
The White Legend

PhoenixRising24 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Cassidy's POV:

I slowly woke up, feeling really comfy. My bed was suddenly bigger then I remembered. I opened my eyes, only to realize that I was definitely not in my bedroom. The wall were painted black and silver. There was a computer desk with some paperwork on it that was surprisingly organized from what I could see.

There was a door, which I was guessing it was the bathroom. From here, I could see the walk in closet too, and I was current laying down in a four poster bed, with matching silver and black curtains. I wondered where I was.

I slowly got up, and went the the door I was assuming was the exit door. My nose was a killer. Walking in the hallway, I came to a set of stairs. Following them down, I got to the familiar hallway where I had seen Professor Zane half naked. Since I remembered the way to the kitchen, I went to see if anyone was there.

No luck, no one was in the kitchen. I started wondering through the hallways until I came to a huge door which had a name plate beside it. It read "Alpha Zane Killbane", just then I realized he must be related to Bianka, and what did Alpha stand for... that was so weird.

I gently knocked at the door, to see if anyone was inside. I didn't wait for an answer. I slowly opened the door. What I saw next left me confused. Brittany was sitting on top of Professor Zane. They seemed to be in a heavy make out session. Her shirt was gone, so was his, and he had love bites all over his chest. I could see her moving up and down, so I could only guess what they were doing behind that desk. Worse is, he seemed to be enjoying it. I gasp seeing the seen before me. If he was my mate he was cheating on me... and if not, then I really don't know why I was feeling this way.

Hearing me gasp, Zane turned around and saw me. Immediately, he pushed her aside, but I didn't wait. I left running. There was so many thoughts going through my head. My nose long forgotten, I just couldn't understand why my heart was hurting so bad from seeing them together. He's my teacher for christ sake! I couldn't fall for him.

I kept running, I was now somewhere in the middle of the forest. I didn't pay attention to where I was going. I kept running for as long as I could, until my legs gave up. I couldn't hear Zane following me anymore. I found this tree and curled up and cry my heart out. My head was so confused. I have never had a boyfriend, and Zane wasn't even mine to claim, he was my teacher. But why couldn't I stop picturing them together? Why couldn't I stop thinking about her lips on his.


I must have sat under that tree for hours, just crying my heart out. By the time I finally stopped crying, it was completely dark. I was totally lost in this forest. I didn't know where I was. Suddenly, I heard a branch snap beside me. Making myself smaller, I was trying to hide under that tree.

Suddenly, this beautiful creature was in front of me. It was all white, with black shining stripes. Looked to be a beautiful tiger. He was sniffing the air, and then looked my way. His eyes were striking blue. He growled lowly, and stepped towards me. The tiger in front of me kept sniffing the air gently, and his eyes never left mine.

"Who are you?" I jumped and looked around. The tiger was sitting in front of me now just staring. I thought I was going insane.

"My name is Vincent. You are on my territory. What is you name?" The voice repeated. It was sending shivers down my spine. It was an accent I couldn't place but it was so damn sexy. Not knowing what to do, I just thought about replying in my head.

"My name is Cassidy Blake. I just moved here." I replied not knowing to whom I was talking. I was probably going insane. The tiger in front of me laid down and started purring.

"Hm do you know what I am?" the voice said. I shook my head. I seriously thought I was going insane. "I am a Tiger shifter. I can change in human and tiger forms. You are a shifter too but I cannot determine what you are. You smell is like human, just slightly off." I was shocked, here I thought I was the only shifter in the world. But I just found another one.

"Oh my god! Here I thought I was alone! And it's complicated, I am not really from here." I didn't want to tell him everything yet, but my inner me was telling me that I could trust him. The tiger got up and went behind a tree. After hearing some shuffling, this jaw-dropping really sexy man appeared.

He was so tall compared to my 5ft 2 inches. He didn't have a shirt so I could clearly see his 6-pack. He definitely had that "V" that every girl would swoon over. His hair was disheveled, not too short or too long and were a nice brown. He had blue eyes, and you could tell his hadn't shaved in a couple days.

"You know if you were done checking me out, we can have an actual conversation." He said chuckling. Vincent's voice was like heaven. I could not stop staring at him. Blushing really hard, I looked down. I mumbled a quick sorry. I wasn't sure what was going on with me. My hormones were all over the place.

"What would you like to talk about?" I asked. I was trying hard to keep my thoughts PG-13. I could see him sniff around. Vincent moved so fast, I barely had time to react. Suddenly, I was against the tree.

"Princess, if you keep thinking about what your thinking we won't be talking much." he chuckled, putting his face in the crook of my neck and sniffing. "Hmm, Vanilla and cinnamon, my favorite smell..." he said in a low and sexy voice.

"Do you know what Mates are my princess?" he asked me. I slowly nodded not knowing where he was going with this. "Well you see, you and I are mates. My tiger is going insane with your smell, but we also smell someone else on you.

My head went back to what had happened earlier. The pain of what happened with Zane... I just couldn't handle it. Tears were making their way down my face.

"Someone I thought was mine, ended up sleeping with someone else, but honestly everything is a mess. I don't even know why I am feeling this way." I said crying.

"Everything will be alright Princess... you have me now, I know we just met but you are my mate, I will cherish you and never hurt you... I promise!" he said. I looked at him, I wanted to believe him. Blushing really hard, I looked at him.

"I never had a boyfriend before. Is it okay if we start by being really good friends?" I asked him. He smirked.

"I'm okay with that." he said putting his hand on my waist. "Just know that you are mine and I shall not leave you." he told me kissing my neck. My brain was wreaking havoc. I couldn't stop thinking about his hands, and his lips.

"I should probably get home. My parents will be looking for me... and I have school in the morning." I told him.

"Alright, let me get you home Princess." he said taking my hand.