
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Avery's Pov

It's been at least two and a half months since I've been here and I've started to get comfortable with this place and everyone, yeah I still have some trust issues but I'm not going to let it get to me.

Zach's and I relationship is getting stronger day by day same with our mate bond and I'm starting to warm up to him not fully but little by little, as for Dante aka Skyler, we are making up for lost time but right now he's being acting distant lately not that I can blame him though. After he found out the person who saved him and Lucus - who I had a lovely pleasure of meeting, anyway after Dante had found out about this omega rogue he's acting all distant and depressed and I just want to cheer him up, "What are you thinking about so deeply?" I relaxed at the scent of my mate- why does he smell like red roses and Champaign? "I'm thinking about Skylar" I said with a sigh as Zachary just hugged from behind me.

"His distance? Yeah he does that he has a lot in his mind and mostly when he's in a vulnerable state, so I guess you should just give him time to cope with everything" he said as he kissed the back of my head, "Hey, when does your next meeting start?" I asked looking at him as he narrowed his eye brow, "In the next 15 minutes or so, why?" Ignoring his question I smiled choosing to ask another question, "And Skyler is gonna be there right?" Zachary looked at me confused.

"Yes, but then again why?" I went close to him to kiss his cheek, "I want to join it since I'll be a luna soon..." He looked at me with yet again confusion as I just laughed at his expression.

"I take that that's not the only reason why" I sighed as he managed to see right through me, "Listen, I have request which you might not agree to but before you completely say no it now I'd like if you understand my reasons and trust me, okay?" I reasoned as he just looked at me. "I already feel like saying no to you but I'll have to hear you out first, which I'm willing to do" When he said that I couldn't help my smile forming on my face, "Now with that being said, lets get break fast before it is all gone"

After we ate breakfast, we went straight to the alpha's office, we shortly came in after hearing a come in and when I entered the room they were pretty shocked as to why I was even here, "Oh Avery I didn't know you were joining us but you are most welcome to join us, please have a seat" Alpha Arnold said with a welcome smile, I smiled back at him as I sat next to Zachary. "So, I'm pretty sure you know what this meeting is all about" Alpha Arnold said as everyone nodded, "I assume it's regarding Quinn?" Seven asked as Alpha Arnold nodded, "Since he's responsible for sending rogues to our packs and hearing their stories they seem harmless but we truly don't know if he's our ally or enemy, yes he did save Dante and Lucus years ago but what if he had ulterior motives doing so. Since we don't know anything about Quinn and we don't know for sure if his actions are pure or not, even though we heard the stories from the people that he sent we mustn't rest well while turning a blind eye just because of what he did" Alpha Arnold said while we all nodded in agreement.

"He's right and I think we should keep our eyes on the people that he sent, though what if he sent them to spy on us? To know our every move and strategy" Tobias asked worried, "If that were to be true but the key question is, why involve children? There's a possibility your assumption maybe true but I don't find it fitting to the whole spy thing" When I said that everyone nodded in understanding expect Tobias.

"Who made her to talk and what is she even doing here?" Tobias scoffed causing Zachary to growl making Tobias to growl as well. "Stop acting like kids and act your ages, even though Avery is not fully a pack member but she's Zachary's mate and she has every right to be here voicing out her thoughts Tobias" Arnold scolded as Tobias scoffed yet again, "She came straight from the streets and you don't even know anything about her!" Tobias shouted. I could tell that made Zachary upset but I held his hand tight calming him down, "You're right. I am from the streets and ended there because I ran away, but just because I lived in the streets doesn't mean you can look so lowly of me, also it's best to not judge a book by its cover" I huffed catching Seven smiling, "Feisty. I like her, Zachary please do take good care of her. She'll the one to knock some sense into that stubborn skull of yours " Seven smirked as Zachary just smiled nodding his head playfully scoffing.

"Anyway, even though this is my first meeting here despite me not being official yet, I do have a request I'd like to ask of you" I said looking directly at the alpha and Luna, "Okay and what this request?" Luna Nia asked as she quirked her eyes in interest, "Well... Since we don't know if Quinn's motives are good, I've been thinking for a big amount time and we simply just can't live with the 'what if' his intentions are bad or good-" I said but Tobias interrupted. "Please get to the point" Tobias said rudely, "Gladly, dear Tobias" I said with a smile which made him flinch, "As I was saying. We don't know whether Quinn's intentions are good or bad... I know it may be risky but I'd like to go and see if Quinn is really a threat to us" I said. "No!" I turned to Zachary and I could anger and mostly fear in his eyes.

"I agree with Zachary, what if Quinn is just like all the other rogues?" Tobias asked, "Look even though we don't know his true motives we- I can find it out and report to you guys, I know the risks and the dangers but we honestly can't seat here and if we started war with them then people will die due to misunderstandings, so please just let me do this" I pleaded. "And if you get hurt?" Zachary barked as I just sighed. "You can have two or three of you best warriors by my side if you want" I said holding his hand trying to calm him down, "Do you even know where to find him?" Kazimir asked looking at me as I shook his head, "Honestly it'll be foolish to try and look for him given by how well hidden he is so our only hope is that he finds us, given by the information we have he helps and saves those in need it seems he migrates a lot. So the chances of him finds us is high" I said looking at each and every one of them.

"I see your point dear, I'm sure you're aware that'll have to put yourself in danger in order for him to save you which puts you in a very risky situation" Luna Nia reasoned as they rest nodded their heads at the fact, "Yes I'm aware of that fact. Even though it might put me in danger I have a feeling I'll be protected by Quinn, the reason I want to do this is because there's something that draws me closer to Quinn that I can't explain" I said looking at Nia as she just gave me warm smile in understanding, "Well if we go through this and she actually figures out his motives then we'll know exactly if he's our enemy or not, so I support it" Tobias said, "Avery, are you sure you're up for this? If you're not then we can find another way" Seven asked looking at me straight. "Yes I'm sure about it and I'll be ready for the challenge, but I don't think I can go without my mate's full support" I said looking at Zachary as he looked at me.

I know he's afraid but he should just trust me on this, "You'll have three of our best warriors with you in case rogues attack you and if you fail to find him I want you to come back immediately, understand?" Zachary ordered as I just smiled nodding my head, "Okay, those who approve Avery's request raise your hand" Arnold said as he raised his raised his hand and soon others followed, "But hold on a second. I know we've all agreed, but Avery have you thought about when you're leaving and for how long?" Skylar asked for the first time during this all meeting. "Yes. I plan on leaving tomorrow for about two or three days because it'll be difficult to learn about in one day" I said with a smile, "Okay then and I hope you've been training" Arnold said glancing at me, "Yes I have and I take them very seriously"

After discussing more details about my leave, the meeting ended less bad than I thought it would and we were free to do whatever, so right I'm training and kicking ass, "Hey Avery, just know next time I not gonna go easy on you" Troy said making me laugh, Troy is one of the warriors I'll have with me tomorrow.

"We'll see about that Troy, hey can you call the rest?0o" I asked Troy and soon they came, "Okay guys here's the thing since you all have been chosen to do this with me and I'll have you know that there's a chance where we might be attacked by rogues, so if you feel you won't be safe you're free stay here" I said looking at the three.

"We're warriors we risk our lives for the people of the pack and the pack as well, besides we're the top best warriors for nothing" Nicolas said, "Right! And Zachary ordered us to protect his mate and we'll do just that, if trouble does come our way I'll at least be happy that I died while protect our pack" Hunter said as the two nodded, "Thank guys and I'll gladly say that no one will die, anyway with that being said let's continue training then we'll start packing our bags and pack as much as you need" I said as we went back to training.



I woke up pretty early today not that I'm excited that I'm going to find Quinn which won't be easy but I'm worried and having doubts about my decision, I wanna back out but I can't when I've already asked for them to give me a chance.

So here I am already freshened up with a bag of clothes necessities and outside the pack with Troy, Hunter and Nicolas, even though Skylar and Zachary had their doubts and tried convince to call everything off they still stood next to me with worried looks on their faces making me smile at them, "Guys I'll be alright besides, this is my mission" I said to them they both sighed. "You're been for two and a half months and I already think of you as my little sister Av, look we're just worried about you and you'll never know what may come if you leave" Skylar said making cooe at his words, "It's just for two days and that's it, I gotta go, hey boys find a tree then shift and pack the clothes we're wearing now we might need them" I said giving Zachary and Skylar a hug then running to tree to remove my clothes and shift.

Hunter, Nicolas, Troy and I shifted as Zachary and Skylar helped us put on our bags and started running until the pack house was out of sight.

"Guys, I smell something sweet" Hunter mind linked, "I don't smell anything sweet Hunter" Troy said as Nicolas just scoffed through mind link, "You pups it means his mate is close by, Hunter whatever how sweet the scent is ignore it for now" Nicolas reasoned but didn't seem to reach Hunter as he started running after the scent and leaving us with no choice but to follow him. As Hunter was running out, of nowhere a wolf came and attacked him leaving us wide eyed. "Shit" Troy exclaimed.

We went to help Hunter because the wolf was biting him on his leg as we cried out in pain, then another wolf attacked me biting my arm also making me howl in pain but I managed to kick her away and biting her leg, put nowhere more numbers of wolves started coming and trapping us in a circle. "Shit, we're out numbered" Nicolas cussed looking around and it's not looking good, "Guys do you see any open spots?" I asked looking around, "The circle is too tight, I can't seem to see any open spots" Troy mind linked and wow we are in deep shit, then a white wolf came in the middle of the circle and shifted.

The wolf had grey long hair covering his neck and two different eye colours on his left was blue while his right was green and you could some battle scars on his body, one of the wolves from the circle left and came back with some clothes and he just put on a sweatpant, "The four of you please shift so that we can talk" We all growled causing all the wolves to do the same, "Relax I just want to talk, I need five girls to cover the girl so that she can change" five female wolves came my way surrounding me while one of them came with a sweatpant and a shirt. I shifted hearing my bones cracking and boy it hurt as hell with my wound, I removed my bag and put on the clothes I was given, "Now that you've all shifted I'd like to ask questions which you'll have to answer, why have you crossed my boarder?" He asked, we didn't bother to answer making him sigh.

"You are in no position to keep quite, I'm just doing this for the sake of my pack and I'm not taking any measures so I suggest you speak now or die here" The wolf said. "I'm Avery Quinzel and these are Hunter, Troy and Nicolas, we are travellers looking for a temporary place to stay but we didn't know were crossing your territory" I said trying to make my lie believable, "What are you doing Avery?" Hunter asked through mind link, "If we tell the truth then he might kill us or send us where we came from, that way he might let us stay with them" I reasoned.

"Crystal, Dexter and Michael search their belongs and while you're at it, Crystal I'd like for you to check their wounds" The wolf said gesturing to Hunter and me, three wolves shifted not bothering to change and went straight to searching put bags.

"The girl's bag is clear, I just removed her weapons" Crystal put my stuff back and went to checking on my arm, "Your wound is not that deep so the healing process will be quick" Crystal said with a smile which I returned then she went to attend to Hunter, "Oof its a deep one but don't worry it'll heal but it'll take time" She said then leaned down to lick Hunters leg to stop the bleeding, "You said you are travelers, yes?" The wolf asked as the four of us nodded our heads. "And for how long do you plan on staying if you found a temporary home?" We looked at him but then kept quite until Nicolas spoke, "Why should we tell you when we don't know who you even are?" The wolf's eyes widened, "Oh I'm so sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I'm Quinn and these my people" When he said that our eyes widened, "You're the omega rogue?" Troy asked which made Quinn laugh.

"Oh so that's what they call me? Quite amusing, so anyway back to the question" Quinn said looking at us, "We were planning on staying for two days" I said looking at him truthfully, "Great! So within those two days I'd like for you to stay with us if you don't mind besides there's a lot of rogues who want blood so it won't be safe for you guys, all of you can rest while the rest in patrol, you'll start at 8pm" Quinn said as the wolves which surrounded us started to leave. Quinn turned to leave but then stopped and turned around, "Avery, Hunter, Troy, Nicolas please follow me" And turned to leave as we followed behind him, We walked for about 30 minutes straight until we saw a beautiful white mansion.

We saw pups and wolves playing and playing around while some where training, some adults watching or training with them, "Welcome to the Blood Moon Pack" Quinn said as we were standing in the hallway and it looks even more beautiful than outside.

"Wait how come it's not in the lists of packs?" Troy asked in suspicion which made Quinn to chuckle, "I found this place exactly when I was twelve years old, before I found this place we were traveling from place but that didn't seem safe for the all of us especially the pregnant, young and old so one day I went hunting and found this place. At first this place was run down and abandoned so my people and I decided to bring it how it is now" Quinn said while smiling at the memory as he motioned for us to sit and the most comfortable couches, "How come you haven't made yourself known after all these years?" Nicolas asked looking at Quinn as if observing which seems to have no problem with it.

"Now that's a great question Nicolas, you see it's best to be unknown than be known. Don't get it? When I developed this pack and meeting the people around you and hearing their stories, I feared if my pack come to be known like every other packs then we get attacked by rogues and that's what I don't want, everyone around well some of them lost their packs and I don't want to them to go through the same pain again" he looking as us then his people, "I just want to protect them even if it means that Blood Moon Pack is not known" he said truthfully as we nodded in understanding. "But why do you send people to other packs?" I asked confused, Quinn's eyes caught me mine as he smirked, "You're not travellers, are you? You're in my home now so it's best to come out of your lie" Our eyes widened at what he said.

"How he did figure us out?" Troy asked in shock, "I-I don't know" I said looking at Quinn, "Like I said before I just want to talk, I have no intention nor desire to hurt anyone of you" Quinn stated, "We're from Sliver Creek Pack and our mission was to find you Quinn" Quinn raised his brow when I said, "Well you've found me, so why did you travel whole the from Silver Creek to here?"

"Because we want to know what your true intentions are" Troy said trying to act intimidating which didn't, "My true intentions?" Quinn asked confused, "We recently found that you're responsible for sending wolves to other pack and we want to know exactly why" Nicolas said as he took a sip of his water. "Let me ask you a question. Have you ever watched the people you loved die in front and you couldn't anything just because your weak?" We all shook our heads looking down, "Well I lost my whole family and them watched them die at five years old, I couldn't save anyone even if I wanted to and that still scars me, so when I turned nine years old I decided to help others wolves find a pack to their fitting and where they can accept them" Quinn explained, "But why do you send people to other packs?" I asked again, Quinn looked at me observing until he answered.

"Because they chose to and sometimes I had no choice but send them to different packs, I pretty you know to the wolves I sent to Silver Moon Pack" We all nodded our heads as he nodded back, "I found them when I was hunting and a five year old boy was injured badly, I sent them to Sliver Moon Pack because I could tell they were looking for place to stay so since my pack was far, I just told them where to go and the boy needed immediate medical attention" Quinn explained, "Yes, but what about the rest from a few years back?" Nicolas asked, Quinn sighed this king for a moment, "Those people I sent a few years back deserved to belong to a better pack besides mine wasn't even a pack, it was much of a migration thing and also I was pretty young and I doubted my leadership skills. Anymore-"

"Quinn!" We all turned our heads the most cute little girl ever, Quinn smiled at her as she came running to him, "Hey lovely, what's up?" The girl smiled at Quinn with so much adoration, "I can shift now look!" Then we here bones cracking as we watched her shift into the most adorable pup ever, Quinn's smile widened at the little pup, "Sierra I'm so proud of you my little warrior, now come on shift back and put this on" Sierra shifted and was immediately covered by Quinn. Looks like he respects people privacy.



After our conversation with Quinn, he gave a tour of his place and stationed us to our rooms after we ate dinner, so Quinn has been nothing but patient, sweet and understanding. He even allowed Hunter to stay with his mate Crystal, I was relaxing on this comfortable queen sized bed when I heard a knock on my door.

Voicing out my approval the door slowly creeks open revealing Quinn. "Hey, you got a minute?" I sat upright looking at him surprised, "Yeah sure, please come in" I said giving him a shy smile which he returned with a confident one making his way to the couch, we sat in an awkward silence before deciding to break the ice, "Thank you" Quinn looks up at me confused at my outburst. "Thank you for saving those who needed help" I clarified as he just smiled, "I had too, besides I feel I was born for this, I'm sorry but can go outside need to take a smoke and I don't want pollute your room" I agreed and we walked to the balcony.

"I didn't know you'd be the one to smoke" I joked making Quinn playfully scoff at me, "I started when I turned twenty, I usually smoke when I'm how stressed" He explained as I nodded, "How come you never thought of joining a pack when your family died?" Quinn tensed at that and I had overstepped, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to overstep, you don't have to tell me" I said sincerely, "The I reason I haven't is because I was told not to, have you ever heard of the term moonblood?" Quinn asked, I shook my head tilting it to the side in confusion, "No I haven't, what's that?" I asked, Quinn leaned close and ruffled my hair in a brotherly way before pulling away, "Moonbloods are wolves chosen by the moon goddess to protect the forest and what she could not, they in store peace to the forest and help those who are in need of help" He stopped to side glace at me then continued, "Moonbloods protect the way of life in the forest, they're more like the male and female versions of the Goddess" he explained and then it clicked, "Are you saying you're a moonblood?" Quinn looked at me shocked but then smirked.

"You really do catch on Avery, don't you?" I just shrugged making him laugh, "Yes you're right I am a moon blood, before my family died, my parents told not to join any pack until the pack war is over and since I can't join any pack I decided to make my own" he explained, "Wait I'm sorry, did you just say pack war?" Quinn tensed again cussing under his breath, he threw his cigarette on the floor crushing it with his shoe then looked at me seriously making me flinch a little, "Avery, a war will be declared by one of the strongest pack in order to rule all packs and the alpha will stop at noting to achieve his goal. So far from what I've gathered he's so far from Minnesota, when he does come you can all of the packs must be ready for what's to come"

"He could be playing with us Avery" Amber said making me agree with her, "How do I know you're telling the truth?" I growled causing Quinn to chuckle, "I'm not like any other werewolf omega Avery, I was chosen by the moon goddess and I was given the ability to see glimpse of the future. I know you don't believe me but you should because the war of the century will begin"

"So be ready"