
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Pack Allies


Third Person's Pov

Fear and tension was filled amongst the packs, ever since Quinn came to visit Silver Creek Pack, it's wasn't long before the word got out about the possible war arising leaving all the pack members from different packs restless.

All the alphas were caught in a dilemma not sure whether to trust Quinn words or ignore it all together like nothing happened, but they couldn't be selfish because whatever decision they make will impact their pack in a good or bad way, "We really need to make our decision" Seven said sitting in the meeting room as huffed in annoyance, "What if he's just toying with us?" Tobias asked not trusting Quinn at all, Tobias was the type who doesn't give his trust anyhow so he always has to cautious with the people who hadn't earned his trust. "What if he's not? We have two options, it's either we join hands with Quinn and stop whatever shit will happen before it's too late or we ignore his words but whatever we choose will impact our pack" Kazimir said as they alphas went in deep thought.

"Let's not forget the fact Quinn saved me and Luca" Dante cut in defending his mate, Zachary raised his brow at him as he just shrugged, "Then what do you suggest we should do Dante?" Zachary asked, "I feel we should join hands with him because it'll be foolish of him to come up with something as serious as this and if we take his words lightly then we'll regret sooner than later" Dante explained as the alphas nodded their heads in agreement, "Well I guess we've got no choice to find Quinn"


"Luna! We have got hold of wolves roaming our territory next to the lake" Pedro said as he spotted Quinn in the garden, Quinn smiled motioning Pedro to bring his head close to him, Pedro lowered his head as he felt Quinn ruffle his red hair as his way to show Pedro his love, "Then let's go shall we?" Soon both Quinn and Pedro shifted into their wolves as they made their way to the blood lake. "what ranks are the wolves?" Quinn asked as they made their way to the lake, "Four alphas and one beta" Quinn and Pedro reached reached their destination as they found Quinn's warrior's circling the wolves just like they did with Avery and her warriors, Quinn shifted back into his human form and was immediately given clothes to change into then stepped in front of the circle, the five wolves looked at Quinn.

"Good day to you all, I apologize for trapping you like this and making you feel unwelcome but you see I simply just can't take risks with just anyone who crosses my territory" Quinn said with a smile, then his eyes met with the beta and his heart started to beat rapidly knowing it's his mate, he let out a sigh, "Nick please give them clothes" Quinn said to his warrior, Nick came from the shadows with clothes for the five men handing it to them as they shifted and put on their clothes. "A pleasure seeing you all gentleman, I thought you'd choose not to come, please follow me" Quinn led them back to his pack and to his meeting room, "Nice place you have, I honestly didn't expect a rogue to have a place like this" Tobias said as Quinn let out a chuckle.

"I'll take that as a compliment, I believe the only reason you all came here is because you have an answer for me?" The wolves nodded their heads, "How selfish of you for only giving us one day to decide" Seven said but didn't seem to be bothered at all, Quinn just chuckled, "I knew you'd make the right decision when put into pressure and I don't apologize for it, now we have all day, to gain your trust I'm willing to answer the questions that you may have"

"Were your family really killed?" Zachary asked not sure if he should ask this question, Quinn just chuckled at his cuteness, "Sadly yes they're all dead, funny thing is I don't know what Luciano did to their bodies when he left me to die" Quinn said sadly, "I'm sorry, but do you any of you have problems with cigarette smoke?" The wolves shook their head. Quinn took out a cigarette and a lighter and started to smoke, "How old are you Quinn?" Seven asked as he started to smoke himself, "Twenty two" Quinn answered, Dante gave a shocked expression making Quinn chuckle. "Can you tell us more about Luciano?" Arnold asked.

"Well Lorenzo had dreams of ruling all packs because it was his fathers dream but his dad died, he wanted to fulfill his fathers dream and when his mate rejected him because of his evil deeds, he killed her then came along my family" Quinn said as he took a puff of smoke, "How did Luciano's father die and what was his name?" Dante asked as he looked at his mate, "Oh I killed his dad seven years after Luciano killed my family" Quinn said with a smile as the wolves looked at him weird.

"And his name?" Kazimir asked, "Vincent Lorenzo" Arnold and Seven gasped, "You mean the one who put over a hundred packs into

extinction?" Arnold asked in disbelief as Tobias, Kazimir and Zachary look at him confused, "That is correct" The wolves turned their heads to the door as they saw an old woman, "Valerie, what are you doing?" Quinn asked as he quickly went to the old woman's side to help her sit, "Who is she?" Tobias spoke as he eyed the woman. "I'm Valerie Collin Luna... well was Luna of Forest Hill pack until it extincted" Seven gasped, "It can't be, Forest Hill pack was the most powerful pack" Valerie just nodded, "Enough the with introductions, shall we get to the reason why you're all here?" The wolves nodded their heads agreeig with Valerie.

"Luciano will come in next month which is October and it has shown he has over a ninty nine thousand wolves on his side either by force or willingly, so since right now about twelve packs have been wiped out increasing the mass rogues but I'll make sure they find me first" Quinn explained as he took a puff of smoke, Quinn also so heartedly tried to ignore his mates eyes but he just couldn't help himself getting lost in them, if you told him his mate will be the same boy who lost his parents and tried so hard to save his brother and himself, he'd just look at you then laugh not believing it. He wondered, what if he wasn't there to save him, will he watse his life waiting for a mate who probably died?

"That's quite a lot, though, don't we need then help of other packs as well?" Zachary asked, Quinn nodded his head proud of the boy, "That's correct, I already in trusted some of my closest companions to spread the news to other packs explaining the situation, I'm already allies with them so all we need to do is train and prepare for war" Quinn answered. A teenage girl came offered the wolves snacks and drinks, when she served Quinn he ruffled her hair as a way of showing his love, the girl smiled as she bowed her head down to the wolves and left the room, "Why did you ruffle her hair? Avery told me you did to her too" Dante asked as a way of slowly getting to know his mate not caring about the weird glances he got.

Quinn laughed at his question but answered either way, "It's just my way of showing my love" Dante smiled but it disappeared as soon as it came, "By the way I was meaning to say, you're fight technique back there is quite interesting" Kazimir complimented pleasing Quinn, "I appreciate you like but it was Pedro who brought it to life and we call it the origin circle" When Quinn first met Pedro and Crystal, he felt sorry for them because he could understand their loss, the grieve and heartbreak so he promised himself no matter what he'd look after them like a big brother would. Even though they're not biologically related, he still thought of them as his siblings, besides that, Crystal and Pedro are actually the ones who helped him cope with the loss of his dearest family members and if it wasn't for them then he would have ended it all giving up on everything.

The wolves talked more about the information they had so far, "Please stay for the night if it's not too much trouble" Quinn with a smile offering everyone a handshake as he just ruffled Zachary and Dante's hair, "I wish I would but a pack needs and alpha and a luna to run it" Kazimir said returning his smile as Tobias agreed with him, "Arnold and I would love to stay" Seven smirked as he played with his white hair, Quinn chuckled, "Great, I'll set up your beds" Arnold, Zachary and Dante went out of the office with Quinn and Seven left, Seven and Quinn observed each other as if waiting for one slip up, "Take care of Dante, he's been through a lot and he's lucky to have you" Quinn's eyes widen in shock but before he could form a sentence Seven spoke, "I'll have you know I am a very observant man, that's why I'm very good at judging character and it was very obvious when you two stole glances at each other" Seven pointed out patting his shoulder and left the room leaving Quinn stunned.


It was bright and lovely being surrounded by trees, the birds were singing in harmony as the wind blew cooling the forest and Quinn knew he was yet in another dream.

He looked around and breathed in the clear air reducing the stress, "Hello, Quinn" Quinn turned around and was shocked to see the one person he wished to see, Quinn regaining his composer and gave an expression less face, "Luciano, how did you even mange to enter my dream?" Quinn asked as he folded his arms, Luciano just shrugged as he leaned against a tree, "A little help from a witch, anyway I'm not here to act all buddy buddy, I know you're one who's been interfering with my plans" Luciano said coldly glaring daggers at him. Quinn smirked in amusement.

He honestly didn't think he would actually remember him and the pain he caused, "I'm surprised you remember me and I suppose you were shocked to hear a ghost was interfering with your plans, I'd like you to know that your plans will go invain and you'll surely die in my hands just like how I killed your maniac of a father" Luciano growled eyes going red as he miserably tried to pin Quinn down.

"I will kill you, you dammed omega!" Luciano shouted raging with anger, Quinn just couldn't help but chuckle, "Likewise, you dammed Alpha" Quinn said with smirk then turned around to leave, "I'll kill your beta mate as well and watch me kill him just like I forced you to watch me kill your entire family!" Quinn stilled as a fit of anger started to consume him, ran up Luciano just like flash and punched Luciano in the face making him completely knock out an oak tree, "Hurt him or anyone I care about, I'll make sure you'll have a taste of death" Quinn said coldly.

Quinn was surrounded by a blue energy as his eye colors glowed and his white hair flairing up, Lucian looked shocked at first but then laughed, "Ah a true moon blood, had I known I wouldn't have to left you to die in the forest" Luciano smirked coughing out blood as he laid on the grass, Quinn neared him then squatted to his level. "You will die in my hands and I guarantee you that you won't die swiftly, and remember I will do anything and everything in my power to stop you and taste your blood" Quinn promised, he got out his index finger and brought it Lucianos bloody chin then his put finger with Luciano blood to his mouth, "I'll make sure to taste all of it"


It was Seven, Arnold and Zacharys last stay and Quinn urgently wanted to talk to Seven since he was the only one figured him and Dante were mates, as they were about to leave the meeting room, he called out for Seven, "Seven, a word please?" Seven nodded his head as he excused himself closing the door behind him, "What seems to be so urgent?" Seven asked as he leaned against the wall, Quinn sat on the table legs crossed trying to figure out how to voice his thoughts, "Luciano somehow managed to visit me in my dreams" Quinn trailed, Seven eyes widen knowing it was very rare, "Is that so, that's it?" Seven asked with his shocked eyes. "He threatened to kill Dante, so I asking you to protect him" Quinn said with a pleading voice, Seven sighed, "I would have if he was in my pack but since I'm not, I'm afraid I can't but you have to ask someone within his pack-"

The sound of the door opening interrupted Seven as they both turned their heads to the door, "Ah just in time Zachary, please come in" Seven said with a smile, Zachary closed the door behind him with a confused look on his face, "I'm sorry to interrupt but I left my jacket here" he explained pointing his jacket, Quinn smiled getting Zacharys' jacket and tossed it to him then motioned for him to come closer, Zachary neared bending his head as he felt Quinn ruffle his hair, Quinn looked at Seven as he nodded his head. "Zach, I need you to for something for me" Quinn announced, Zachary raised his brow, "And that is?" He asked confused, Quinn sighed, "I can't explain fully but Dante might in danger and I want to you keep him safe on my behalf" Zachary was beyond confused, "I don't understand and he can take care of himself" Zachary said defending his best friend.

Then he frowned his eye brows, "Wait, why might he be in danger?" Quinn and Seven sighed, "Because Luciano is on to me and Dante is my mate" Quinn blurted without thinking, Zachary was shocked then he looked at his uncle, "is this true Seven?" Zachary asked looking skeptical at Quinn, "It's as true as a dove"

Quinn held Zach's hands shifting his eyes to him, "Please pup, I know Dante can take care of himself but this Luciano we're talking and he knows Dante is my mate and will try to kill him, so just protect on my behalf" Quinn pleaded looking into his eyes, Zachary put his on top Quinn's hands and sighed nodding his head, "I promise I'll protect Dante, besides he is my best friend and beta after all so you don't have to worry"

Hey! So if you're interested in Bdsm (bxm) and also into werewolves (mxm) then checkout Artistic Desire and How To: Mate A Rogue on wattpad. Only! My user is Megan_Tea

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