
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The World Beneath The Stars

Raven sits in her bedroom thinking to herself as to why Circa is acting the way that she is. She's known Circa for a long time and she just knows that Circa is not herself. She feels that she is becoming a person that she's not. The last time she was around her, she sensed that there was something different about her, she saw it in her eyes. Circa has a weird glow in her eyes that Raven has never seen before. As she continues to try and figure out what is going on with Circa, she becomes so frustrated that she storms out of her bedroom, down the stairs, and sits outside on her porch in the late hours of the dark night.

The swing rocks back and forth as Raven looks up to the sky, wondering what is going on. She sees how bright the sky is because of all the stars shining from above. She has never seen the night sky this bright before, not that she thought it was weird, but she just has not seen it like this, ever. Raven then becomes so mesmerized by the night sky she had to collect herself and her thoughts. Her mind races because all she is trying to do is figure out why Circa is being the way she's being and she really does not want to think about that right now. Raven feels as though it is getting the best of her and it's changing her thoughts toward Circa.

As her mind keeps racing, she becomes wide awake in the late hours of the night so she still sits on the swing looking up at the sky, then suddenly, she sees a shadow between a bunch of stars that are surrounding one another, she shakes her head back and forth, she clears her eyes with her hand and looks up to the sky again looking for the shadow that she could swear she saw. As she looks, she doesn't see the shadow, she squints her eyes and thinks to herself, "What the heck! I know I saw a shadow of some kind between all the stars." She shakes her head back and forth again and doesn't see it. Now she's more confused than ever!

Raven runs back into her house and up to her bedroom. She hops on her bed and even though it's in the late hours of the night, she decides to give Allison a call. Allison answers her phone in a mumbling, tired voice and says, "H-Hello." Raven replies, "Get over here quick. We need to talk, it's important." "What! What could be so important in these hours of the night?" Allison replied. "Just get over here, please!" Raven said panicky.

Raven hangs up the phone quickly and waits for Allison to arrive.

All she can do is sit in her room, wide awake, and think about what she had just seen! She couldn't believe her eyes, but there is a part of her that thinks she was going crazy. "There is no way a damn shadow was in that sky," She thought.

No sooner, she hears a knock at her front door, she races down the steps, and it's Allison. She pulls her inside by her arm, gently. She takes her up to her bedroom, and Raven sits on her bed and Allison sits on the chair beside Raven's bed.

"OMG. You aren't going to believe this!" Raven said.

"What?" Allison replied tiredly.

"So, let's just keep this between you and me. Okay?" Raven asked.

"Okay. But what are we keeping a secret?" Allison said.

"OMG. I haven't been able to sleep at all tonight, I am having these weird feelings about Circa. I don't know what these feelings are or mean, but they aren't right. So anyway. I was sitting on the swing outside, looking up at the sky, and I saw a shadow between the stars! I looked up again, and it was gone," Raven explained frantically.

"You know how dumb you sound right now? There is no way that there was a shadow in the sky, like come on girl, get your mind right," Allison said.

"No. I saw it. I know I did! You must believe me!" Raven replied.

Allison sits in the chair shaking her head back and forth. She doesn't believe Raven, she thinks she is making this up. Raven tries to convince Allison that what she saw was real, but Allison is not falling for it. Raven begs Allison to believe her and that she's not going crazy, but Allison just keeps giving her a smirk and shakes her head, she doesn't know what to say to her.

Then Raven bluntly says, "If you aren't going to believe me, let's see for yourself!" So the both of them go outside and sit on her porch swing. They sit outside looking up at the sky, there is no shadow. They must have sat outside for nearly an hour and finally, Allison says, "This is ridiculous, I'm going home and going to bed now! Call me tomorrow!" Allison leaves and Raven still sits outside for a bit longer. She knows she saw a shadow, now she wants to wait to see if it appears again.

Just as Raven gets up from the swing, she sees the shadow again. The shadow appears in the same exact spot as it was the first time she saw it. She stands on the porch staring at it, she tries to make it out, but it's so far up in the sky, she can't quite see what it is, all she knows is that it is a shadow of some sort. About five minutes later, it vanishes again. Raven stands there with a confused look on her face, her hands on her hips as she tries to figure this out.

As she starts to walk inside her house, she suddenly hears a whisper, she looks around and there is no one in sight. Now she's going crazy, she has no idea as to what is going on. She hears the whisper again, and it says, "HEX HEX."

Raven quickly races up to her bedroom, she sits on the chair beside her bed. With her knees curled up to her chest and her head between her knees.