
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Siblings From Another World

Dante couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the person he had no choice to leave behind, the person he saw as a sister and the sudden urge to take her in and help know and understand her species.

Without any hesitation Dante ran to Avery trapping her in a warm tight hug, hugging her tightly.

The accident....

He pulled away qucikly but softly to avoid hurting her, Dante looked at Avery with sad eyes as he realized what he almost did. He almost killed her, Zach's mate, his student and someone's daughter.... Dante pulled Avery back in his hug as tears trailed down his face, "Sorry I- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you with the limo it's my fault" he cried, "I'm so sorry" Avery just stood there shocked but she caught on hugging him back. To be honest her heart ached to see him at this state. "Sky it's not your fault, whatever happened happened besides it's just how life is which is the shitty part. And I forgive you" She said hugging him tight trying to calm him down, it took time to calm Dante down when she did she pulled away.

Dante had always thought he doesn't deserve happy to be after what happened to his parents and he's surprised Lucus has never blamed him for the death of their parents, making his mind up he decided to fully devote his life to his pack and protect it because he's afraid he'll loose his new family who choose to bare with him and his little brother which he was so thankful for, he also felt he didn't need a mate, he just doesn't want he or she to suffer with him. I mean his demons are still haunting him, who the fuck will be with someone who's trying so hard to act like he's not broken and suffering inside?

Yeah you pity him, don't you?

But he's glad Lucus found someone despite the death of their parents at least he could move on. Now him. He's stuck in the past unable to let go of the past that haunts him everyday, She's alive Dante breathe his wolf Logan said trying to calm him down which worked, Dante took deep breathes looking at Avery with a smile then looked at Zachary's confused face causing him to smile a little. "Zach um this is Avery, you're mate and the girl I rescued" He introduced with a smile even though he knew that they knew each other.

Zach just looked at his Beta with confusion and happiness, "So" He trailed trying to work his brain to try and solve what he said like a puzzle. "You're Skylar?" Zachary asked and Dante couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah Skylar is my actual name my real actually, I decided to change two week after my parents died" He explained answering his question and as he said that he could sense a hint of pity and sadness coming Avery and Zachary, as he looked at the girl besides him he could tell she wanted to say something but was fighting whether to say it or not.

Avery took a deep breath before looking at Dante, "Can... I still call you Skylar?" Dante looked at her even though that very name brings sadness to him he somehow felt less sad when she says he's real name, sensing hesitation from her he forced out a genuine smile, "Yeah you can call me Skylar whenever you want freshmen" He joked as Avery just laughed at the word he always used when he took it upon himself to teach her about herself, "Where's the dear?!" Everyone turned their heads to the sound of the door bursting open to reveal Nia Schiller the Lunar of Sliver Creek and as well as Zachary's mother, Nia scanned the room full of cooks and chefs walking around until her eyes landed on Avery with evident sparkles in them. She marched up to Avery as her heels clicked on the marble floor, Avery just froze not sure what to do but watch as she got closer and closer to her, the thing about Nia is that she can be quite intimidating yet so welcoming at the same time.

Nia kept walking to her as Zach and Dante just stood there watching not sure when to interfere because they know how dear old Nia is, Nia then came to a halt and stopped in a respectable distance as she looked at the young girl her straightened lips turned into a smile and extending her hand for Avery to shake, "Hey dear, I'm Nia Schiller Zachary's mother as well as the Lunar of this lovely pack and I'm so glad I'm actually here to finally meet you also I want to apologize for not being there by the time you woke up I was at another pack" Nia explained patiently waiting for Avery to shake her hand, Avery looked her hand for a moment before smiling and shaking her hand, "Hi Mrs Schiller, its nice to meet you as well and don't worry about not being there I understand a Lunar such as yourself manages the pack" Avery said making Zach, Dante and Nia rather impressed with her words.

"I keep this pack sane but you could say manage, oh I do hope you're alright Avery, Louis told me you haven't full recovered" Nia said in a worried yet motherly tone making Avery smile because someone actually worried about her for once, "I'm alright Lunar you have no idea how good it is to have someone worry about me, it actually feels quite" Avery said but stopped to wipe the tears that were threatening to fall out her eyes, "It feels quite enjoyable" she said with a happy yet genuine smile.

Zach, Nia and Dante looked at her with sadness and rather intrigued, "Just what kind of life did she live?" Nia mind linked Dante and Zach, "Could it be her parents never cared for her?" Zach responded looking at his mate who's busy eating, "Did she even have parents to begin with?" Nia asked looking at her son then her eyes landed on Dante, "Dante dear did Avery perhaps say anything about her past?" Dante darted his eyes off Avery to look at the Lunar, "No aunt, when I had her in my care she didn't give in much detail to why she was homeless but she did point out that she ran away saying the place she called home was never her home to begin with" Dante explained.

"It seems her past is rather rough than light and it's quite understandable why she's not ready to open up but I'm pretty sure with time she'll open up so I advise you not to push her, Zach your father requests a meeting with you and Dante be there as well" Nia said as the boys nodded, "But what about Avery?" Zach asked as he looked at his mom, "Ask Dolores if she'll be so kind to keep her future lunar company" Nia said winking at Zachary before saying bye to Avery and leaving the kitchen.

"Avery, Dante and I have a meeting to attend to but my younger sister Dolores will be showing you around and keep you company, is that alright?" Zach asked play with her reddish blonde hair, "Yeah it's alright you guys are probably busy so I understand" she said with a smile. Being satisfied with her answer Zach and Dante left to the alphas office, "Do you know what uncle has requested a meeting for?" Dante asked as they made their way to Arnold's office, Zach just shrugged as his response, "Probably its about Avery" Zach said before knocking on the door, after hearing response from the other side Zach twisted the knob letting Dante enter first before closing the door behind him and siting down on his seat, "You're probably wondering why I called you here out of the blue" Arnold said looking at the two men. "I have a hunch" Zachary said as folded his arms, "Its about my mate, isn't it?" He asked as Arnold his dad nodded his head.

"Yes it is apparently, we have to plan the welcoming ceremony for her as the new member of the pack and the future lunar but it seems we have to give her time to adjust to her new life" Arnold explained eyes not leaving his son, "Then give her time" Zach answered, "See, the question is 'how much time' are we supposed to give her? It might even take months or years for her to get used to this life which is long and given that the rogues will find an opportunity to strike anytime soon"

"Uncle's right Zach, the rogues stopped attacking for a while now which means their planning something big and we need to be ready for it" Dante said with a look of revenge and determination in his eyes, Zach reached out to hold his hand, "I get you want them dead but just hold on Dante" Zach reassured looking at him calmly as Dante just scoffed. "I've waited all my life and now I feel like shit Zachary" Arnold growled at him causing him to flinch, "My apologies... I overstepped" Dante said putting his head down, "I understand your frustration and I understand you want to avenge your parents but Avery needs time, I can't guarantee how much time she needs but we have to be patient. Now speaking of Avery we know nothing about her apart from her running away and being homeless, but we don't even know which care she was in and we have no trace of her parents nor relatives" Arnold explained as the two men look at each other.

"Not even a birth certificate?" Dante asked sitting up, Arnold just shook his head, "Perhaps family records, she must be there" Zach this time asked, "We're still digging into that but it seems she's pretty much a ghost and same for her relatives" Arnold said.

"How odd"

(。>‿‿<。 )

After the meeting Dante straight to his room busy thinking about Avery's case, "Why was her birth certificate not recorded?" Logan asked Dante, "I don't know Logan but something's fishy I mean she doesn't doesn't have any family record nor birth certificate meaning even if she was murdered no one will give a shit because she's a ghost" Logan just agreed with him and stopped talking, not getting any further response from him Dante closed his eyes and fell asleep to dream about whatever nightmare shall visit him.


"Mom, dad come on we're almost there" little Dante said as he grabbed onto his mothers hand, Dante's mother just laughed at him, "Alright little one we're almost there, just hold onto your brothers hand Skylar" she said smiling at him and Lucus, "We're here kiddo's" Dante's dad said as he put the car to a halt, Dante and Lucus giggled as they got out of the car making their way to get ice cream. Dante's dad carried Lucus as his mom held onto Dante's hand, "What would like on this hot day?" Dante's dad asked smiling to his beloved sons and wife, "Peanut butter ice cream" Lucus said to his father, "Chocolate chip ice cream" Dante answered with a smile.

"Okay! One peanut butter ice cream, one chocolate chip ice cream and two strawberry ice cream please".

"So how's everyone's ice cream?"

"It's delicious, thanks dad!" Little Dante sequeled bouncing up and down on the car seat his smile never leaving his face, "Yes thank you dad and you too mama" Lucus sequeled getting out of his seat to kiss his mom on her cheek with his messy lips as she just laughed, "Yeah you're welcome darling now seat back for mama, will you?" Lucus nodded happily sitting back down on his seat, "Dad look a wolf is laying on the road!" Dante pointed to the road as his dad quickly put on the breaks, Dante's dad and mom got out of the car. They got closer to the wolf to check if it was alive leaving their sons inside the car, Dante's parents kept thinking of ways to help the animal but they didn't realize they were in for a trap.

As they were treating the wolf, rogues came circling them and before they knew it they were trapped, the leader of the rogues howled. Dante's parents looked around in horror not for them but their sons, they looked at each other knowing what to do then taking one last glance at their sons then transforming into their wolf form, "Skylar dear I want you to quietly get out of the car, turn into your wolf form and run your way somewhere safe with Lucus, can you do that?" His mom mind linked, Dante just looked at his mother's wolf with tears in his eyes, "But what about the pack?" He asked as his parents were still trapped. "It's being under attack dear,we're sorry but it seems we won't make it but you two must make it for you two still have a life to live and experience" Dad mind linked him. "Listen here I know its hard for you but I need you to find a pack which will welcome the both of you and be happy... Sky listen when your mom and I attack I want you to do what your mom told you to do, no buts ifs or whats, okay?" Dante just nodded knowing he couldn't argue any further.

Dante patiently waited for the single as he held onto the car door handle with his brother tied on his back, the rogue howled again and they started to attack their parents, whimpers of pain sounded their parents but they fought in order to protect their children. Dante quietly opened the back door getting out of the car without making a sound, as he reached the ground he started to run for his life afraid to look back to see the blood of their parents, he turned into his wolf form with his brother still on his back.

"Where are they? Fucking find them and kill em!" The dangerously deep voice shouted and he knew the man was talking about him and Lucus, he run faster for he knew the rogues were now on his track, he and ran but stopped when he hit the dead end but before he could even leave he was surrounded by five rogues blocking him from escaping, Lucus started to cry as he sensed danger, he knew it'll be the end of him but he should at least try to defend himself. When he attacked was giving a excruciating painful wound on his hip even though he was badly injured he still wanted fight for him, Lucus and their parents, when he was about to attack a rogue with grey fur jumped off from the high end of the dead end with what seemed to weapons wrapped around it startling the rogues and himself.

The rogue glanced at Dante and Lucus before turning into his human with grey hair and blue eyes who turned out to be a young boy slightly his age, "Run boy I'll hold these bitches off but for now you find a pack for you and that wolf cub of yours" Dante just stood there not sure what to but he signaled that he was hurt, the young boy looked at his hip, "Fucker" he cussed then knelt down to lick his wound and whisper in his hear. "50 miles from here there's a pack called Sliver Creek just keep going straight, my saliva won't be match of help..." Before the mysterious boy could finish his sentence one of the rogues decided to attack within instinct the boy got the dagger from his chest throwing in the rogues head watching it fall to ground with blood splashing out. "Run men! Run!" With that Dante ran like the wind not before taking one last glance at the boy who saved him and Lucus.

His hip hurt like hell but he knew he shouldn't give up. Not after three people decided to risk their lives to save him and his brother, he ran and ran feeling himself loss conscious but he kept going and going, his leg hurt so much that he could feel his blood dripping out of him. Ha. Pretty traumatic experience for an eleven year old.

Dante ran so fast that he stepped on a trap. A bear trap, he cried in pain as it's teeth sunk into him draining the blood out of him, he layed there on his sides but making sure Lucus was alright, not sure what he's next move was he just gave up on trying to live now, "Mom, dad, Lucus I'm sorry but I can't make it any further- I'm... I'm sorry" Dante said and let darkness take over him.


"Ahh! It's just a dream calm down, calm down" Dante said trying to calm himself after reliving his past, "Why do I always have this dream?" He asked himself as tears trailed down his face, he keeps asking himself this question everytime but never seems to get an answer no matter how many times he prays to the Moon Goddess to at least help, but then it hit him. "The boy... That boy who saved me, who was he?" He asked himself again. "And why would a rogue save me?..."

"Dante just sleep a little you'll figure it out in the morning" Logan reasoned but Dante just shook his head, "No, I have to find out who he is and why he saved me and Lucus"