
The wanderer series: A Bleach fanfic

Kuro's past life could be best described as pointless but then he was summoned by a cosmic being to save his favorite anime ; Bleach. Ecstatic at the opportunity he sets out to do the one thing no one could in the original anime; give Ichigo a rival. But he may be getting a bit too into character. DISCLAIMER: I do not own bleach, all rights belong to Tite Kubo and Viz media.

Rebirthwriter25 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


"What?" i asked confused.

"I asked if you would like a do over. Not in your former existence of course, I can't be creating a variant for someone I barely know"

"Like I would want to go back there"

"Perfect, you're perfect and you know the reality so well. It's a variant but still, I can think of no one better for the job" he began to scream acting less and less Yamamoto like.

"What's a variant, you keep talking about it" I said trying to change the subject.

"Oh! right the introduction. My name is Cosmos and I safeguard reality"

"I thought you were reality"


"So you safeguard yourself, that's stupid"

"I heard that" he said as I laughed nervously.

Anyway, my job is to ensure that all of reality across universes, realms, dimensions and existence goes the way it should be. After all, you could end up with the Nazi's winning world war 2 or 50 world wars if you're not careful and that's where I come in. My job is to prevent things like happening by guiding the events and people with subtle nudges in the like direction.

"So you're like the manifestation of plot amour"

"I guess so, but even plot amour has it's weaknesses and sometimes a Variant of an original world breaks through. It can get horrific so I use wanderers, people with the requirements to stop a variant but with such little existence that I don't risk creating another Variant"

"So you want me to be a wanderer"


"What makes you think I'll say yes" I asked as a grin showed on his face.

"I'm going to put you in a variant of Bleach" he said as my breath seized.

I guess I should've guessed it, the appearance he chose but still;

"I thought you'd be more exited" he asked

"How is bleach an anime"

"You know the saying there's nothing new under the sun, well it should be there's nothing new under reality. Everything the human mind has imagined or not imagined exists somewhere"

'Sounds like something Gremmy would say'

Honestly this was too hard to believe, it had to be too good to be true. After all how many times had I i

"What would I be like in there"

"Full creative control, you decide. As long as you give it an ending as consistent with the original anime as possible I don't care"

"So I can meet all the characters from the anime" I asked as he nodded.

"So, will you"

"I'll do it where do I begin"

"Great" said Cosmos as he put his hand forward a green transparent box the size of a small room appeared in front of it.

"Step inside when you're ready"

Walking inside the gears in my mind were turning. Honestly this was too hard to believe, it had to be too good to be true. After all how many times had I imagined a situation like this.

Putting his hand out my existence flew into the box as it began to glow getting brighter and brighter.

"I've never been so exited before, not since they announced TYBW. Here, I come"