
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Have you ever wanted to go to the wonderful world of Worm? Of course not, but that is what happened to our poor protagonist who woke up in that God forsaken universe. Thankfully, he doesn't have to worry about dying, since he is already dead and a spooky ghost. Watch as he uses people as ubers, annoys people to death and tries to help people (with varying degrees of success) All in all he just wants to relax, though the fact that he doesn't want to live on a destroyed world with nothing to do is motivation enough for him to help against the evil that is space whales. Who knows? Maybe the fact that ghosts aren't supposed to exist in that world would help him do impossible feats? Probably.

JesterEmper0r · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

PHO Interlude.

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In: Boards ► News ► Local News ► Brockton Bay

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Apr 11th 2011:

Todays news is pretty incredible so I won't waste any time delivering it to you guys. Ladies and gentlemen of Brockton Bay, I am happy to announce that last night at approximately 12:36, Armsmaster officially apprehended the dragon of the bay, Lung, who is now held in custody.

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►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

How did you even get this information @Bagrat? You wouldn't mind telling me, your dear pal, your sources would you? I just want to hang out with them and have a talk. Promise.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Thank God that monster is off of our streets! I was beginning to think that the Protectorate was incompetent with how many villains plague our city. Hopefully they manage to keep him locked up for good.

►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Sorry @Reave, I'm sure you mean well buddy but you see it just so happens that my 'sources' as you say are a little shy. I would be a bad friend if I made them uncomfortable, so I will have to refuse your demand unfortunately.

►Char (Verified Pessimist)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

@Brocktonite03 I wouldn't count on it. Powered criminals all seem to have a get out of jail free card since none of the truly strong ones like Lung here ever stay in custody for long. If I was a betting man, I would say he's going to be bailed out by Oni Lee and his men before the end of the week.

►Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor) (Brockton Bay Refugee) (Temp banned)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Lung will never be held prisoner. He will get out and...(REDACTED)

►Tin_Mother (Moderator) (Verified Mom)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

@Laotsunn you seem to have some particularly violent inclinations today.

Take a temp ban to cool your head off.


Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

You know, I heard that it wasn't even Armsmaster who beat Lung. My friend lives close to where the fight happened and apparently she saw swarms of bugs attacking ABB thugs, and I don't think Armsmaster has bug powers.

►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

@Ne Even If what you say was true and another bug master cape was on scene, that doesn't sound like a power that could deal with Lung. They probably helped with the grunts while Armsmaster dealt with him.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Verified Misinformation Spreader) (Temp banned)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

I'm calling it right now. That bug cape probably has a biblical disaster power, and the PRT is hiding him from the public to use him as their personal Endbringer. I got stung by a mosquito just now writing this, so if you are reading this...RUN THE GOVERNMENT IS LISTENING AND THEY WILL....(REDACTED)

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►Tin_Mother (Moderator) (Verified Mom)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Just how many people do I have to ban today? No more spreading your conspiracies today Void, go outside and have a walk.

You need it.

►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

I looked into it some more and it looks like you are right @Ne. A bug controller was involved in the fight, though they don't seem to want credit for their contribution so I will do the smart thing and shut my mouth before I overshare something and get termites in my walls.

►AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Aww don't worry Bagy. I'm sure she won't do that, hero she is. Though I do wonder when she will talk to me. I still haven't thanked her for saving me that one time.

►Ultracut (Verified Bald) (Temp banned)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Hah, now that the leader of the chinks is down we can finally clean up Brockton Bay for good...(REDACTED)

►Tin_Mother (Moderator) (Verified Mom)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

No racism in my PHO.


The work of a Moderator is never-ending.

►Forgotten Creator (Verified Wise Old Man)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

I fear that a war is inevitable now. The gangs will all start to fight for territory now that the ABB is at its weakest without Lung. Though what I am most scared of is that bomb tinker that Lung recruited a month back, since we all know that a cornered animal is dangerous. Even more so when it has explosives.

►GstringGirl (Verified Sweetheart)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

@Forgotten Creator I am sure it will be fine. With Lung out of the way, the protectorate should be able to handle it. So even if that rumor was true and the ABB does have a tinker, can she really beat Armsmaster? The tinker who won against Lung?

►Chaosfaith (Verified 40K fan)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

@GstingGirl And you just raised the worst kind of flag. A death flag.

May Murphy have mercy on Brockton Bay.

►ArchmageEin (Unverified Wizard)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:

Also, who the hell is giving us all these tags?

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'Woops.'Thought a certain AI.

Shorter chapter today because I have a headache

JesterEmper0rcreators' thoughts