
The White Legend

PhoenixRising24 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Cassidy's POV:

It's been a week since school had started. I've been keeping my head down, hoping to just concentrate on my schooling and not let any distraction keep my focus away from what truly mattered. Finding a secret spot to shift, before Halloween.

I was currently in the changing room, getting ready for my next favorite class, gym. I didn't know what we would be doing today but anything to be close to Zane. I know it was wrong of me but something kept telling me to be near him.

"Hey how are you?" said Bianka. We have been getting really close to each other this past week.

"I've been good. Kinda confused I guess..." I said. I wasn't sure if I should tell her but I didn't want to keep it to myself.

"What do you mean? Is everything alright?" she asked sounding concerned. Well this was it. I made sure that we were alone in the changing rooms.

"Promise me that whatever I tell you, your not going to run away screaming... or that you're not going to tell anyone? Please?" I said begging her. My instinct told me she was trustworthy but I needed her word.

"I promise Cass whatever it is, it can't be that bad." She said. Well here goes nothing. I told her everything. About me being adopted, being the daughter of a Goddess of dragons, meeting my mates, having a crush on the professor. I spilled everything even though I knew I risked everything but I needed advised and didn't want to go to my parents.

I waited. She looked surprised.

"Wow, that's a lot of pressure." was all she said. She didn't look like she was going to run. "I promise you, I won't tell anyone I promise."

"Thank you! How are you not freaking out? I just told you something out of a fairy tale book." I asked her confused. I don't know anyone who would accept this without running screaming that I was insane.

"I have a secret too, but the class is about to start... I promise that as soon as I can I will tell you, but for now we need to focus on you! Do you think he's your mate?" she asked.

"I don't know. I can't stop thinking about him though, and it's so wrong to go after a professor." I said, so confused about my feelings. I was going to say more, but the rest of the girls came in to get ready for class.

Once me and Bianka got changed, we went back out to sit in the circle that was forming around Professor Zane. I couldn't stop thinking about Zane in just his sweatpants. He was so hot that night... with an 8-pack. God, I needed to stop thinking about him this way.


Zane's POV:

There she was, sitting right there. I needed to be close to her. I was going insane since she came into my house. That night, she was so beautiful and I knew that she found me attractive. The way I caught her staring at me, she was blushing so hard.

"Good afternoon students," I said. "Today we are going to run a few laps around the outside soccer field, then we are going to play a game of soccer!" I told the class, dismissing them at the same time.

As the students made their way onto the soccer field, I was watching her from afar. They were all jogging around the soccer field by the time I got to them. I let them jog 4 laps around the field before I whistled for them to come to the center.

"Alright Class, we are going to play a game of soccer! It'll be a clean one please, no hitting, no body slamming. There will be consequences if you guys don't listen," I told them. I separated the class into two equal teams and blew the whistle for them to start.

Brittany and Cassidy were both facing each other to see which team would get the ball first. Cassidy won and the game began. Everything was going smoothly until Cass accidentally tripped and hit Brittany.

"Watch out you bitch!" Brittany yelled while shoved Cass. She was trying to apologize but Brittany didn't want to hear it so she punch Cassidy in the face. You could hear the loud cracking noise indicating that Brittany had broken her nose. I ran to Cass as fast as I could.

"Brittany! Detention and go the principal office!" I yelled while kneeling to check up on Cass, who was clutching her nose and crying.

"But Zane, she hit me first... I was just defending myself!" She pouted while giving me her flirtatious puppy dog eyes. Obviously not believe her lies because I saw my angel accidentally trip, I told her to go to the principal office. Turning to my mate, I looked at her broken nose.

"Hey take it easy there, you have a broken nose. Let me take you to the infirmary." I told her as she tried to get up.

"But the class?" she asked still shook up and crying.

"Class dismissed. Go to the library for the reminder of the hour and study for your other classes." I told everyone. "I will know if you ditch... and there will be detentions if you do... so better think twice." I warned them.


Cassidy's POV:

My nose was brutally killing me. I was clutching it when Professor Zane told me he needed to reset it in place before we headed to the infirmary. As soon as he touched my skin, it erupted in thousands of little sparks. I jerked a bit, not knowing what it meant. I had never felt like this before.

"I'm not going to lie, this is going to hurt Cass." He said moments before snapping my nose back in place. I screamed and started crying as the pain was unbearable.

As I was clutching my nose again, he picked me up bridal style and started walking towards the infirmary. I was blushing hard as I could feel his muscle move and strain a bit underneath me. I fit perfectly in his arms, which was the best feeling in the world.

Shaking my head, I had to stop thinking about him this way. He was my teacher for christ sake. I could not have feelings for him. Mate or not, it was just wrong.

Finally getting to the infirmary, Zane set me down on the little bed and went to talk to a nurse. She put a bandage on my nose to make sure it stayed stable and gave me a few pain med's. She warned me that the pain med's might make me sleepy and asked if I had anyone to take me home.

"No.. both my parents are working and I shouldn't bother them at their new jobs." I told her.

"I'll take her home... just let her teachers know that she went home please." I heard Zane say. I was going to protest but the pain med's were kicking in, and I was getting really tired.

Next thing I knew, I was being picked up by Zane and then I fell asleep.


Zane's POV:

"I am bringing Cassidy home, Brittany broke her nose and the nurse had to give her pain med's." I mind linked Bianka and Nathaniel.

"That bitch! I swear I will beat her!" I heard Bianka growl. I knew she had gotten close to my little mate.

I gently picked Cass up in my arms and headed towards the door. She snuggled closer to me putting her face in the crook of my neck. I sighed happily. I had been waiting for a while to meet my mate, and I couldn't be happier.

**Hmm we should take her to our place!** My wolf said purring.

** We could, it's closer... and we have the pack doctor there too, to look at her nose.** I replied.

With my mind set, I went to my truck and gently put her in the passenger seat.

During the drive home, I kept looking over to make sure she was okay.