
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Have you ever wanted to go to the wonderful world of Worm? Of course not, but that is what happened to our poor protagonist who woke up in that God forsaken universe. Thankfully, he doesn't have to worry about dying, since he is already dead and a spooky ghost. Watch as he uses people as ubers, annoys people to death and tries to help people (with varying degrees of success) All in all he just wants to relax, though the fact that he doesn't want to live on a destroyed world with nothing to do is motivation enough for him to help against the evil that is space whales. Who knows? Maybe the fact that ghosts aren't supposed to exist in that world would help him do impossible feats? Probably.

JesterEmper0r · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

An Amazing Week

'We're finally here. You ready?'

'As ready as I'll ever be.'

The human and her ghost friend hopped off the bus. All along the ride, they planned their method of attack to get back at the 3 musketeers who ruined her life and, hopefully, get rid of them permanently.

Even if they don't, at least this will be fun.

The girl makes her way inside the school, mentally preparing herself for the day ahead. But halfway to her locker, she froze as the memories of her last day here haunted her.

'Taylor? Why did you stop? Taylor...TAYLOR!'

'Wha... oh sorry Adam, I must have spaced out. I'm okay.'

'Are you sure? We can always skip today if you need more time to mentally prepare yourself. I'm sure your dad will understand.

...if the school even calls him...'

That last part was muttered by the spirit with resentment clear in his voice. It was apparent that none of them truly believed that anyone would care to call her father if she ever went missing.

That was proven on the day the teen was left overnight in her locker that was full of biohasard. Thankfully that janitor found her when he did, or else we would probably have 2 ghost haunting this city.

The horror.

'Don't worry about me',Taylor said back to Adam,'I endured 2 years of this crap. This is nothing. We are ending this.'

'If you say so. Don't hesitate to tell me if you need support.'

'Of course, thanks for being here for me.'

'No problem, now c'mon we need to get to class early.'

Having regained her strength, the world pushed on to her class, ignoring the smell of rot that still seems to plague her locker in her mind.

Getting her books, she made her way to her first class of the day, computer science with Mrs. Knott. The good thing being that she doesn't share this hour with any of her main bullies, so they can finally start their plan.


///////////////////////POV Change///////////////////////


It was a beautiful day today.

Birds were chirping.

Flowers were blooming.

On this day, some cries were heard.






Ahh the sweet sound of karma. You see dear reader, it appears that little Madison was going to welcome Taylor back to school with a gift. Too bad someone just so happened to accidentally open the bottle of glue with his telekinesis, and then accidentally pushed Madison onto her friend Emma, and then accidentally made sure most of the bottle was emptied on her head.

To make things (b/e/t/t/e/r) worse, someone in the crowd surrounding the two threw an orange onto her hair. Which somehow got stuck in this particularly sticky glue and attracted some bugs that also got stuck.

What a sticky situation indeed.

Oh and it doesn't stop there. For you see, in all of the panic, the smartest (not) solution that dumb and dumber decided on was pulling on the orange to get it out of her hair so that no more insects dive into her hair.

Which of course wouldn't have been a terrible idea, since the fruit definitely wouldn't be firmly attached in a normal situation if someone threw it onto glue.

Too bad that someone with telekinesis had other ideas.





As soon as she said that, a ripping sound was heard as the orange was finally removed without any outside intervention (wink). Hurray!

Oh what's this? It seems that Madison fished out a little extra with that orange. How lucky!


Man the throat on that girl. She doesn't seem to be able to run out of (st̶e̶a̶m̶) scream.

Clearly going berserk, the girl pushes through the crowd to get to the bathroom, kicking and punching whoever gets in her way.

Ouch. Poor Greg just lost a ball to the witch. Goodnight fallen soldier.

Emma finally gets to the bathroom. Unfortunately for her, some prankster seems to have stolen the janitors bleach and put it above the door to have a laugh.

Again, a surprising amount of the chemical hit her head on. A distant 'headshot' was heard. Now while the majority of it missed anything vital, an 'unlucky' amount ended up getting into her eyes.


You get the idea. Not pleasant. But revenge never is.

For the target that is.

Having slipped and fallen on the wet floor, the teen screams while holding her hands on her eyes. This of course gets an even bigger crowd to gather on the bathroom door to watch the famous Emma Barnes crying on the ground while Madison tries to help her up but gets clocked in the face, getting a broken nose for her efforts.

Finally, a teacher gets through the crowd, naturally not without accidentally hitting Greg in the face with her ample bosoms (good on ya soldier!), and goes to help the 'poor' girl.

In the end, long story short, Mr. Barnes was called to get his daughter early from school that day. To say he was amused by my...ahem, I mean by this 'accidental circumstance' or 'act of God', was not quite correct.

A lot of screaming (so thats where she gets it from) and threats of suing the school later, the father takes his daughter from the nurses office (who helped save the girls eyes from permanent damage by putting them under water for 20 minutes to remove the chemicals).

The next day, Emma comes to school wearing a wig with bloodshot eyes. Something that was obvious because she went from a beautiful head of blond hair to black hair. Man, she really is unlucky that they don't have her color. I didn't even do anything this time, not that I did anything before.

Remember 'accident', okay?

This was not the end of our plan though. For you see, over the next few days no-one really had any classes at Winslow. For a serial prankster was born and no-one was safe from him.

Sophia's track uniform was scribbled on and turned into a 'Live,Laugh,Love' poster right before one of the most important race of the year. She barely managed to borrow a new one and get into position next to the other contestants.

When the starter pistol fired, everyone sprinted to the finish line immediately. Well except Sophia, who appears to have fallen to the classic tying of both shoes laces together.

She was quite displeased.


Easy there tiger, let's keep this PG-13 shall we?

Now of course, if only those three were targeted by these pranks right after Taylor got to school, surely someone must have figured it out by now you must be thinking.

Well therein lies my genius. When I said that nobody was spared, I really meant nobody.

Mr. Gladly got himself a mustache and a male reproductive organ drawn on his face with permanent marker when he slept in the teachers lounge in recess. Plus his pants mysteriously kept falling down when he approached any female, showcasing his red hearts boxer and unfortunately sized package.

The police got called on him real quick.

Next was the principal, Ms. Blackwell, who discovered a racoon family living above her office in the lowered ceiling when she leaned her chair back to relax for a bit. She heard a noise from above her, and barely managed to open her eyes to receive an eyeful and mouthful of racoon excrement to keep it PG.

Even Mrs. Knott, who was one of the few who offered a safe and listening ear to Taylor in her time of need got pranked. Of course nothing as harsh as the people who truly deserve it, but I would say that all of the computers playing 'the song that doesn't end' on loop every time someone tried using them for something was pretty funny.

All of the students got pranked in different ways, from hitting their pinky toe on objects that they could have sworn weren't there before, to getting a balloon with a smily face with a card attached from the window telling them that their SO was cheating and detailing the with who,how and when, to even having their parents finding their drug stash hidden in her dildo that she keeps in her bag (wtf is that girl on).

Greg got some of the worst/best ones. He happen to be walking in a hallway when suddenly a bunch of half naked girls would run out of the girl's changing room screaming about a snake. Of course, as a man, he got hit by those same girls since he saw them in their underwear, but when they pushed him to go get rid of it and he went in even though he was even more scared than them, he was stunned to see the snake run away from him and jump out of the window after waving at him with its tail.

As he stood there in silence stunned by what he saw, the girls went in as well after they didn't hear anything from him for a while. When they asked where the snake was, he simply pointed to the window, where the girls saw the snake lying on the pavement outside, before it seemingly unfroze right after they looked at it and escaped in a bush.

Happy that 'he' got rid of it, the girls thanked him, and one of them even gave him a kiss on the cheek for his bravery, which of course in normal cartoon way, made him pass out.

Taylor also got pranked to keep up the illusion that she has nothing to do with this. A fake cockroach was placed on her desk, something that she wasn't fazed by if her raised eyebrow tells me anything. So of course when she sat down distracted and an air-horn blared from under her, she jumped up like she sat on lava.

Now, this being the shithole that Winslow is known to be, nobody was really fazed on the first day. But when the pranks kept escalating more and more as days passed, people started panicking.

It got so bad that when I started playing with the lights all over the school on Thursday, while playing some random creepy music I found on the internet made by a tinker that specializes in making scary crap, every single person, students and teachers, ran out of the school and refused to go back in as they claimed that it is 'haunted' to any passerby.

Which, you know, is true. But who honestly thinks that ghosts are real in this day and age? Ridiculous.

So, the most logical move for the school to do was apparently to close its doors and wait for the PRT to investigate this clearly parahuman related incident.

Honestly, the gall of some people, I was pretty subtle with the power use on most days. Still some pranks were way more suspicious but oohhhh noooo, some flickering lights and creepy music that could be done by any human gets them to call the authorities.

No wonder this school is shit, most of the people here, student and teacher, are complete morons.

*sigh* At least I got the one not idiot as a partner in crime. Well except for the janitor, who somehow gets paid by how much he cleans instead of by the hour ( I'm guessing that that is the only reason he accepted work here in the first place), which again since this is Winslow, means that he gets Paid.

Good on him.

Now you might be thinking that this ruins our plan, but it doesn't. Quite the opposite really.

Apparently the PRT are going to send some people to interview the students at their homes. So that means that did my job so well that I accomplished both my objectives: made people forget about Taylor since they had more important things to take care of (like that pipe exploding and releasing poop water on to three unfortunate girls who were planning on doing some real mean stuff to my friend), and got an opportunity for Taylor to talk to the PRT. With a plus that it's now a private meeting scheduled on Saturday afternoon.

All in all, I would say that this was a job well done.

Special thanks to you High_Marx2, for reading my stuff and stoning me since I started. Have a pleasant weekend!

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