
The White Legend

PhoenixRising24 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

Cassidy's POV:

I couldn't believe myself, getting jealous over a student talking with our gym teacher. I admit he was super muscled and hot. He had shoulder length black curly hair which suited him so well. He had really dark brown eyes, that looked almost black. I sighed, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I was in the changing room, totally lost in my thoughts, when this girl decided to pushed me against the wall.

"Listen here bitch, Zane is mine. You better get that straight!" she said her fake nails digging in my skin as she was jabbing me with them.

"Look I don't know what you want, but I don't even know the teacher! I just got here." I tried telling her.

"Make one move towards him and I swear that you will regret it." She flipped her hair and left me there.

I have no idea what her problem was. I was not one to date teachers. That was just so wrong. I finished changing and headed out. Just as I got to my car, this girl was running towards me.

"Hey you're the new girl right?" A girl yelled. She had long red hair. She was wearing tight jeans and a black leather top that was form fitting. The girl had deep black eyeliner that made her eyes look big and intimidating. Over all she was really pretty in a dark way.

"Yeah that's me" I said unsure as to what she wanted.

"My name is Bianka, Bianka Killbane." She held her hand out for me to shake. I looked at it, and decided to shake it.

"I'm Cassidy Blake, I just moved here from Cape Breton." I told her. I was pretty sure she already knew, as new students were pretty much the talk of the schools.

"Oh I know! Everyone is talking about the new girl" She laughed. "How was your first day?" She seemed really curious. I think me and her could be great friends.

"It was alright, except after gym class." I told her while thinking about the girl staking a claim on Professor Zane. Just saying his name was sending shivers down my spine. I do agree the teacher was hot but it's so wrong to want a teacher in that way. Bianka looked at me quizzically.

"What happened after gym?" She asked. I was debating on if I should tell her. I didn't want to gossip about other people. God only knows how much I hate it when other people talk shit behind my back.

"Oh it's nothing just this girl asserting her territory..." That was all I was willing to tell her for now. "Anyway I should probably go, my parents are waiting for me at home." I told her.

We said goodbye, we exchanged numbers and I got in my car. Plugging in my phone, I started playing Panda by Designer. I loved the beat of the song in the car. I waved bye to Bianka and sped off the parking lot, direction home.


I parked my car in the driveway and went inside. As soon as I stepped inside the house, I could smell lasagna. My mom had made my favorite dish for dinner. I followed the smell to the kitchen.

My mom was there, taking out the lasagna dish from the oven, while my father was getting the salad out of the fridge.

"You're just in time Cass!" my mother said. "Now go change, we have that dinner at your father's new boss's house." She told me while covering the lasagna. I nodded my head and ran upstairs.

Reaching my room, I headed towards my closet. I found a pretty sundress to wear for the dinner. It had a blue top with a floral skirt. The dress also had a black ribbon in the middle.

I went to my bathroom and started straightening my hair. Once I was finished, I started applying my makeup. Once I was done, I grabbed my black flats and my sketchbook bag headed downstairs.

"I'm ready mom!" I said waiting by the door.

"Alright honey! Go start the car... we are just finishing wrapping the lasagna." I heard my father say. I grabbed the keys and went outside.

Sitting in the back, I started outside as the car rolled towards our destination. After about 30 minutes of driving outside the town, we turned on the dirt road. We followed that road for another 15 minutes before arriving in front of a beautiful mansion.

"Wow!" I said out loud. My parents chuckled.

"How do you like it honey?" my dad asked. There was no words to describe this place. It was beautiful. It was a 5 story mansion. It could probably hold 600 to 700 hundred people easy. I don't know why someone would need this big of a house. From the entrance, I saw that it was gated from when we entered the driveway 15 minutes ago. Which is probably why my dad was hired to do the security.

"You can stop staring now Hun." my mom said chuckling. Getting out of the car, I took some of the dish plates we had brought with us.

We all started to walk towards the front door. I was about to knock but my father told me not to bother and to just walk in. As I opened the door, I could smell so many different dishes that were being cooked. It smelled so good.

We all headed towards the kitchen. When we got there, we could see about ten people all working chefs uniform. We put our food with the rest of the dishes. On our way out of the kitchen and into the living room, the sliding door opened and in came Professor Zane.

He was wearing these low hanging sweatpants, and you could clearly see the nice "v" that would make any girl crazy. Someone cleared their throat and I realized that Professor Zane had caught me staring.

Blushing like crazy, I lowered my head down so I could hide behind my hair. I can't believe I was checking out my gym teacher. It was so wrong.

"Alp-" my dad started saying but he cleared his throat. "Zane, I want you to meet my daughter Cassidy and my wife Diana."

"I know your daughter as she is my student at school. We met earlier today. As for you Diana it is a pleasure to meet you." he said. I really loved to hear his voice. Shaking my head of the thoughts that invaded my head, I nodded my head towards my Professor.

"Nice to see you again Professor Zane. You have one beautiful house." I said respectfully. I apologized to my parents and told them I would be in the garden drawing until dinner would be ready.

Following my instinct, I walked in the forest. I found myself by a waterfall. It was so beautiful there. The water was so clear and there was gorgeous flowers growing. There was just something magical about this place.

Finding a rock, I sat down. Recently I've been having dreams of this wolf and I couldn't get it out of my head. Opening my sketchbook, I stared at the blank page. Closing my eyes, and listening to the noise of nature, I started to get this calm feeling wash over me, I opened my eyes and started drawing.

I was so concentrated in my drawing, that when a branch snapped nearby, I jumped up a bit. I looked around and saw a dog looking thing trying to hide behind a bush.

"Here doggy! I can see you..." I said unsure. I was still sitting, clutching my sketchpad. The dog got up and I quickly realized it wasn't a dog, but a wolf. His eyes were piercing blue, and his fur was whiter than snow.

I'm saying "he" but for all I knew it was a female. It just sat there, staring at me. Realization soon clicked in. This was the wolf I had been dreaming about, but why? Nothing made sense.

Suddenly the wolf got up and slowly crawled towards me. From the sheer size of it, I was assuming it was a male. He sat down and stared at me some more.

"Don't eat me please!" I said to the wolf afraid it would want to eat me. He turned his head sideways. I could see in his eyes the curiosity.

"Okay so maybe you aren't going to eat me..." I said as I slowly got up. He shook his head no. It was weird, it's like he understood what I was saying. The wolf moved closer to me and sniffed my leg.

"Well since you aren't going to eat me... I am just going to sit here and draw some more." I told him. Just as I opened my book to draw, I could hear my dad in the distance saying dinner was ready.

Sighing , I got up and said my goodbyes to the wolf. On my way to the house, I couldn't stop thinking about the wolf. Those eyes haunted my dreams for weeks, and then I just happened to meet the wolf. Shaking my head, I just pushed the silly idea out. It couldn't be the same wolf.

I walked inside and sat at the table waiting for everyone to arrive. Dinner was uneventful. I met with my father's coworkers, we made small talk. One thing I noticed is that Zane was nowhere to be found. I don't know why it bugged me so much. I had just hoped to see him.


Arriving home, I headed to my room. I grabbed a set of pj's and heading in the shower. After my shower, I laid down in my bed. I looked at the time and it was only 9:30 at night. I wasn't sure what to do, my homework was already done, since I had finished them in class. I didn't feel like watching TV. Something was calling though. I could feel it deep in my bones, making me restless.

I went to my books to find the letter my real mother had written me.

Dear Daughter,

I am sorry I cannot be there for you as your growing up. That I am missing all the important steps in your life. But it is for an important cause. You see i am the Goddess of the Dragon Realm.

You, my dear, are next in line to success. On your 17th birthday, you will change into the most beautiful dragon this world has ever seen. Then, you will meet your mates.

You will have one year with them to get to know them and grow. After that on your 18th birthday, You will come to the Dragon World, where you will train for two years to be my successor. And finally on your 20th birthday, you will take over as the new Goddess.

Now my child, you have something very unique. You are part of the White Legend. Something I will discuss with you later. For now just make sure that when you shift no one and I mean NO ONE must see you. There are people in your world that will want to hurt you.

Oh also before I forget, Your real birthday is on October 31st.

Take care my child

Lots of love,

Mom xxx

I finished reading the letter even more confused than before. My birthday was a month away. I knew my parents gave me the letter earlier then they were supposed too, but I am glad they did. It's going to give me time to come to terms with my future. I know there is no point in ignoring it. I don't want to leave this world, but I have always felt out of place here.

I had one month to figure out where I could go that it was private enough for me to change and not be seen.