
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Omega Rogue

Dante's Pov

They say when you find your mate you'll feel complete and happy. Because you'll have that someone, your other half, your soulmate decided by the Moon goddess that completes the other half of you.

Mom and dad had always told me stories about how magical it is to find your soulmate or about how they met, I was so obsessed imagining how my mate would look like and fantasizing about the life we'll have together. Sadly I'm not all that interested in finding them anymore, I'm twenty years old now so what's the point?

Aunt Nia has tried to convince me to travel and find my mate but I simply thought against it, I know its for my best interest and happiness but my priority right now is this pack and honestly finding my mate will slow things down, ever since I was taken in I worked my body off enough for me to defend this pack and I did get scars from rouge attacks on the way, the resentment and hatred I have for rogues is enough for me to kill every single one of them. Is it selfish of me to have hopped someone took my parents fate and not mine? Lucus and my life would've been so much better if they didn't leave. I get its what the Moon Goddess had planned but why would she take away the two people I needed in my life, she could've at least let one live and the other die instead of leaving their two sons orphans, if they didn't die would we- would I be okay? "What you thinking about so much?" I turned around to look at my younger best friend, "Aren't you supposed to attend to your newly lovely mate Zach?" I asked smirking at him as he just rolled his eyes.

"She's asleep" he said as he moved to sit next to me, "How is she by the way?" I asked not bothering to look at him, "She's alright still uncomfortable with the place but she's alright, now got any interest in finding your mate?" I immediately growled making him laugh, "Oh come your ass is getting old" he said while laughing, "Some people find their mate as late or early as twenty and thirty, besides I can't go along finding my mate when rouges are still around roaming and killing" I reasoned, Zachary just sighed. "You're my Beta, yeah you're older than me by two years but I just want the best for you" he said and I just laughed at the same old song. "So you think my so called half of me will make me happy and whole?" I asked side glancing at him and caught nodding his head, "I am happy and whole when I slaughter those dreaded rogues but I will be truly happy and whole when I'm covered in the blood of those assholes who killed our parents that's when I'll be happy and whole" I said with a smirk, "Look I understand your resentment towards rogues but killing them won't really give you happiness, it'll just make you more cold than you already are" I couldn't help but laugh even more. I'm so tired of people showing nothing but sympathy in their eyes, I'm not the twelve years old boy who passed out with Lucus a block away from the pack, I've changed I mean I'm twenty years old for goddess sake, "Ha so what if I'll get more cold Zachary? That's my business and not yours, so I suggest you keep out of my business and be with your mate you found days ago" I said then shifted in my wolf form and run out of my room.

/(- _ -)\

I ran fast as the wind hit my brown fur, it felt so nice releasing my wolf and laying off steam, not just laying off steam but getting my paws with dirty with rogue blood. I stopped running at a lake to drink the water but stopped when I heard growling. Ha this is gonna be fun.

I turned around to be face to face with a male rogue, it wasted no time in attacking which was the only thing I liked about them, the rogue tackled me biting down on my hip hard giving me deja vu vibes, I howled in pain but then managed to remove his grasp and bit down on his neck only letting go when I heard a cracking sound.

I looked at the dead wolf then my eyes landed on a rogue that was now trying to run away, I ran so fast that I heard the rogue whimper which was fun, I finally caught up to it and pinned it down with me on top of it, I growled making it whimper seeing the fear in his eyes making me growl even more, I could tell it was another male, "Can you stop messing with my pup?" I immediately stopped what I was doing to look at a small girl about fifteen or eighteen years old sitting on a rock with a cigarette in between her fingers I wonder when she got here. The girls hair was blonde mixed white as her eyes were green, I growled again making the wolf under me whimper again as the girl just sighed jumping off the rock taking a puff before throwing the cigarette away on the ground and stomping on it, "Look, that pup there is my annoying mate and he's mine so please let him go" I looked at her then decided to shift back into my human form, "Why the fuck would believe a rogue?" I asked bitterly glaring at her holding grip on the wolfs neck, "Pup shift" she ordered as the wolf whimpered and but shifted either way and once he did I tightened my hold.

"I'm not a pup I'm your mate you crazy!" The rogue squealed as the girl just laughed. The rogue had red hair and brown eyes, "But you sure do act like a pup, look at you! You couldn't even defend yourself" the girl teased and I feel like I'm literally in the middle of their fight, "Why would I fight him? That's literally asking to be killed Mads" The rogue shouted, "Why did the Goddess mate me with such a fucking idiot Gamma" she cursed making it hard for me to hide my laugh, "Why did the Goddess mate me with a fucking crazy omega!" The girl growled making him flinch as he cursed, "Hey beta" I looked at her raising my brow at her, "Kill him, since he's not appreciative about me being his mate go on ahead and crack his neck, I'll be here watching" She said as she looked at her mate the whole time, "Ugh you guys sound like newly mates" I said annoyance as they both glared at me growling at the same time, "Oh wow so nice of you to notice, now please let go of my mate before our beloved omega gives us a lecture about staying too far off course" Madison said suddenly serious, "Omega?" I asked looking at Madison as she just nodded, "Quinn, he's an omega who either helps those who ran away from their pack or those who lost everything during rogue attacks, he either protects them like he does with us or help them find a pack where they'll be accepted. Its funny that he's being doing it since nine years old" The boy who was still in my hold said looking into my eyes and I could tell he wasn't lying.

"Quinn will be so worried and pissed if we don't go back now, beta we haven't caused trouble and we ain't those rogues out for blood, in fact we didn't leave our packs by choice" Madison begged looking straight at me, "Why don't you just go back to your pack?" I asked looking at the both of them, "Ha! We would if our Luna and Alpha weren't killed, they weren't even given a chance to raise our heir " Before I could ask why Madison beat me to it, "When our heir was born rogues came and killed everyone related to the Alpha Luna family leaving no one to defend Crescent pack, people died but then an omega rogue came which was Quinn and he helped us, he even sent some people to Harvest moon pack, Blue moon pack and Silver moon pack" She said reaching out for something in her pocket I growled making the boy flinch underneath me but them stopped when she pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, "How do I know you're telling truth?" I asked looking her straight in her eyes as she just shrugged, "If you don't believe me then check it out for yourself just ask for the people who recently joined these packs, now please lot go of Hugo we're supposed to make pups by now" Madison said with a smirk which made Hugo blush as I just chuckled at her boldness and let him go. Madison quickly ran to him first slapping his face which made me flinch at the loud sound then she hugged him.

"Thanks beta, come on you ass" Madison said hitting Hugo's head then shifted into their wolf form, Madison turned around facing me then she bowed her head to me and left with her mate. I shifted back into my wolf form new information making my way to the pack.

"Who do think this omega rogue is?" My wolf Logan asked, "I don't know but I'd also like to know and the fact he's being doing it since nine years old really intrudes me" I said to my wolf as he agreed and stopped at a tree near the pack house to change, I came out wearing a white t-shirt and a grey sweatpants making my way to the wolves on duty, "Zach's pissed with you buddy" My best friend Cole said as I just smirked patting his back making way to the house but then stopped when I saw two angry and pissed Alphas.

... Well shit.

"Dante where the fuck have you being?!" Both Arnold and Zachary shouted and I knew I was in deep shit now, I bowed my head in submission to both of them, "I-I went out to lay off steam and killed a rogue but I didn't know I was gone for long, I apologize" I said sincerely as they both sighed. "Look men, I'm sorry I pissed you off and honestly I quite don't understand what you're going through but I just want you to know that we're all here for you and Lucus, but next time please don't come late at night because that's when some of the rogues are active" Zachary said as I just nodded, "And please be more careful and get your hip checked out" Arnold said patting my shoulder as I just nodded but before they could leave I stopped them, "I'd like to tell you guys something and I suggest we speak in your office, uncle" I said stopping both of them in their tracks, they looked at each other then back at me before nodding their head.


"So what's this you wanted to discuss with us in private?" Arnold asked as he sat down on his chair looking at me, "So when while I was laying off steam, I encountered with two other rogues..." I stopped to at looking at Zach and Arnold,"Okay? Go ahead" Zach said urging me to continue, "So when I killed a rogue near the lake I saw a male rogue trying to run away so I caught with him easily but when I was about to end him a female rogue came and turns out they're mates newly mates, anyway when I encountered with them they mentioned something about an omega rogue who helped those who ran away from their packs or those forced to leave their during rogue attacks and it appears he even sent some to other packs" I said looking at the Alphas who just raised their brow in interest, "Interesting, tell me did you catch the names of the packs and this omegas name?" Arnold asked as I nodded my head finally sitting down next to the Alphas. "Yes, this omega rogue sent them to Harvest moon pack, Blue moon pack and Silver moon pack and his name is Quin, but where it gets more interesting is that he's being doing it since he was nine years old" Both Alphas eyes widened at the information, "Nine years old and at a young age?" Arnold said as we just agreed with him, "Did you catch how old he is now Dan?" Zach asked, "No I didn't but since he's being doing it for ten years he could be younger or older, but I think we must do more research on this Quin omega rogue"

"Agreed, well I guess we'll have to organize with the three packs tomorrow "

After the meeting I called the alphas about the meeting tomorrow with two or three new pack members without giving them much detail to just leave them in suspense, I decided to do more research on Quin and the people who recently joined other packs and its quite a lot actually so I just decided to sleep.


"Good morning Alphas, I know this meeting is all sudden but I appreciate you all for managing to make it" Arnold said sincerely as the three alphas nodded their head, "I sacrificed my game for this, so Arnold you better make this worth it man" Seven alpha of Blue moon said with a hint of sass making everyone laugh, Seven is twenty four years old and his hair is oddly naturally pure white with orange eyes and honestly he's pretty good with his six children... "I'll make your sacrifice worth it Sev" Arnold laughed, "I brought Lucus over with me, I hope that's okay" Kazimir Lucus mate and alpha of Silver moon pack asked looking at Arnold with his blue eyes while removing his jet black hair away from his face, "Of course it's okay Kaz, Lucus so glad you could join us" Lucus nodded happily while looking at me.

"So why are we here today Uncle Arnold?" Tobias alpha of Harvest moon pack asked with grey eyes staring at Arnold and its clear he'll rather sleep with his mate than be here, Arnold just chuckled at him, "Anyway the reason we called this meeting with you guys only is because yesterday I was told to you accepted a few rogues or per say pack less wolves into your pack, am I correct?" Zachary asked looking everyone as they nodded, "So can each of you tell us how they actually showed?" Zachary asked. "About two years ago four rogues came asking for me, they didn't do anything threatening they just laid there showing their bellies until I came they stayed in that position. I asked them what they wanted and they asked to be apart of my pack, at first I thought it was a trick and kept on rejecting them but even though I rejected them they kept on coming back staying on the same spot I found them on not daring to step in our territory, so after some thought and debates with the Elders we decided to test them, which they past and boom they're apart of my pack now" Seven said looking at everyone even making hand gestures, "Did they cause any trouble in your pack" Arnold asked Seven as he shook his head.

"Nope not at all in fact they even helped pack members" Seven answered. "Well two rogues did come by about a year ago asking to join my pack, they did the same thing just like Seven described and at first I was hesitant about it all until they explained their situation. Turns out their pack which was Crescent pack and their Alpha and Luna along with their son and everyone were brutally slaughtered, at first I didn't believe what they said until I did my research and that's when I decided to welcome them after discussing it with the elders, they haven't caused trouble which is a good thing but we still keep our eyes and ears open" Tobias said taking a sip of his water, "So their officially members of your pack?" I asked as they all nodded, "Anyway about two weeks ago five rogues came doing the same thing there rogues did asking to be apart of the pack mind you they were all siblings one older brother, one older sister and three younger siblings, the young child five years old was seriously injured and needed immediate attention so we treated the little one leaving the rest outside and turns out they belonged to Moon Stone pack" Lucus said, "But isn't that about ten thousand miles away from here, and the fact they came all the way here with a five year old pup" Zachary said as we all nodded.

"Well I'm not surprised why they ran away, I've heard Alpha Dustin is taking advantage of his power and continuously asked for war between packs literally giving Moon Stone pack a bad name" I said as they said agreed, "Now that we know your stories I think I know their source that sent them to you over the years" I said looking at the three alphas as they raised their brows, "Oh so they had a source, should we be worried?" Seven asked in concern, "Hopefully not but their source turns out to be an omega rogue that's being send rogues your way, it appears that this omega's name is Quinn", I said looking at everyone. "To be more precise he helps those who ran away from their packs and those who are forced to leave their packs due to rogue attacks, it's either he keeps them safe or sends them to packs where they'll be accepted" I finished. "And how do you know of this information when we know nothing of this, dear cousin?" Tobias asked raising his brow judgingly... prick, "Well cousin Tobias, I ended up crossing paths with two rogues named Hugo and Madison and was told about Quinn, apparently they're still in his care before you ask I'm not sure how many people he has in his care nor do I know what he looks like nor his wolf and the most interesting part is that he's being dong it since nine years old" Their eyes widened in surprise as they looked at each other, "Meaning he's being doing it for over ten years now" Kazimir and Lucus said at the same time as the rest did the math.

"Is that why you asked for our new recruits today?" Tobias asked as Arnold nodded his head, "Yes that's why, we just need them to clarify our theory" Arnold said as he seemed to be mind linking someone and soon after the door opened revealing about eleven wolves with the heads down, "Good morning to you all and thank you all for coming here today, now please stand behind your Alphas and introduce yourselves, your ex pack and why you left" They all listened to Arnold's words and stood behind their Alphas.

"Lets start with cousin Tobias then Kazimir and lastly Seven" Zachary said as our eyes meet the two people behind Tobias, "Um... I'm Antwan aged nineteen years old I'm an alpha and this is my mate Troy aged twenty one he's an omega, um we were from Crescent pack, our Luna Zosia and Alpha Leon died a tragic death along with their newly born son and those apart of their family leaving no one to look after it, so ah our pack is dead but people from our pack still roam around I think" Antwan said as he nervously held his mates hand. "After that we've being roaming around for almost a year which was really scary because there was a chance we would have met those fuckers!" Troy said as Antwan gripped his hand, "Sorry for my outburst, anyway I'm orphan and spent my life in an orphanage called pups care and I'm an only child" Troy said honestly while even looking at all of us.

"My parents and I had an argument regarding Troy and we parted ways after that, we haven't spoken ever since the tragedy but I do hope they're okay and I'm the last born so all my siblings went to different packs because their mates were there" Antwan explained as we all nodded at them then turned our heads to Kazimir's side, "I'm Avalon and my older twin brother Ace we're both sixteen and this is our little sister Tracy she's eleven years old, Tobly twelve years old and our baby brother August five years old" Avalon said doing the introductions while her twin brother stepped up, "We were from Moon Stone pack which is also ten thousand miles away from here, the reason we left was because Dustin accused our parents of treason and had them- pups cover your ears" Ace ordered looking over at his younger siblings to see if they did what they were told and looked back at us, "Anyway Dustin accused our parents of treason and had them killed soon after that he banished us from the pack leaving us no choice but to run away to find a better place, it was pretty difficult moving around with a five year old and pups who just learned how to shift. It took us about six to seven months to get here, on the way we encountered with a rogue that um... Mercilessly attacked our baby brother August, we- we didn't know what to do until we were somehow guided to Sliver Moon pack and I'm-" Ace said stopped to looks at his siblings telling his younger siblings to uncover their ears.

"We're forever gratefully to Alpha Kazimir and Luna Lucus for saving our baby brother, if it wasn't for them and their hospitality then we would have been pack less and lost August so uh thank you" Ace said with tears bowing his head as the rest did the same, "I'm Dale I'm twenty eight years old an Alpha and this is my brother Austin he's twenty two a Gamma and this here is my mom Ezekiel age forty eight Omega and my dad Pablo age forty nine Beta, we were from Shadow Pack and the reason we left is because our mom was almost raped by the alphas son, our- ex alpha didn't believe us and even threatened our lives so after getting many death threats from our ex pack members we decided to cut our ties than suffer there" Dale said, "No one bothered to care or believe me, they called me a slut, whore and being unworthy to be mated to my husband Pablo so it all put me into severe depression, after Pablo found out about my depression we decided to leave for the best and I was six months pregnant at the time which I didn't even know" Ezekiel said with a smile making us smile as well.

"Thank you all for explaining your backgrounds, now here's a question for everyone of you, who's the omega who helped you find these packs. We don't mean any harm we just want to know" Zachary said with smile as if sensing their discomfort, "Well when August was injured an omega rogue can and killed the rogue with his teeth at first we were afraid that he might hurt us but then he actually cleaned well licked some of August's deep wounds and told us that there's a pack named Silver Moon pack that'll help us, he told us if we want to join their pack then we should do it with respect, at first I wanted to kill him because I thought he was scammer and all but them Avalon said we should do it for August's sake which we did. Honestly thanks to him we found the pack and saved our brother" Tobly said making our eyes widen when he said he wanted to kill the omega, "Ah yes!" We turned our heads to Austin who looked like he just won a jackpot, "There was this omega rogue named Quinn who we stayed with a week after we went to Alpha Seven's care and he was seventeen years old two years ago, he took care of each everyone he helped and even suggested some people to other packs as some decided stay with him. Even tough he was seventeen he sure made a great leader" Austin said with a proud smile, "After the tragedy with our pack and the roaming around we came across Quinn fishing and he offered us some which we gladly took, he then asked if we wanted to the stay with for a couple of weeks then when we were about to move again he asked us if we wanted to know how it feels to belong into a pack again, we told him yes and he guided us to Alpha Tobias pack telling us how to show respect and not to show any threat as he told us to tell the truth and our reason" Troy explained, "Question. Am I the only one hearing this from them, if so say I"


"Care to explain why hearing this for the first time from you guys" Arnold asked in suspicion, "Its best not to be known than be known, those who want to be known suffer more than those who don't want to be known and if those who want to know about me let them know" Austin quoted as we all looked at him with raised brows, "Excuse me?" Lucus asked quite confused just like all of us, "One of Quinn's quotes, one time I asked him if he would want to be known for what he does and his answer was a quote I didn't understand what he meant but now I do well I think I do, he'd rather be unknown than be known because it seems he's been through a lot whole his life... Nope I'm blank anyway I think what he meant by that is because people who are known tend to suffer and be endanger while those who are unknown are practically ghosts as all they do see and endure besides I think he wants what he does secret for the sake of the people he's taking care of since mostly all of us came from the background, we faced rogue attacks or we were forced to run away.

So he wants to protect those in need of help or support, as his quote said 'if those who want to know about me let them know' which I think probably meant he knew someday or one day someone would want to know about him which he was right" Austin explained, "Ah I see now" Lucus said with a smile as we tried solve what he meant which took us time to understand, "So you're saying you didn't want to tell us because you wanted to protect him?" Seven asked Austin as he just nodded, "If we did blabber our mouths about Quinn all over the place then rogues might've had a league and harmed him and everyone" Antwan explained, "Quinn saved my baby brother" Tracy said as she held onto Augusts hand, "Promise you won't hurt Quinny Luna Lucus" August said coming to Lucus and Kazimir which them smile, I always knew they're suckers for kids. "We promise we won't hurt Quinn or anyone else, okay?" Lucus said with a smile as August nodded with a smile going back to Tracy, "Can any of you please describe Quinn?" I asked looking at all of them, "Quinn is short kinda but I'd say he's at least 5'6 , has oddly natural grey hair not for old folks but its seriously grey and from what I remember he had two different eye colours on his left was blue while his right was green which were scary at first but turned out to be cool and when he shifts his wolf's fur is grey-ish white" Troy explained and I was suddenly triggered by my nightmare about last night, "Um did he perhaps have weapons wrapped his chest?" I asked as the alphas turned their heads to me, "Uh yeah he did, may I ask how you know did you perhaps see him?"Antwan asked looking at me.

I looked at Zachary, Arnold and Lucus as it finally it me, "He's the one" I said with wide eyes looking at the three then looked at everyone as they raised their brows in confusion, "What do you mean Dante?" Kazimir asked, I stood up taking a large gulp of my water then started pacing around the room and stopped until I was in front of everyone. "He's the one who saved me and Lucus when mom and dad died, he even told me to come here but I passed out due to loss of blood" As I said Lucus stood up and looked at me with wide eyes as everyone's eyes widened, "Are you sure Dan like are you dead sure?" Lucus asked as tears started to fall down his face, Kazimir immediately hugged him to calm him down, "Are you sure Dante?" Arnold asked looking at me.

"Its really him Uncle Arnold, he's the one who saved us eight years ago"


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I'd really appreciate it if you helped me out.


Here's my Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/megan_teaxoxo/

My Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/309591943-the-king%27s-queen?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Megan_Tea&wp_originator=ZSUc9VZ6d%2FvrI8Ih1JoROGjOeA0NqTSTZgTaoVoiub8C0dQeqi%2FOGGnpk1Gc05ZW04HYQFPRrzywdIfyt0qQLZ1k9SD7CV7DOaekP0Q%2Fb0nM2Ceg6SWTusZkPudgCngy 

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