
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 5: A Chungus Breakout

Siren POV:

"That girl is creepy, everytime I enter the room I swear some shit happens. She's the devil," Glory hissed, her voice no more than a whisper. It didn't matter that she was three hallways away, Siren could still hear her clearly. This made Siren smirk as she listened to the conversation. 

"You're being paranoid, she can't do anything. She is restrained after all," Snowflake replied. You could clearly hear the amusement in her voice. She knew damn well that Siren was messing with her fellow heroes. 

"I went in there yesterday, and she was floating upside down. How does she even do that, I thought her only power was music?! She fucking smirked at me and kept saying the word Irydocyclitis in a creepy voice. There's something wrong with her, I'm telling you. She hums the Freddy Kruger song when I go in to feed her," Glory's voice reached a high squeak that made Siren burst out laughing, her psychotic laugh dancing off the walls. She let the soundwaves enhance themselves, knowing Glory could hear her laughs.


"Poor Lil Tank Tank. Can't handle the itty bitty villain. Too bad, now go feed the girl before she started screaming curses again," Snowflake laughed at her fellow hero before walking away. Siren listened as the woman's footsteps came closer from her place in the air. She was floating upside down again, her boredom at its max. Her soundwaves condensed themselves before launching between the walls and her, which kept her floating in the air. She was like a second Cheshire cat. She got her amusement out of messing with the people who had her imprisoned, her powers growing out of her boredom-induced creativity. She started humming the Freddy Kruger song as she listened to the woman come closer, floating up she was looking down from the ceiling. 



Freddy's coming for you



Better lock that door



Grab your crucifix



Better stay up late


Never sleep again

She giggled as the door opened and Glory looked around for her. Siren produced Infrasound waves to peak the woman's anxiety as she looked for Siren, seeing her face morph into a panic. Her face contorted into a wide smirk as she watched the heroine slowly look up at her, her eyes getting wide as she realized Siren was on the ceiling like some horror movie demon baby. Siren only had to say one sentence before Glory was running out the door, screaming her ass off. The food tray was dropped on the ground on her way 


"Wanna sprite cranberry?"

Siren smirked at the memory as she did handstand pushups, her body sweaty and heated. Her muscles had been developing in the time she had been in this room. Siren had no idea how long she had been in here since the room had no windows, but she knew she would get out eventually. She looked at the thousands of marks on the wall she had made with her fist. Her teammates were sure taking their damn time, or maybe they had given up on her. She didn't care since she would get herself out before they had the chance to rescue her if they were still trying.

She hummed a small tune as she worked, one of her newer tricks being tested. She still couldn't summon sharp ass vinyl CD's like her actual dad could, but she could trap people in illusions using her music. Music was a direct link to both someone's soul and their senses. She was stupid not to realize she could have done it sooner. She had also learned some new things, determining quite a few opinions she didn't know before. For one, her mom and dad wanted her to be strong. In fact, they barely even loved each other. They had her because of their ties of lust and a desire for a kid, so they sought out someone whose power would complement their own. Another thing she realized was that she had two separate powers, not one. The first could be summed up as something to do with music, the soul aspect of it, the way it connects to people in all aspects. It was quite nice. The other one was soundwave control. They contradicted each other beautifully in her mind. She also discovered that she could use music to zap people of their energy and convert into her own. It didn't heal her, though she wished it did. Though it did give her a giant boost in stamina and endurance. She liked the idea of being able to tire someone out and get more energy at the same time. She was learning a lot in this dingy room, one with no windows and walls that were covered in cracked ice. 

She continued humming as the door opened watching as glory walked in and looked at the spot where she thought Siren currently was tied up. She was unaware of her being free, in fact, no one was. Siren smiled hopping on to her feet and using soundwaves to slam the door closed, locking the Heroine in with her. She walked towards her smiling as Glory started shouting at her illusion self that was tied to the wall. She pulled her fist back and punched her in the temple knocking her out. She felt slightly satisfied with the sound of her body hitting the floor. She put the illusion back up as she hummed, anyone who heard her hum would immediately be trapped in the illusion until she stopped. She picked up Glory's body, quietly muttering "the chungus gets what the chungus wants". She turned towards the wall, preparing herself for the energy she was sure to waste.

She started screaming with all the energy she could muster. Her throat pained itself as it reached its limit, and her ears started to bleed. Her soundwaves slowly condensed themselves as she kept it up. This would be hard, but she could do it. 

After all, she was extremely insane. 

Karma POV:

Karma and Overdrive knocked on the door to the rundown apartment. A minute went by before they both looked at each other, and Karma held out a hand. "I got this." He took a few steps back, pointing his shoulder towards the door. He rushed forward ramming his shoulder into the door with all the force he could muster.

The door didn't open.

Karma's breath was taken away as pain shot through his shoulder.

"FUCK," he shouted as he nursed his shoulder, ignoring the way Overdrive's face scrunched up in the telltale sign of her trying not to laugh. "How the fuck does Siren do this?"

Overdrive smirked at the man, laughing a little at the horrible attempt to open the door. She backed up farther, doing the exact same thing he did. 

The door didn't open.

"FUCKING SHIT BITCH OF DAMN SLUT WHORE BAG, WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS DAMN DOOR SO STRONG," she said quietly as she nursed her shoulder took. How the hell did Siren do this multiple times in a row successfully.

She and Karma looked at each other before Karma said, "Fuck that" and pulled out his pistol and shot the doorknob off. Overdrive just sighed as the two entered the apartment.

The apartment was small with just a small living room, a pullout bed, a kitchen, and a closet. Things were thrown around as if someone had left in a hurry. The two walked through the house, examining things as they went. Overdrive walked over to the pull-out bed bending down and picking up a small ring, the work exquisite and unlike anything she'd ever seen before. She continued walking around the apartment looking through drawers and on counters. Karma snatched a drawer open, looking at the messy contents.

"This drawer is almost as unorganized as my damn life," he voiced off, the comment making Overdrive snort as she kept looking. Karma pulled out a map with locations marked down, looking over it most of them looked like housing and places to live marked in all kinds of colors. He moved over to a book with a lot of bookmarks, he opened it and started reading it. Overdrive opened the fridge before immediately closing it to avoid the horrid smell of rancid food. She pulled open the closet next to the kitchen, a box falling immediately. It landed on its side, dozens of photos, fake passports, and fake licenses falling out of the box. Overdrive picked one up, her breath falling short at who she saw in the picture. Karma turned around to show her the book but found himself peeking over her shoulder to see what had her so shocked. She quickly hid the passports and licenses in her coat pockets. She showed him the photos. All of them, every single photo was of Siren. Some of them looked recent, Karma and Overdrive appearing in some of them with Siren. Others looked like they were from years ago, the corners crinkled and the Siren in the pictures much younger. In some of them, she was even as young as 17. Overdrive and Karma looked at each other, as they looked at the book. It was a log of sorts, but it was organized in a peculiar way. Karma could easily read the Chinese lettering, the language being his main one as a god. Overdrive couldn't read shit, however, especially since half her family came from Japan, not China. Karma looked between the map and the book, deciphering that the blue marks were Hero establishments, the Villain places were in red, and things belonging to her were in Purple. With that, they started the chase, their sights on the person who had been watching their dear Siren. 

Karma pinched his nose as he thought about how all of this started. The two of them had wasted two months chasing after this person, deciding that was their best lead. He looked over at Overdrive who was sketching a map of the lab. A couple days ago, they had hit the final place on the map. They had burst through the door when a hooded figure escaped out the window. The thought irked Karma to the max. They had been so close to finding out who it was. He did know one thing for sure now though. It had definitely been a woman. They had no more leads on the woman, so they decided to go ahead and try and rescue Siren anyway.

Karma knew that they couldn't wait much longer or they'd risk losing her. Furthermore, they had no idea what was happening to her. Karma felt himself getting overloaded with stress, his head pounding from all the thinking he was doing. He allowed himself a moment of peace, the first moment of peace since Siren had been captured he noted. He just let himself disassociate for a second. That was when he heard it. A spark of hope was reignited inside him as he looked up. He got up quickly, earning a curious look from Overdrive. The bags under her eyes showed her dedication to getting Siren out. She hated sacrificing her sleep and yet she was here getting 3 hours at most a day. Karma's gaze zeroed in on the physical scar of how much she cared for the girl. Karma also knew it wasn't romantic, however. It was a deep-rooted type of care you only find a few times in life, a type that led to you making a second family among your true friends. It was friends made from mutual trauma. The thought was extremely bittersweet to Karma. He turned away from Overdrive, rushing out of the basement and up the stairs. His feet hitting the floor with barely audible thumps. His instincts ran rampant in Organized Chaos, telling Karma exactly what he wanted to do while warning against it. He climbed on his bed, grabbing some pills out of his nightstand. He downed a couple of them, the bottle rolling over to reveal it was melatonin. With that, he knocked his vessel out. 

Lucid dreaming was not something that Normal humans could do. Siren could do it, Karma believed she had a God lineage in there somewhere. Overdrive could not. Lucid dreaming was a dangerously beautiful thing. It put you right at the border of the God Realm, the place being called the borderline. It was not a place you'd go to take a stroll. It had glowing koi fish and luminescent lilies, but it was also filled with savage dark spirits that protected the God realm. Karma could feel them as soon as he ascended the planes. He landed in a forest, one that was extremely familiar. He sat down on the moist ground, pulling his legs into a meditative stance. He let his mind ascend farther, keeping his spirit where it was. He knew what he had to do, and he hoped he could accomplish it. The last time he tried this, it had been when he was still a god. He used his wings to fly his mind higher until he heard it clearly. 

Siren was praying to him. She was worshipping him. Karma felt tears come to his eyes. No one had ever prayed to him before, he wasn't known by most men. Still, Prayer was the ultimate form of respect towards a god. It was the greatest gift and satisfaction a god could get. Karma cried a little hearing that his best friend was alive. He cried at the feeling that came with her praying to him. He cried as he heard about the last three months and everything that came with it. She had been praying to him every day. 

He knew exactly what he would say to her when he saw her again. He felt himself starting to fall, and he fell back into his body with a gasp. He flew up, running back towards Overdrive. She looked up again when he entered the room, his mind barely registering that while only five minutes had passed in the God Realm, A few hours had passed in the Human realm. It was something that could disorient someone very easily. Karma hugged Overdrive happily, ignoring the face of disgust she made at being shown affection. She raised her eyebrow at him, not having the energy to actually talk.

"Siren's alive, I know for sure. She prayed to me OD," he said ecstatically. His eyes lit up in a way that had Overdrive believing him immediately. She asked no questions about how he had managed to hear her prayers, she simply got out of her chair and pulled out her phone. Overdrive called Tai, her hands shaking a little at the prospect of finally getting Siren back and with them again. He picked up after four rings, those four rings felt like the longest wait of her entire life. 

"What's up," he asked the girl. His tone was casual considering that he and Overdrive had become friends over the past weeks. "What can I do for you?"

Karma watched her intently as she spoke on the phone with Tai. He could hear his voice coming from the other end of the phone, the tone being as smooth as always.

"We got proof she's alive," she said simply to him, Karma watching from his seat. His intense stare burned into the side of her face. The green stars were visible in his metallic colored eyes showing he was feeling some emotion in the depths of his soul. Overdrive couldn't see the excitement and relief in his eyes, nor could she see slight fear. Karma, however, could easily see the excitement and relief in her eyes, he could also see the guilt, the fear, and mostly the possessiveness in hers. She had done something, something that would probably come back to bite him in the ass. He looked at her and all the emotions he could see, and he said nothing. He just chose to act like he couldn't see a thing. 

"We'll meet you tonight," Tai said back, Overdrive could hear a certain type of happiness in his voice that intrigued her. She hummed in confirmation before hanging up on him. Karma smiled at her, his smile growing by every second. He could still see the guilt in her eyes. The two villains looked at each other before going to get ready in their own ways. They weren't using stealth this time around, which meant they'd be dressing in their true villain outfits. Karma walked up the two sets of stairs to get to his room. His room had a modern feel to it, monochrome with green accents. The room itself looked polished compared to the other two. He'd describe them as futuristic and cozy for Overdrive and For Siren's, well, she did have a love for blaxploitation films. Her room looked like it belonged to an 80's pimp. He chuckled at the thought of Siren being an 80's pimp. 

He walked over to the closet, yanking it open aggressively. He strolled into the walk-in closet, pulling open the fake back of the closet. His breath hitched at the sight of the villain gear, this was his vice. He pulled on his under outfit first. He pulled on black cargo pants with more pockets than a street seller. The next thing that went on was a black tank top, then a sleeveless black shirt, both of which had holes for his wings. The next thing that went on were his black military boots that he stole from an actual military base store. Then went on his weapons belt, which somehow had just as many pockets as his pants. He filled them with different vials of potions and antidotes. Some of them would kill you quickly, some slowly, some were extremely painful, and some were peaceful. Some would paralyze you or put you to sleep. He had many different poisons on him, even if he had powers that would help him when his weapons didn't. He also made sure he had at least 100 darts. He checked his blowgun, happy that it was still intact before sliding into its holster at his hip. The last thing he put in his weapons belt was his gun adapter, which shot darts instead of bullets from his sniper rifle, and six weapon clips complete full of ammo. He picked up his cloak, sliding it on, and pushing his wings through. It was black and white with Yin Yang symbols on the corners. The collar was high enough to cover the sides of his face, his hood taking care of the rest. He strapped his gun holster on next, his precious sniper rifle already on it. The sniper was gracefully slung on his back, going right in the middle of his wings. He truthfully didn't mind since his wings were spaced out enough that it wouldn't affect his flight. He let his wings become visible to others and he had transformed into his villainous self. His legal name wasn't Karma, but his god name and his villain name were one and the same. He took one long look in the mirror, before turning around and walking off. 

Overdrive POV:


Flames sent bad memories coursing through her head. It reminded her of somehow she had lost, it reminded her of what she had done. She was now guilty of two acts involving flames. She watched as they soared high into the night, reaching towards the sky but never able to get there. She sighed at the thought, remembering just how pathetic fire had always been to her. As she felt the warmth radiating from the flames, she had a small inkling of a thought that fire was also life in a way. Everything was balanced between light and darkness, it was just the way of the universe. 

She watched as ashes blew away in the wind, the evidence of what she had done. She had done it out of desperation, out of sheer jealousy and fear. She refused to let what had been in that box destroy her life in any way. It was the proof of someone who wasn't supposed to exist, it was something that Overdrive could despise. 

She thought about Siren and how she could never find out what she had done. She had betrayed her in a way that would never be forgiven. She felt more like a villain than she ever had in her life. She turned away from the flames, looking at the box of photos that had once held the face of Siren's sister. She only felt guilt for a moment, before it was replaced by relief. She wouldn't lose her family, not like the last was ripped away from her. She watched as the last of the photos had crumbled away over her shoulder before she looked back at the house. 

Her gaze traveled up towards Siren's window, no light coming from it. She expected Karma's window to be lit up, his face to the window as he mixed his poisons. She coiled back in shock at the sight of Karma looking down at her in his silent observations. He narrowed his eyes, they had a slight moment of understanding. He knew something was wrong with whatever she burned, and he turned around to show that he wouldn't pry. She felt grateful at that small gesture of trust. 

She walked back inside, passing Karma's open door. He was writing things down, mixing things together. She ignored the sign that she could talk if she wanted to. She simply walked down to her bedroom, the thoughts in her mind weighing her down. She just wanted to sleep at this point. She walked into her room, enjoying the soft glow that coursed through the room. Everything was tinted a soft blue that calmed her down, her futuristic room settling her. She ran her hand over the soft bed, before stripping down and collapsing onto the bed. 

A black crop top with a small blue lightning bolt on the right boob adorned her torso. On her legs, she wore loose ninja pants the color of coal. Her feet were covered by black ninja sandals, the soles supported and comforted her like a mother. She hooked on her weapons belt, making sure it was nice and secure. First, her senbon pouch was strapped in, filled to the brim with more senbon than she could count. Next, her sheath was clipped on. She grabbed her katana, admiring the fact that it was back to being shinier than a baby's tear. She slid it into her sheath with no resistance. She looked at herself, happy with what she had so far. She pulled her hair up in two high buns, painting her lips an electric blue. Her nails were sharpened to a point and painted a shiny black. One single electric blue line went down the nails on her middle finger. It was a trademark of the unholy trinity of Nteri. Karma and Siren had the exact same except Karma's did have a colored line and were painted matte instead of shiny and Siren's one line was a vibrant purple. All of them were black and sharpened in a way where they could be weapons. They were all made of metal instead of the usual acrylics too. She smiled as she snapped them against each other, enjoying the feeling of metal scraped against metal. She picked up her Japanese mafia styled cloak, the color a bright, electric blue so they'd know who she was. As she looked in the mirror, she knew that she was ready.

She walked out, seeing Karma sitting there with his wings on display. His villain outfit sent shivers down her spine. He smirked at her, his eyes crinkling in a way that only Karma's could. 

"Let's go," the words that left her mouth were strong though, her heart was weakly fluttering. She walked out the door, Karma right behind her. They got in Siren's car, the space inside smelling like Vanilla and expensive perfume.

Overdrive started the car and stepped on the gas. The car shot forward swinging out of the driveway quickly. She watched as the sun caused the sky to dance with pink, orange, and light blue shades. 

The drive was short enough that the two didn't get impatient, but long enough the sun had enough time to set. They got out of the car, going over to the almost hidden door of the bar. As they walked in, Overdrive could see multiple things. Over on the bar, Niko was sitting on the counter with his feet resting in a chair. He had a slick black suit with red accents, two wicked sharp daggers on his belt. Tai was in the corner, loading up his gun. He was in a suit, his hair slicked back perfectly as usual. The only difference in his appearance were his golden eyes, the black gloves he wore, and the small pistol at his side. Samina sat on one of the couches, the dark red shade of the couch somehow complimenting her tan skin. She looked up as they came in, her eyes the color of a cobra's eyes with slitted pupils, she smirked at the two. Two pairs of canines showed themselves, the sharp addition to her features giving her a sort of dangerous look. A black tail waved itself behind her, it's slick and shiny fur only belonging to that of a cat. Next to her, an unknown Asian woman laid face down on the floor. Her outfit, a skirt and shirt with fishnet stockings and heels, looked like it had been designed while looking at the galaxy, her black hair forming itself into a shoulder-length bob that looked both badass and adorable. Her nails were painted a shiny black, and the only weapon that appeared on her was a small set of throwing knives. Overdrive faintly wondered who the woman was and what her power was. She looked to Tai for answers, his gold-tinted eyes already analyzing her. She faintly thought of a hawk watching its prey when he scanned the room. It comforted her. 

Everybody in the room converged on the bar stools and counter at once. It was silent for a couple minutes as everyone looked at each other, determining what they thought of their partners. 

"Organized crime huh?" Niko was the first to break the silence, his small joke causing Overdrive and Karma to crack a small smirk and the other girls to chuckle. Tai remained stoic for a second before stepping up. 

"First up, we'll all introduce ourselves and our powers and then we'll go over the plan," he said simply, earning a nod from the people in the room. "I'm Tai, and my power is telepathy." 

Niko was the second one to reveal his power. 

"Name's Niko, and can make sane people insane," the small psychotic small making karma smirk. It wouldn't work on any of the people here, but it would sure suck for the heroes. 

"I'm Himari, My power is portals," she said in a voice that rang like a bell. 

"Samina. My power is the ability to take certain animal's attributes," a small chuckle came from the Italian woman's mouth. 

"Overdrive, Technopathy and lightning," She said simply. Her gaze went to Karma. 

"Karma, Divinity and luck," he said, catching everyone but Overdrive and Tai off guard. 

"Well, shit" Himari blurted out, the curse word coming smoothly out her mouth but still sounding unnatural with her high pitched voice. Everyone instantly burst out laughing, before calming down with smirks on their faces.

"Well, let's get the shitshow started," Overdrive said as she stepped forward.