
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Pack Meeting

*Special Chapter* And not edited so grammatical errors are likely.

Quinn's Pov

Harvest Moon, Sliver Creek, Dark moon, Blue moon, Silver moon, Starlight moon and all the packs in Minnesota are targeting, sadly the Crescent pack didn't make it out as it's now one of the abandoned packs, the reason why other packs are still standing is because they either gave in or not being visited yet. Luciano Lorenzo, alpha of one of the strongest packs in Italy and also an alpha rouge, Luciano had brought so much pain and sorrow to everyone and is the most corrupt, he takes innocent lives for fun seeing the satisfaction in it.

When his mate rejected him, he grow furious and killed her in the eyes of everyone in the pack even the children, how do I know this? Well because I was belonged to that pack when I was five years old and a few days after I was forced to him kill my family with my own eyes, I thought I would be next but Luciano just sent out of the pack to die in the woods, I'm telling you I would have but don't know why I didn't, was it because I'm a moon blood? But my mom and grandma were though they still died along with everyone in my family. From that day on I knew I'd get my revenge on him and get justice not only for me but for everyone he made suffer, I may be a twenty two year old omega but I've trained my whole life for this, soon Luciano will come to Minnesota and I'm determined to train all the pack targeted, I'm not going to lose and watch the people I care about die in front of me again.

"Quinnesec, are here darling?" I smiled at the old lady when she found me and came to her, "Elder Valerie, what are you doing here?" I asked giving her a small hug then pulled away, Valerie is a moon blood and the luna of Forest Hill pack in 1921 and when she turned twenty five Vincent Lorenzo, Luciano's father killed her mate, August Collins and everyone royal blood, August forced to her to flee the scene and we she decided to come back she was too late and her mate died. Ever since she's been here all her life, when I was hunting for my now developed pack, I found the Forest Hill pack house abandoned I decided to check it out if it's safe for my pack and that's when I met her, Valerie was so welcoming despite me a stranger, I asked for her permission to let my pack stay here but after some time she agreed and even let me change it to blood moon pack.

"I'm allowed to visit you and see the progress" Valerie said, "Of course you are, I'm about to set off a meeting" I stayed handing her a bottle of water and her medicine which she took, "You know even though you're a moon blood doesn't mean you don't have to find your mate" ugh not this again, "I don't want to find my mate now, they'll get in the way of winning the upcoming war and I can't risk their life when Luciano is still alive and terrorizing whoever he pleases, when he's dead that's when I'll find my mate" I stated making her sigh, "Quinn you're twenty two years old, I understand your reasons but you deserve happiness and love from your mate, I know what to get revenge for what Luciano did to you we all do but to do you need the strength from you mate"

"I've been doing well without him then and I'm pretty sure I'll do great without him now" I said annoyed, Valerie put her hands up in surrender, "You know I'm only saying this because I care about you deeply Quinn, you're like the child I never got to have and I just don't want you to let Luciano get to your head, you'll never know what will when the war is over. It's either you die during the war or he dies, so please Quinn just find your mate now than then before it's actually too late, I've had my fair share of losing my mate and I don't want the same to happen to you Quinn" I know she's right but if I find my mate now then hell be in danger and I don't want to live with that.


"Thank you all for coming everyone and I'd like you to meet Avery, Nicolas, Hunter and Troy from Sliver Creek pack and they'll be joining us on today's meeting"

"So they aren't travelers, they lied!" Harrison shouted, I put my hand up to silence him as he apologised for his outburst, "Yes they did lie about who they actually are but trust me they mean no harm to us" I reassured then as they hesitantly nodded their heads, "You all know Luciano Lorenzo will soon come to Minnesota to rule all packs and will stop at nothing to do so" Avery raised her hand confused, I nodded my head giving her permission, "Um sorry to ask but who's Luciano Lorenzo?"

I smiled at her before answering, "Luciano Lorenzo is one of the strongest alpha sand a rogue in Italy and he's traveling place to palce, continent to continent to rule all packs and be the only alpha" I explained making our guests gasp, "How many pack has he conquered?" Hunter asked grabbing onto Crystal's hand to sooth his nerves, "So far he's managed to conquer about fifteen or seventeen, I sent letters to a few pack to let them about him and told them to hide like they never existed, luckily they listened making Luciano grow frustrated and move on the next pack, some packs refused and it ended quite brutal" I explained, "Can you explain more by brutal?" Hunter asked as I nodded my head, "Have you heard a pack called Crescent pack?" I asked as they nodded their head, "You mean the one where Luna and Alpha and child died?" I nodded my head, "Luciano came to rule their pack but they refused and killed everyone related to the Alpha Luna family, practically if you refuse his proposal you all die"

"That's why we must stop him from reaching his goal at all cost, Avery could please take to your pack? I want to discuss everything further" I asked, Avery looked at me quizzingly but then sighed and nodded, "Thank you, Pedro, I need to care of the pack in absence, can you do that?" I asked my Alpha, "You can count on me Luna" I motioned Avery and her warriors and Crystal to follow me outside, "You guys should pack your stuff now so that we can leave early" they nodded their head and went seperate ways.


It took about sixty minutes to reach Avery's pack, Avery, Hunter, Nicolas and Troy went behind the trees to change when came back, "You guys are not shifting?" I shook no since Crystal and I were still in our wolf, "We should probably get the Alpha to come first" Avery said as the rest nodded their heads, "We'll be back soon but can't guarantee how long it'll take, so please wait while we're gone" Nicolas said as we watched them leave, "You do think they'll believe us?" My wolf Quinta asked, "I honestly don't know but they must, I am not letting a Lorzeno ruin another packs life, we may not have managed to save Crescent pack but we'll mange save all packs and kill Luciano" I said back to my wolf, I keep wondering if Luciano remembers me and what he did to me and my family, will he even be surprised if he finds out it's me?

"Luna, what going to happen me if get accepted to their pack" Crystal mind linked, "You'll a member of the pack and you'll be with Hunter your mate, I hope he's what you've imagined" I said making Crystal laugh, "Oh he is, but will happen to you though?" I sighed and decided to lick behind her ears, "I'll be just fine Crystal you need not to worry, even though we aren't biological you'll still my sister Crystal" Our chat was disturbed when we sensed an alpha coming, "Both of you shift" Alpha Arnold ordered, when Crystal was about to shift I stopped her and told her to wait then shifted.

"Could you please get a long thin blanket for me and some clothes for the both of us?" Arnold just glared at me but in a few minutes I was given what I requested, I just put a sweatpant then turned to Crystal and covered her, "Okay you can shift now" when she turned to her human form I immediately covered her up with the red blanket, she walked behind a tree to change there and came back, "Are you Quinn?" He asked, Crystal and I got one knee to show respect with our heads down, "Yes alpha and this is Crystal, if you don't know she's Hunter's mate" I said not daring to look at him, "Why have you requested a meeting here at Silver Creek?" Arnold asked.

"The forest has ears you know alpha Arnold, so I'm kinda asking if you could let us in and hear what I have to say because this is not to be spoken outside" I begged Hunter then came back standing next to Arnold, "I think it's best to hear him out Alpha" Hunter suggested, Arnold looked at him then at me and gave in and motioned us to follow him into his pack, all the pack members stopped to look at us, well mostly me because of either my hair color or the fact that I have different eye colors or probably both.

A small girl ran to me making Arnold stop in his tracks"Why do you have different eye color?" The little girl asked looking at me with curiously, I smiled at her and knelt down to her level, "Well that's because they represents my birth parents, on my left side it's blue representing my mom's beauty loving blue eyes and on my right it's green representing my dad's charming and loving eyes" the girls eyes lit up seeming satisfied with my answer and left, we started walking again and stopped at two brown doors. Arnold side glanced before letting us enter, we could see all eyes of us from Alphas to Luna coming different pack, I managed to spot Seven, Tobias and Kazimir with their Lunas, I honestly know everyone here, most of them.

Arnold motioned for us to take a seat which we did, When my eyes met a pair of brown chocolate eyes a shiver ran down my spine, "Mate!" Quinta shouted making my heart started beating rapidly and I just couldn't pull my eyes away from him, those same brown eyes looked familiar, so familiar that I feel like I've seen them before. And that's when it dawned on me, he's the same boy I saved eight years ago, "I see you've already recognized him" I turned my head to Arnold and nodded my head trying to regain my composer, "Arnold, who the hell is he?" Seven asked looking at me suspiciously, "Well I'm pretty sure some of you already know me but in case you don't, I'm Quinn Accardi or what you've already nicknamed me 'the omega rogue' luna of blood moon pack"

An alpha who resembled Arnold his wife looked at me oddly, "You have an alpha?" I just chuckled shaking my head at the young one and I could see Avery and my mate grow curious, "Does a Luna always has to have an alpha? No I don't have an alpha but a right hand alpha, I'm the leader who developed blood moon pack and soon was announced the Luna of the pack" I explained as they nodded their heads."So Quinn why did you come all the way from your none existant pack to Silver Creek?" Tobias asked glaring at me making me roll my eyes, "So we can't have small talk?" I joked looking at him as he just scoffed,"The reason I came here is because I want form an alliance with you, not just you but with all of you here" I said looking at everyone, "And what if we don't, Quinn?" Seven asked observing me, "Excellent question Alpha Seven, if you don't then you'll risk the safety of your pack and your people" I stated seriously.

"What do you mean boy, are you threatening us?" Nia asked, "Oh no ma'am, how could I? On 20th October next month, a war will be declared by one of the strongest alpha in Italy, Luciano Lorenzo is determined to be the alpha of all packs and if we don't stop him we'll all be doomed" I explained, "I feel he speaks the truth" Avery said siding with me, "How do you all this?" Kazimir asked, "Because I'm a moon blood" I stayed catching some of the elders attention, "What do you know about moon bloods?" One of the elders asked, "I was chosen by the moon goddess herself to protect the forest and what she could not, moon bloods are created out of the moon goddess image. We moon bloods a given a glimpse of the future to prevent downfall of the forest, my mother was a moon blood but died a terrible death" I explained, "It can't be" we all turned to the old man,Arnolds dad, who looked at me with shock evident on his face.

"Dad?" Arnold looked at his father in confusion, "Moon bloods where only a mere tale told but was never proven to be real, how- how are you a moon blood?"

"It's because it is true Dave and I knew I wasnt like any other wolf, soon my mother explained it to me saying I'm far more unique than any wolf the moon goddess has ever created, I soon started getting visions when I was younger, anyway enough about this, we have to stop Luciano from achieving his goal" I knew my own mate was curious but I don't have the time to start explaining, "You're saying it like you know him personally" Nia stated calmly as I nodded my head. "I do because he used to be my alpha back in Italy when I-" I couldn't explain further because Tobias just had to interrupt, "Ah ha just as I thought it's a trap! How else would he know this kind of information when we don't, you're just helping whoever this guy is to reach his goal!" He interjected as he smirked, I could the anger boil up inside me but I couldn't blow up and ruin the only chance to save this forest and every living thing in it.

I looked straight into Tobias eyes smiling at him, "You know, I find it pretty hilarious you think I'd ever help him be alpha of all packs when he forced me to watch him kill every member of my family at the age of five" Everyone gasped, Tobias just had shock on his face, "Surprised? Well when he killed my family, he also threw me out to die in the woods, I don't know how I managed to make it to Minnesota but I did" I side glanced at my mate then looked at everyone seeing sympathy in their eyes.

"I'm the only blood line in my family that survived and I am not going to sit still and die knowing Luciano will cause more pain and suffering to everyone if we don't stop him, Luciano took away my sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunties and grandparents. He must be stopped at all costs before it's too late, I swore to avenge my family and the innocent lives he took"

"I sense truth in his words, Quinn I'm so sorry you had to go through such a terrible experience at a young age, even though our parents died through different and same ways, I just can't help but relate to you" Lucus said in such a sad happy tone, "How could you? I mean you were so young and unable to shift when I saved you" Lucas eyes widened, "You're the one who saved me and my brother Dante?" He asked as a tear shade, "I thought that was already disclosed but yes I'm the one who saved you and Dante, please don't thank me" I said with a smile to which he returned, "Please we need to stop Luciano or all will be lost" I pleaded all the alphas, "We do have a lot to talk about this new given situation and when we're down discussing, could you please patiently wait for our answer Quinn?" Seven asked looking at me as an foretold mystery, "Of course, I'll give up to tomorrow and feel free to visit me, Avery, Nicolas, Troy and Hunter know where my pack is but only Arnold and Kazimir are allowed to visit for now. Now if you excuse me I'd like head back my pack and try to more information on Luciano's whereabouts" I bowed my head then left.


"Well that went well" Quade said with a hint of amusement in his tone, "Yeah it did, it's quite fucked up I had to mention what happened that day, after all these years it still rubs me off the wrong way" I said honestly making Quade agree with me, very little people know about my past that's why it's never easy for me to mention that day, "Yeah it's feel so shitty mentioning it, I mean I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable"

"I thought you left already" I didn't bother to turn my head to look at the person, "I need to know my sister is okay before I leave, you got a smoke?" My mate searched his pockets until he found a cigarette and a lighter handing the cigarette to me and lit it up, "You smoke?" I asked as Dante shook his head, "I consficated it from a bunch of teen, and didn't you say you lost your sister?" He asked suspiciously making chuckle. "You're so cute" I complimented completely taking him by surprise, "Yes my sister did die along with my whole family that day, when I was thirteen I found nine year Crystal and evelen year old Pedro, they w were next to their dead parents, seeing them brought me back to that day so I dug a hole and and burried their parents then after that she and Pedro asked me to be their older brother and which I agreed to and ever since we became brothers and sister" I explained, every that day, I had a right hand gal and right hand alpha who helped me every step of the way.

Dante nodded his head is understanding, "Can we not tell anyone we're mates just yet? It's just my main priority keeping this pack safe" he said making take a puff of my cigarette, "I feel it will be best, my main priority is keeping my pack and every pack safe from the hands of Luciano" I dropped my cigarette on the ground stepped on it then start to undress, "What the fuck are you doing?!" My mate asked getting shocked at my action. "Oh please it's the two of us outside and Crystal said I could leave so that's what I'm going to do, 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩é 𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰 𝘥ì 𝘯𝘶𝘰𝘷𝘰 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘰" I shifted into my wolf form and glanced at my confused mate chuckling at the sight, then began to ran.


Translation: till we meet again my love.