
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The I Thought I'd Never See

Third Person's Pov

The past still haunted Avery, it haunted her everywhere in her dreams causing lack of sleep, thirty four middle aged me and everywhere she goes making her more paranoid and cautious than happy and free.

Yes it's been a year since she left that hell of a place but no matter what it was her home where she spent her childhood the most and as for her parents they are glued to her brain unable to forget or the happy times she spent will them. Caitlyn and Jayden her parents names the one's who were supposed to lover her unconditionally but didn't, ever since her parents abandoned her she always asks herself when she was younger and up until now.

"Did they not love me enough?"

"Have I been replaced by another child who actually made them love them more than I had tried?"

What did I even do wrong?"

Those questions kept playing in her head like an annoying nursery rhyme playing over and over enough for the lyrics to stay glued in her brain.

"Avery you've got to stop thinking about him" her wolf Amber said sensing her distress, panic and sadness. But how can she? How she forget a memory that permanently scarred her childhood to adulthood, how can she forget those hungry-cold nights when she was forced to sleep on the floor when she was mercilessly beaten up by her uncle that she couldn't even stand or crawl to the kitchen to at least grab a bite of something that'll help gain at least a little but enough energy for her to crawl her away to her room her safe place... How?

"Try actually being there... You know we should have switched and you'll see what I had to go through in fact forget it he wouldn't have kept us alive if I had given you control" Avery said in annoyance pinching the bridge of her nose being pulled back into her past.

Avery has always wondered how it felt like to be loved, in a homely abode with the people she loves and cares about but that just seems to be fantasy, a fantasy that's happening to her right now that it's so hard to process, first she was homeless living in the streets searching for food, water and shelter and staying away from scents that smell danger and now. Now finds herself living in a mansion a pack house that she'll lead as the head Luna of Silver Creek as her mate Zachary becomes the head alpha of Silver Creek.

Ha mate. Sort for 'soulmate.'

A word she thought was just made in fairytale fantasies, in fact she didn't know werewolves actually existed let along her being one of them, the only thing knew was just their like wolves in the forest protect their pack, hunt and kill for survival. Is she really apart of this fantasy? Will she even make it out alive? How will she take care of a whole pack when she barely made it out alive in the streets?

When she ran away she knew something weird was happening to her driving her mad, she could hear the slightest sounds from a mile away like she has super hearing as loud squeaky noises made her feel like her ears will explord turning her deaf, she could smell danger from the scents her nose picked up avoiding then and she became more alerts of her surroundings, at first she freaked out about it leading her wonder off in the forest being stopped by a wolf who turned out to be her teacher to learn about this fantasy she's in.

"Avery can I come in?" Being pulled out her thoughts Avery quickly puts a fake smile on her face, "Yes! Come in" Turning around to see a friendly face who saved to her life, "How are you doing Avery, did you enjoy your bath" Louis asked coming close to her making her feel uncomfortable as she stepped back sensing her discomfort Louis immediately steps back giving her an apologetic smile.

"Oh I'm sorry dear" he apologized giving her as much as space as she need sighing, "Don't be afraid- I know what you've been through in the past" as soon as she heard those words she turns her eyes to him eyes wide, "How did you..?" Avery asked her breathing becoming heavy thinking it'll happen again her past haunting her again.

"Given by the scars I managed to trace a few on your lower back and it shows a clear case of abuse" Louis trailed off. "Avery look I know you've been abused. Abused for I don't know how long but long enough to make you run away ending up in the streets and I understand why you're cautious to insure whatever happened in your past never happened again, I just want you to know you're in a pack where you'll be protected, where people will protect you and where YOU protect them" he said giving her a warm smile as she just relaxed around him but she was just cautious.

"Please don't tell anyone" she begged her voice soft and low barely unable for the human ears to hear but not a problem for people with werewolf hearing. Louis looked at her with concern but quickly exchanged it with a calm warm smile, "Don't worry since you're still and always my be patient everything and anything you say to me is confidential-- classified information especially your abuse but if you ever wish to tell someone that's your right love not mine or anyone else's, okay?" Louis said as she just nodded processing his words as he throws her a bottle of water which she successfully caught.

"Hmm your reflexes seems to be doing fine, can I step closer to check your temperature and blood pressure?" He asked ensuring her that he meant no harm, Avery was grateful he asked for her permission before doing what he wanted just like her uncle. She reluctantly nodded pushing herself off the wall to sit next to her hospital bed which Louis simply just smiled at checking her blood pressure and temperature.

"Okay" he said with a smlie removing the thermometer of her mouth and checking it, "Your breathing is a little uneven due to your broken ribs which will take time to fully heal and you need to stay here for about seven days to check on your health, when you've fully recovered you move freely how ever you like" Louis explained stepping away to giving her space which she was thankful for when she was about to speak her stomach grumbled as Louis chuckled. "You must be hungry let me tell my husband get food ready for you, would you like me to show you the way to the kitchen?" Avery's stomach answered for her being embarrassed. Louis just let out soft chuckle as he guided her out to the hallway.

"Um Louis if you don't mind me saying, are you perhaps gay?" Avery asked not sure if she would be intruding in sensitive matters, Louis just stopped on his steps taking a deep breath before turning her with a serious expression but quickly morphed to a happy smile, "Gay? Yeah ever since I was twelve, why?" Louis showed her his finger revealing his ring on his finger. She looked at it eyes gleaming with glitter at the cyan diamond ring. "Wow that's beautiful but you look so young" she said memorizing the ring as he just chuckled at her reaction, "Thanks my husband bought it for me and I got married to Ajay as soon I turned nineteen, had my first twins at twenty, then third at twenty one and fourth at twenty two so you could say I do quite look young at the age of twenty three" he chuckled blushing at little. Hearing stories about Louis and Ajay's love life Avery couldn't stop daydreaming about her soon to be love life with Zachary. Not only that. She thought of her being in Zach's side in sickness and in health leading the pack to its greatest points, the trouble, fights and misunderstandings they'll face together as a alpha luna of the pack or just alpha and omega in their eyes.

Being the luna of Sliver Creek is nothing but scary and exciting. Being the luna twist her gut into knots of the thought, instead of thinking positive thoughts she couldn't thinking about the negative thoughts. Will she be accepted by her soon to be pack? Will they be able to see her as incapable of leading let along protecting the pack? Is she even strong enough? All these unanswered questions flowed through her head.

"Your strong"

Turning her head to Louis with a confused expression Louis just gave her a warm smile, "I know you're worried whether or not you deserve to be our packs luna, you're doubting your capabilities your strength, logic but Avery- look I'm not the one to make promises but I can make a guarantee that people will accept you some will take time while some will give you the cold shoulder but will come around sooner or later. What I'm trying to say is you're strong enough, worthy and capable enough to do so even though it doesn't look like you do but you do it's just inside you ready to come out" Louis said gently taking Avery's hand stroking them softly, "Wow you suit to be a therapist Louis" she teased gently squeezing his hands.

"I already am and also psychologist that's why it was easy for me read your facial expression even though it was somewhat expressionless, anyway we're here"

Louis guided her to kitchen and her eyes widened at the large kitchen filled with cooks, chefs and sue chefs roaming around either cutting vegetables, meat or cooking, frying or even roasting. Different smells pollution the air with tasty goodness enough for people who walked by drool at the smell, Avery and Louis walked inside passing by the people roaming.

"Ajay!" Louis called as a pair of light blue eyes look with confusion then gleaming with happiness and joy. Louis just stood there smiling as Ajay ran and hugged him, "Lo! Hey what are you doing here, are you okay is the baby okay?" Ajay asked looking at his mate with love and concern. "The baby is fine Jay, I felt hungry so I decided to bring some company with me. Ajay this is Avery and Avery this is Ajay my husband" Ajay looked at Avery with a warm smile taking her hand and shaking excitedly making it difficult for Avery not to smile, "It's sooo nice to meet a new face in this crowd pack welcome! I'm Ajay Vitmen it's a pleasure to meet you, oh you must be hungry please let me interest you in the best food of all Korea ramen noodles please take a seat"

Avery sat down on the chair as she was served with a delicious meal without wasting any time she dug in devouring the noodles like there's no tomorrow not caring if she looked she never had tasted anything delicious, but it's true she's never tasted anything delicious after uncle Dylan's failed attempt to rape her he stopped giving her food, she only ate his leftover and was only to clean and cook for him only. She didn't even get the proper education she once did, all she's been was a house maid isolated from the world with no technology or even a phone at least feel connected to the world, when she ran away it was hard for her to get used to her surroundings but with the help of a few homeless people she wouldn't have managed to survive without them and the people who were kind to provide her with money, food, water, blankets and clothes she won't have been here. Here where she actually feels like she belongs and not that crappy apartment she spent all her life.

She doesn't know how or why but she feels this is where she's supposed to be... Where she belongs and it scares her to death because she's never felt this way, so... Safe, warm and protected like this is meant to be her 'family'. Family? Such a foreign word that she couldn't understand and scared of because she's worried she'll might get tossed away or mistreaded again that's what scares her the most to the core.

Avery was thoughts were interrupted as warm hands wrapped around her waist. she didn't even bother flinching or pulling away from the touch in fact she felt safe, relaxed, loved and comfortable, she immediately knew it was non other than her mate washing away her worries and thoughts away. Avery quickly leaned into his touch behind her so that she can rest her head on his chest covered a baggy shirt with a grey sweatpant to go with it as his wet long hair touched a part of her exposed neck as just but bit her lip tightly to avoid any inappropriate sound trying to escape her from how close her mate was breathing down her soft spot.

"Why so worried Avery?" Zachary mumbled snuggling himself into her neck giving a light peck making Avery shiver in pleasure, "I'm just worried about what your pack will think about me since I'm not used to this fairy tales, and I don't think I can pull off being a luna" Avery blurted not giving a second thought about opening up to a complete stranger who's actually her mate, Zachary seemed pleased with her telling him her worries and thoughts rewarding her with a 'love bite' covering it with her hair when he was done and stepped in front of her.

"Don't worry Av don't think about what the pack will think if that'll bring you down just let them think whatever they want think and if they say something bad about you then they'll have to answer to ME, okay? This may be a make believe fairy tale to you but I promise it's real and not a dream everything you see are real, don't doubt yourself about being the luna because I know you'll be one of the greatest in wolf history" Avery kept looking into his eyes as he said them searching for any source of lie or dishonesty but she found none, she knew her mate was telling the truth and meant every word he said warming her heart even more. Not needing to say anything Zachary already got her answer and kissed her forehead lovingly as Omar his wolf purred taking wiffs of his mate.

"Oh I almost forgot someone's here to see you" Zachary said with a hint of worry and fear, sensing his tone Avery looked him as he scratched the back of his neck nervously darting his eyes of her, "What, who?" Avery asking forming calm smile but she couldn't help feel nervous, "Is is his mom? Is that why he's worried about her opinion on me?" Avery thought as worry filled her. Zachary caught on gently grabbing her hand giving it a little squeeze to calming her down, "Av it's okay nothing serious it's just- it's just the person who wants to see you is the person who hit you with the limo, I understand if you don't want to see him because of what happened-"

"I want to see him" Avery interrupted stopping Zachary in his tracks as he just looked her eyes widened either taken aback by how she quickly agreed without any attempt to at least try to convince her, "You... Want to see him, are you sure Av?" He asked with a wide smile looking straight into her eyes as Avery just nodded. "Dante come in!" Avery turned her head to the door hearing foot steps coming closer and closer to her and when she met his eyes her eyes widened with joy, sadness and relief as well as the man looking at her.




Hey Guys! Sorry for the late update I've been busy with... Life, but! Chapter three is out and here.

Anyway Check out second novel *Love With Mayhem* a gay novel, my username is Megan_Tea so check it out. :)