
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Mate Emergency

Zachary's Pov

"Hey, Hey! Fuck! Dante hurry the fuck up we're losing her" I shout freaking out. No I can't lose her not when I just found her, please wake please.

We can't lose our mate, her pulse is low but she's still breathing. Shit her scent is hollow I can barely smell it, Dante hurry up.

"Dante!" I shouted busy looking at her, "Zach we're almost there just keep eye on her we're almost there, just five minutes" Dante tried to reason but I could feel her pulse decrease. "I-I can't wait five minutes! I can feel her pulse decrease by the second, just step on it please" I pleaded holding her cheek. "We're here, let me open the door for you" he said opening the door I gently but quickly picked her up taking her to Doctor Louis.

"Louis!" I shout as I enter the medical room. "Zachary what- bring her NOW she needs surgery immediately" He ordered, I'm immediately complyed putting her on the operating table. "What the hell happened, nurses assistance needed" He said as the nurses came. "I hit her with the limo I-I don't see where she came... By the time I noticed I pulled the breaks too late, Zach I'm I'm sorry-" Dante said but I cut him off.

"Hey it's okay calm down" I say calming him down. "But she's your mate!" He shouts, "She'll live don't worry" I say massaging his shoulders. Before he was about to protest Louis cut in. "Gentle men I understand your concern for her can you please leave so that we can do our jobs" He asks politely but rather demanding so I take Dante with me.

"Zachary Nathan Schiller, what the hell am I hearing about you carrying a random girl?" Mom asked with worry in her eyes aka Luna of the pack. "Mom she hit into the limo on our way home so I decided to bring her home" I said holding her cheeks, "Is she alright, will she make it?" She asked as she leaned into my touch. "She has to be and she will be mama so don't worry, okay?" I said she just nodded sensing Dante's distress she gradded him pulling into a tight hug which he immediately returned shading a little tears.

"Let it out Danny it's not your fault love she's gonna be alright, let all your worries out cry it out" Mom said as she patted his back slowly calming down.

Dante is my best friend also my adoptive brother his parents died during a rogue attack leaving him and his little brother Lucus the only survivors, Lucus is mated the alpha of sliver moon pack making him the Luna while Dante hasn't found his mate yet. Every since their parents died Dante blamed himself for their parents death saying "If he didn't beg them to go out for ice cream that day, they'd be alive" and I understand why he's so stressed about my mate not making it even if she wasn't he'd still blame himself for the accident.

Don't get me wrong I know I should in the same state as Dante freaking out, worrying, crying things like that but I am worried, scared that she'll leave forever without getting to know her even if we met at a very unfortunate circumstance, the truth is I don't know if she'll make it but I pray to the moon goddess to let her live.

What If she dies? Omar whimpered at the thought making me grow nervous as I tugged at my hair trying calm my nerves down.

She won't die Omar, and stop with the negative what ifs you're making me fucking anxious as it already is I snapped as I was pacing around the hall, Omar shut up after that.


A few hours had passed, I was just pacing around the hall not bothering to sit down. HELL I didn't even bother change the bloody clothes I'm wearing nor did I eat anything at all, mom and dad even came during their free time to check on me on how I was holding up.

Honestly I feel like maniac pacing around over and over round and round literally going crazy not knowing how my mate is, Omar hasn't spoke a word for the last hours that has passed making me grow worried but I was more worried for my mate behind that door fighting for her life.

I hope she doesn't give up

I felt a hand shaking my shoulder a few time making me wake up, I groaned opening my eyes to see doctor Louis. My eyes widened and I stood up as I was about to ask about her he beat to it. "Zach the surgery went well although she suffered a few fractured bones and loss of blood but not too much but mostly from her head, but she's stable though she needs to stay here about seven day so I keep a close eye on her and about her waking well that's uncalled for but she might was any time or maybe tomorrow time will tell" He said looking over his shoulder to how she's doing as I nodded at his information.

"Can I see her please?" I asked desperately wanting to see her, "Sure got ahead stay as much as you want and if you sense, or hear something you feel is wrong with her mind link me even when she wakes up, understand?" He asked as petted my head which was something he did when I was a kid and left.

I just sat the chair next to her bed looking at her sleeping figure.

She looks gorgeous Omar chimed howling in adoration.

She sure does, shit I hope she wakes up soon

She will you dimwit she will

It's been two days since she was stabilized and she's still not awake yet which is scaring me, Louis said she's in a temporary coma due to her head concussion and it takes days, weeks or even months for her to wake up but he did say her wounds and injuries are healing pretty quickly due to the medication he gave her... She's not awake.

"Why won't she wake up?" I asked my dad as he was softly or I'd say fatherly looking at my mate. Guess he acceptes her, "She will son, she'll wake soon enough just have patience" He said as he wiped her forehead with a white wet cloth, "But what if she DOESN'T wake up?" I snapped dad growled making calm down a bit. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I-I'm just overwhelmed of the thoughts her not waking up... Hell I don't even know her name and that's what killing me, why did we have to met at such terrible circumstances? I can't take the stress dad, what if the mood goddess did this so that I can watch her come and go?" I asked as tears started coming out of my eyes. Dad stood me out of the chair so that he can hug me, I hugged him him letting my tears stain his shirt.

Mom and dad always says that it's okay to cry telling us it shows that how strong you are, some think it's stupid because it shows weakness and vulnerability and brings you down yeah that part is also true but crying releases all the pain, worries you're holding inside of you making you more composed releasing your worries and if you keep all those worries and pain bottled up inside and like mom and dad says "That's true weakness and vulnerability that'll bring you down"

I held onto dad for a little bit till I calmed down and pulled away, "Sorry about that and your shirt" I said with my head down as dad just chuckled ruffling my hair, "I swear you're so much like your mother I knew it from the moment you snuck out to get ice cream with your mom which is something she loves to do" He teased and I just laughed but it was interrupted by a groan.

Both our heads turned to the side to see my mate regaining consciousness, I immediately ran to her side holding her hand.

"Louis" I mind link never taking my eyes for my mate, "Zach?" He asks waiting for me to continue. "She's awake my mate is awake, come up please" I say looking back at her as he said he's on his way. "Ugh where am I?" The moment I heard her voice my heart instantly skipped a beat but before I could answer Louis cut in.

"At a private hospital. Hello dear, my name is Dr. Louis Vitmen or you could call me Louis or Mr Louis or Vitmen or Mr Vitmen whichever you wish to call me but my main is Louis. So my dear care to tell me who you are, how old you are, where you live and what you remember from the accident" He said giving that welcoming smile. Louis is an omega who's married and mated to an alpha Ajay a chef who's Korean and has about six kids

"I'm... I'm Avery Quinzel, I'm eighteen and where I live?" She asks Louis just nodded urging her to continue, "I live in the streets I'm uh a stray" That made me look at dad then Louis and back to her.

"Homeless..." I mind link dad and Louis giving them a concerned look, "For how long? Zach can you smell her wolf?" Dad asks look back at her. "Yes but it's quite faint" I said making him nod, "Louis ask her how long she's been homeless" I mind linked him making nod.

"Avery, if you don't mind can you tell me how long you've been homeless?" Louis asked while giving her bottle of water she immediately took the bottle after giving a quite thank you to him then gulping it like crazy. Damn she must be really thirsty.

Of course you ass she's been out two days Omar snorted I could feel him rolling his eyes.

"Since last year, and I got hit by a limo" She said handing Louis the empty bottle giving him a warm smile which he returned, "And the-" She cut him off. "Sorry to interrupt, but who is man who looks like a model?" Avery pointed at dad with an Innocent face making him laugh including us.

"A model? I'm really liking my daughter in law already" Dad mind linked to us laughing continuously showing his smile which I inherited, "Believe me she'll get along with Kesha very well" Louis laughed. "Mom will love her to ends of the earth and back, dad you have competition" I teased smirking at dad as he just scoffed only for the three of us to here.

"Hi Avery, I'm Arnold Schiller pleased to met you" Dad said shaking her hand just smiling at her, "Hi... Oh!" She beamed looking at me as her green eyes look at me with excitement. "My voice and I think you're so pretty, you're mini model number two aren't you?!" She beamed making once again Louis, dad and I laugh. "You could say that I'm Zachary Schiller but you can call me Zach and this is my dad" I said taking my hand with hers. "Zachary cute name" She says smiling at me. "Sorry but what do you mean by 'your voice'?" Louis asks with his brow up.

"There's this voice at the back of my head which always talks to me I thought I was crazy but she says that I'm not" She said as asked for another bottle of water.

"She doesn't know it's her wolf talking to her?" Dad asks looking at Avery with concern, "Strange she probably doesn't even know how to shift, Zach try to talk to her wolf" Louis said and I did.

"Hey" I mind linked her wolf waiting for response, "Hi?" She said well more than like a question making Omar chuckle. "Have a moment to spare?" I asked politely, "Hm sure! But let me try something with my human" And with that she cut the mind link. "What did she say?" Both Louis and Dad asked, "She said wanted to try something with Avery" I told them, "What exactly?" They asked again but I just shrugged.

Dad was about mind link something but got interrupted, "Hello gentle gents!" Avery said but it wasn't really her it's her wolf, "Hi I'm-" I said but she cut me off. "I know you're Zachary Schiller, your Arnold Schiller and your Dr Louis Vitmen. I pay attention some times plus if you've noticed Avery gets excited sometimes but same for me" She say tying her honey gold hair into a bun.

Looks like their both talkers, this'll be fun Omar laughed in amusement

"Since you know our names, why don't you tell us yours?" Dad asked with a hint of amusement and her eyes widen, "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't introduce myself Alpha I got excited, I'm Amberley but you can call me Amber or Am pleased to met you Alpha"

Amberley, Avery such beautiful names Omar purred.

"How did you know I'm an alpha?" Dad asked with a hint of amusement, "Well when we were on the run I had to pay attention to all the smells and scents of our surroundings, one day when we were in the forest fishing fish we were attacked by a wolf he mind linked me saying we're to close to his territory asked what our business was

At first I freaked out because I didn't know what a mind link was by then and he was a wolf and his voice came to my head but I told him about my inexperience about everything and told him I only talk Avery I knew he could sense my truth, so he helped us catch fish, he also allowed us to stay in his cabin

He told us about how werewolves with their rank, witches, vampires, dragons and warlocks existed all around the earth, he explained werewolf ranks and their importance and how to know and address them by their scent" She finished looking at all of us with a smile.

"So what rank do you think you are?" Dad asked very interested to hear her answer, "I'm- we're an omega, Alpha" Amber said bowing her head to show respect making dad smile, "And does Avery know that you're not just a voice at the back of her head but her wolf?" Louis asked. "She does, told her that last year and she freak our about it but got used to it even mind linking, hearing thing from a far,sensitive hearing, running fast let's everything thanks to that wolf boy" She as dad helped her get of bed.

"Do you perhaps know the wolfs name?" I asked this time, my eyes darted her eyes to me she smiled wide looking at me... Fuck she's adorable, "Not really I didn't think about it but he did say his involves the Sky so Avery and I nicknamed him Sky"

"How come you didn't stay at his cabin?" Louis asked carefully helping her walk on two feet, "Because he said he needed to stay with his pack since they were facing rouge attacks, I understood his need to protect his pack once he left the cabin didn't feel safe without his presence and left but leaving a thank you hoping to see each other again" She begun, "I'm sorry to cut this short but Avery wants to take over, is that okay?" She asked looking me and dad for approval.

Both dad and I chuckled and nodded in approval, "Got some questions answered?" Avery asked and it seems her excited state is gone, she is more composed. "Yes my dear thank you" Dad said with a smile, "No problem Alpha Arnold, Alpha Zach and Omega Louis" she bowing her again to show us respect

"She's an interesting young lady" Dad said in amusement, "Very much from getting all to excited to all composed" Louis also said in amusement as I just chuckled argeeing with them, "Uh Alpha Zach?" Our attention turned back to Avery. "You can just call me Zach or Zachary, but please continue" she was blushing at little but she said it anyway.

"Earlier whe- well... Wait how long have I been out Louis?" Avery asked look back at him, "Two days you were in a coma for two days duo to your head concussion" He explained as her eyes widened, "Two days? Well anyway alpha- I mean Zach during the accident and you that guy helped me, Amber my wolf scream mate when our eyes locked. So are you my mate?" She asked blushing a little.

"Yes you are" I said with a smile making her smile back, "Okay since I've been out for two days I'm quite hungry, stinky, pressed, messy and need a run. Louis I need a change of clothes baggy clothes and can you please show me the way to the bathroom I smell like a sweaty mess" She said sniffing herself and fulling away in disgust making us laugh.

"Right through that door dear and you'll find a change of clothes on your bed" He said showing her the way she gave a thank you to him then disappeared to the bathroom.

And we parted ways after that


I'm currently in my dad's office discussing about Avery and how to welcome her to the pack.

"So dad what do you think of Avery?" I asked watching put his newspaper aside giving me his full attention, "She's very unique I must say and she very much reminds me of how I first mate your mother" He smiled remembering the memory. And just as I was about to say something someone barged in.

"Knock much Dante?" Dad asked irritated, "Sorry alpha, hey is she okay?" Dante asked with worry in his eyes making dads irritated expression soften. "Son she's okay, so don't worry" Dad said smiling at him, "B-but she's been out for two days and I and I thought she wouldn't wake up and Zach won't have his other half" Well that's my cue I stood up walked over Dante and hugged him to calm him down. Dante has always had panic attacks when he's overwhelmed, stressed out and worried.

"Dante calm down she's quite alright actually and healthy, why don't you meet her?" He pulled out of my hold looking me straight in the to see if I'm joking, "But would she hate me I mean she has every right to since I'm the one who hit her with the limo..." "Okay Dante enough stop, I get you hit her but she's not gonna blame you, okay?" I said massaging his shoulders. He thought for second and said.

"Okay let's go meet her"