
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Have you ever wanted to go to the wonderful world of Worm? Of course not, but that is what happened to our poor protagonist who woke up in that God forsaken universe. Thankfully, he doesn't have to worry about dying, since he is already dead and a spooky ghost. Watch as he uses people as ubers, annoys people to death and tries to help people (with varying degrees of success) All in all he just wants to relax, though the fact that he doesn't want to live on a destroyed world with nothing to do is motivation enough for him to help against the evil that is space whales. Who knows? Maybe the fact that ghosts aren't supposed to exist in that world would help him do impossible feats? Probably.

JesterEmper0r · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

An Unexpected Surprise

I hate it when Taylor sleeps.

That is something that I am kinda ashamed to say since I already take up so much of her time anyway.

But the problem is that when she sleeps, I am put back in this void empty of everything except for whatever souls I can see.

No perception of my surroundings means no playing around with telekinesis to pass the time since I can't see what I am doing. And sleep is impossible for me since I don't get tired and I can't really close my eyes or shut off my brain as I lack both of those organs.

So the unfortunate truth is that for all the power I have over the world when I can see it, moments like these where I only have my thoughts to accompany me are when the fact that I shouldn't exist really sets in.

Why couldn't I have been reincarnated or transmigrated in a normal human body or something. Hell I would have taken an animal body like a cat, or dog or even just a fucking mosquito over just floating here in this silence.

Well...that's not completely true. While real sight is impossible, the only reason that I haven't gone insane yet is because I can still borrow Taylor's other senses.

The sound of her slow breathing and the warmth of her bed has kept me sane in this abyss.

I feel disgusting.

Like a stalker who follows his prey at every second of the day. At least I was 16 too when I died, so I ain't a pedophile on top of that.

Just a creep.


Ok Adam, c'mon lock in man. No more self-deprecating. I should check to see if I can do anything on my own, who knows what could happen in the future.

I reluctantly stop borrowing her senses.

Ok, you are in a void with only souls in your sight, what can I do with that? I guess I should try to study souls to see if I can influence them in some way.

Should I start with Taylor's? Well I won't do anything yet so it should be fine.

I move closer to her soul and stop when I am in front of it. Hmm, it looks like hers is pretty much fully red, with a kaleidoscope of pretty much every single color you can think of surrounding that red.

Weird, other people don't seem to have this many traits in their souls. Is this because she is the protagonist of this world? I guess she can be anything depending on the plot. From patient and righteous to cruel and arrogant...pretty much everything.

Though as I said red, meaning determination or apathy, will always reflect her headstrong attitude towards pretty much everything.

Toby really was onto something.

It seems pretty clear now that I seem to be getting more information on souls. Every individual can change along their lives, but the color of their souls seem to reflect their personality when they will/have/are influence(d/ing) the world around them in a major way.

So even if for example Lung becomes a monk preaching peace in the future, he will always be remembered by the world as that brave/coward soul who fought en Endbringer on his own but never tried again. So his souls will be seen through a mostly orange lens with a side of green for his cruelty.

Wait, how exactly am I getting this information? Is this world alive?

Gaia, is that you shoving things in my head without my consent?




No answer huh?

Well anyway, I guess determination does reflect little miss Administrator here...


What the? OH SHIT...

I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing! How did I interact with her power that easily!?

Ok, calm down and think. Queen is probably one of the better shards to have contact with since Scion did cripple her. I should be able to convince her to be on humanity's side when the time comes for Golden Morning, if it still comes to that.

Or my whole view of her has been warped by fanfiction and if I tell her anything she will immediately report it to the idiot.


Welp, here goes nothing. I focus on the string connecting myself with Taylor's before locking on to the part that seems to stretch to her power.


Huh? Since when can I speak shard speak? Does dying come with a universal translator? Well I ain't complaining.
















Well that went well.

For my non shard speakers out there listening in, I explained my situation as an answer to entropy to get her favor. Told her that eden is dead and scion is pretty much non functional and would destroy the answer they were looking for in his state, so no more cycle. Then I ended the negotiation with getting her enhance Taylor's power by using the string that connects us to increase her influence over our dimension and put more animals under Taylor.

I don't know the science behind it, but apparently this string that I created on a whim has some observable effect on space-time that makes it malleable and so it's easier for her to interact with our dimension through her manifestation as Taylor's power.

I have no clue how that works either.

It helps that shards are unfamiliar with the concept of suspicion and lies. So that naivety definitely helped in negotiating when presented with the answer to all their problems.

Thankfully she accepted life after death as a solution to entropy, I would hate to explain that I am an exception that shouldn't be taken as truth.

Phew... that was stressful. At least it's over now.

One thing I did notice is that the part of the string that I used to talk to her seems to be stretching further into Taylor's soul. Which would normally make no sense unless some dimensional fuckery was going on.

I guess Administrator did her shard magic since I can notice that now. It definitely wasn't like that before.

You know I might just be able to get to whatever dimension shards use to hold their bodies in by following this string.

Too bad that I still haven't gone to dimensional travel school. I have no clue how to follow that part of the string.

I'll leave that for a future me.

For now I think Taylor is waking up. Is it morning already?

Well the good news is that I don't have to stay in the void anymore. The bad thing is that today is Monday.

Which means that today there is school.

Now of course with me here, the people who are gonna have a bad time aren't me nor Taylor. It's going to be those bitches three who I am gonna troll so hard they will get an aneurysm.


////////////////////////Pov Narrator///////////////////////


Taylor wakes up feeling exhausted from last night.

The fight itself wasn't that hard, but just the stress of her first night as a hero coupled with having to socialize afterwards drained her more than she thought it would.

She can't complain though. She is finally a hero!


'Taylor c'mon get up, you are going to be late to school.'

Just like that, she got slapped back to reality in the worst way possible. Deflating, she replies in a pretty reasonable way.

'Don't wanna.'

'Oh c'mon Taylor, I now that you don't want to have to deal with those bitches, but I promise you that with me here it will go differently. I won't even let them get to you. Pinky promise.'

'...you can't use your powers though. Even if they don't see you they will think it was me who used them.'

'Oh don't worry, I won't make it that obvious. Trust me, subtlety is my middle name!'

'Says the guy who throws rocks at dragons.'

'Hey! It is a comic ball,Ok? Not just any rock. So put some respect on that dragon slaying weapon.'

'...fine. I'll go. Happy?'

'I am! Emma, Sophia and Madison won't be when I'm done with them though.'

Having been sufficiently convinced, and also kind of looking forward to whatever her ghost companion is cooking up in that nonexistent head of his, the teenager finally gets up to prepare for school.

She ordered Adam to get out of her room before putting her clothes on and getting her backpack ready.

It was thankfully still early, so she went down to make herself some breakfast. The girl paused in front of her dad's room to see him still sleeping, so she made some extra eggs for him to eat when he woke up and left them on the dining table under a cover for him to eat.

'Don't forget, today you tell your dad everything. If you take any longer you'll end up not telling him at all.'

'I know. I know. Don't worry I'll tell him.'

Taylor ate her breakfast while talking to her only friend. Something that is noticeable is that permanent smile she has when talking to him, even when he tells his less than adequate dad jokes and puns.

Finished, she puts her plate in the sink before running to catch her bus. Getting on it when if finally arrived, she continued talking to Adam.

'So how are we going to do this?'

'It's simple actually, I will give you my soul sight to help you avoid them first. Then I will use my telekinesis in various ways to stop them and embarrasse them in every way I can think of.'

'Won't someone eventually call the PRT or something eventually?'

'You see that's the good part. I'll escalate my trolls until someone does, then if you get the opportunity if they speak with you or something, you can tell them that while you don't know who is doing this to them...'

The two teens kept planning and adding ridiculous ways to troll their enemies until they reached Winslow High.

This should be interesting to say the least.

See you next time on dragon ba....