Alatar stands up and points his rod at her and says, "It's locked." Circa turns around slowly, she looks at Alatar with a very confused look on her face and says, "Where am I and who the hell are you?" Alatar walks back over to his chair, sits down and puts his rod to the side of the chair, and says, "I am your warlock!"

"Wait. What?" Circa said.

"I am a warlock. I brought you to my world," Alatar replied.

"I'm confused. I have no idea what you mean," Circa said.

"You're a witch and I am a warlock. We are teamed together now! You are in my world and I need you to be a part of my pack," Alatar replied.

"Your pack? You're going to have to explain this further to me," Circa replied.

"Sit down. I will tell you," Alatar said.

Circa sits on the chair across from Alatar and looks him in his eyes, she crosses her legs and arms.

"So, tell me. What's going on?"

"You had cast a spell back in your world right?" Alatar asks.

"A-Ahh, yes. I did," Circa replied.

"Okay, so when you did that, you called upon me to come for you. You're a witch and the spell was to get you to me. We are one now and we must conquer the world you lived in," Alatar replied.

"Why though? I'm still confused," Circa said.

"You couldn't deal with the people in your world, so here I am and now I'm going to help you get rid of all the people that have done wrong to you. But, you must keep me a secret. No one must find out about me or my plan will not work," Alatar said.

"Ohhh… I understand now. What is it that we are going to do?" Circa asks.

"I will tell you when the time is right. First, you must learn my world and how it works," Alatar said.

Alatar starts off explaining how warlocks are, as Circa sits in the chair quietly, she pays deep attention to him. Alatar mentions to her that warlocks have many powers, powers of no other. He then tells her that he will go into detail about all the powers he has and how he will give them to her. But first, he must explain the most important things to her.

"This is most important. You are now my servant, my mate and no one can take that away from us if we keep this a secret. The ONLY way it can be taken away is if an angel finds out about me, she has the power to kill me. So, always remember this," Alatar said.

All Circa can do is sit and listen to him.

"Now I will explain to you the powers you have," Alatar said.

"I'm listening," Circa replied.

"With all of these powers comes great knowledge, so listen closely," Alatar said.

"You now have the power to Use magic, this is the energy to manipulate and induce phenomenon amongst people. The power of conjuration is an act to create, summon, and command a person. The next power is reality warping, and this is, you have the ability to change nature or form of reality. The last power that I have given you is teleportation, which is, you have the ability to travel to another spot quickly," Alatar explained.

Circa shows a smirk on her face as if she's the most powerful witch that there was and ever is going to be. This is what she has wanted, but what she does not know is that she must watch using her powers because they could come back at her tenfold.