
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Stuck in Captivity

Siren POV:

The sky was beautiful out tonight, painted with the colors of the galaxy. Siren felt serene standing in the beautiful forest. The forest was lit up with fireflies, they floated in the air like tiny lights. Siren didn't know why this place seemed so familiar, nor did she know why she felt so at peace here. She found herself walking through the forest, knowing which way she wanted to go. She came across a lake, the water captivating her senses. A faint smell of lavender floated in the air, the pleasant sounds of the forest at night had her ears on blast. She sat down next to the water, gliding her fingers through the cold liquid. Her gaze went onto all the things in the water that were alive. On the surface of the water, water lilies of different colors floated around, their petals and leaves glowed in a way that could only be described as delicate and beautiful. The colors mesmerized Siren, going from light pinks, purples, and blues, to delicate oranges and yellows. Siren leaned forward peering in the world underneath the surface. The tadpoles that swam in the water were glowing a soft green, glowing pink, purple, and blue koi fish swam around the lake. She looked around spotting a white bridge that arched over the lake. Siren got up and ran towards the bridge, going straight to the middle of it. They peered over the railing and smiled brightly at the sight. Turtles and frogs, flowers, and algae, every living thing gave off a soft glow that lit up the night. It was so beautiful that Siren found herself shedding a tear. She looked at it all, never wanting to leave. A glimmer in the water caught her eye, bringing her attention to her reflection. For the first time, she seemed to examine herself.

The first thing she noticed was that her hair was much longer, it trailed down her back and all the way to the floor. Her face was radiating happiness, her face much softer than it would usually be. Her battle clothes had been replaced by an elegant lavender kimono that fell off of her like rivers of silk. She looked over herself, amazed by the change. She didn't even notice the person behind her till a soft hand landed on her shoulder.

"You should not be here Siren," a velvety, smooth voice with the pitch of a bell came from behind her. It surprised Siren, though she didn't jump away. She turned around to a woman who looked like an older version of herself with even longer hair. Siren had to wonder how the hell she even walked through the forest with it.

"Where am I exactly and who are you?" Siren asked looking over the woman, who really did look just like her with a couple of wrinkles and longer hair. Siren had to admit that she was pretty sexy, in turn, that made the woman in front of pretty sexy too.

"Name's Echo, a sound nymph who works under Apollo. You're currently in the god realm because your real body is unconscious," Echo answered easily, gaining a look from Siren. "I'm also your real mom."

"Lit," Siren said looking down at the pond. She jumped up, swinging her legs over the railing so she could sit comfortably. "So how do I wake up?"

"Shit, I don't know. Do you usually come to the god realm?" Echo asked, leaning on the railing and looking down at the water.

"Not really that's more of Karma's thing. I prefer making trips somewhere else," Siren said simply, thinking about how the fuck she would get back to the human world. "Oh wait, how long have I been asleep?"

"Shit, I don't know that either. You want some tips on me and your dad's powers?" Echo asked her, her voice was playful and humorous.

"That'd be lit, but won't you get in trouble for that?" Siren asked her back, as she continued to watch the pond beneath.

"Fuck you, I'm Echo I can do whatever I want," The sound nymph said casually before delving in deeply on what Siren should be able to do. Siren listened intently because this was some good shit she was learning. She didn't even think she could use half of these powers, but now she definitely had to try. I mean who would think that they could summon sharp vinyl records to cut people's limbs off? She sure as hell would have some fun if she didn't die when she got back. Echo continued telling her about all kinds of things she could do when suddenly she stopped. "Oh yeah, you most definitely gotta get out of here. I mean if you don't want to die that is," her words were at ease, even though she was warning her daughter about death.

"How the fuck do I get out of here again?" Siren found herself asking because she really didn't know, and she had no ideas right now. She really didn't prefer to die right now.

"Shit, I still don't know. Try jumping off a cliff or something," Echo said shrugging, she figured Siren could figure it out. She leaned back before she started walking away into the forest. Siren watched her walk away before laughing a little and jumping into the water for no reason.

She floated down, the tadpoles swimming around her and creating lights. She didn't drown, she just peacefully floated down. Suddenly, she just started falling fast as hell through the lake. Siren probably would've panicked if it were for the fact that she wasn't actually falling, and never mind she started panicking. She was really gonna die, and then without warning, she hit the ground and woke up.

The first thing Siren noticed when she woke up was that it was cold as hell. She found herself constantly shivering at the cold before she even opened her eyes. Every part of her was restrained, something in and over her mouth kept her from making sounds. Her head was restrained but her mouth was. She looked around to see ice covering the whole room, the walls, floors, the ceiling, some of it was even spreading to her. It was like being inside of a freezer. Beyond the ice, she could see much. However, she could make out walls and a steel door. She internally sighed at her position. She was probably not getting out of there anytime soon. She smirked a little, knowing that if she couldn't make a sound to control using her mouth. She'd make a sound however she could. Her first thought was to hum, but as she tried to use her throat it wouldn't make a sound. Those clever fucks had drugged her. She got slightly irritated at the thought, before internally sighing again. She looked around once more, before launching her head to the side and cracking her neck. The loud crack sound created enough soundwaves for her to feel out the room. To her dismay, the walls were soundproof which meant no going past them for her. She sighed again, knowing she could really do anything for now as she was too exhausted. She didn't even know how long she had been like this. She let her head fall back, as she closed her eyes and went into meditating.

She had no idea how much time passed, it could've been hours. It felt like days. Her body ached from the cold and her shivers got worse. Suddenly, she heard the door open. She opened her eyes to see two women come in. One had red hair and gold armor on, she was a fairly short woman that didn't look quite right next to the ice. The other went perfectly with it, with a blue battle dress on and white hair with blue streaks. She was taller than the other woman, her skin almost white. They were both quite pretty. Siren would've been intimidated by the fact she couldn't move and they looked almost daunting standing above her while she shivered on the floor, except she's been through worse situations. The two women came over to her, sitting down next to her as the door closed behind them and the ice reformed over it. The redheaded woman placed a hand on Siren and warmth flooded through her body as if she was drinking hot chocolate.

"So this is the mighty Siren, one of the three leaders of Nteri city?" the redhead woman's voice came out soft, and Siren was surprised to hear a British accent come out of the woman. She felt unsettlingly cozy with the woman, though she had no idea why.

"Don't let your guard down. Just because she's beautiful, doesn't mean she is weak. Look at her arms and the muscle on them," the other woman's voice was rougher, but also European. Siren could tell she was probably Russian. Siren made a face at the two, letting them know just how irritated she was with the situation.

"Yeah, Yeah. I know it's probably hella uncomfortable, especially with all the ice. We probably went overboard with it, but you know better safe than sorry," The Russian woman said to Siren. Siren looked at the two, debating if it was worth it. She sighed internally knowing she would regret this. She flexed her finger before cracking it, bending the soundwaves that came from her finger.

The soundwaves stretched and gave her enough leeway to form them into the Russian woman's voice and words. "If I wanted out, I'd be out. Names?" She kept it short as she didn't have that much to work with. The two women immediately hopped up to their feet surprised. The ice woman narrowed her eyes at the prisoner whose chest was shaking in a way that clearly meant she was laughing at them. The woman smirked internally, she liked this one. She looked up at her partner, who gave her a look before they both sat back down.

"My name is Snowflake, but you can call me Snow if you want," the ice woman said to her, Siren simply turned to the other woman who sat there.

"I'm Glory," she said simply, her tone a little on edge. Siren almost snorted at the name, she cracked another one of her fingers, "Like Gloryhole?" the voice being Glory's now.

Snow burst out laughing, her shoulders shaking from how much she was laughing. She smiled knowing for sure, she would definitely enjoy talking to this one. Though she hoped the woman would be the same after Kwon got done with her. He was supposed to be trying out a couple of new things on the woman, Snow almost felt bad for her. She was a villain who got caught by heroes, and so now she'd just have to endure the consequences.

Glory's phone beeped letting her know they had to be somewhere else. The two unrestrained women got up, giving each other a look. Glory walked out without so much as a look, Siren almost wanting her to stay just for her warmth. Snow waved at her walking off too, as soon as they were gone the bitter cold sunk in and Siren let herself fall back into meditation. More time passed, sometimes people came in with needles filled with nutrients and drugs. Sometimes snow peeked in, trying to see if Siren was still alive. Still, Siren laid with her eyes closed. It didn't matter that her arms were restraints to her sides, nor did it matter that it hurt to move her fingers. She just sat there and waited for an idea to come to her. She had nothing to keep the time, and no one told her how much time had passed. She couldn't very well ask. She laid there for a long time, her body adapting to the cold.

Soon enough another man started to show up. He was the long-haired hero from before, someone who seemed cowardly. When he came, pain followed like a shadow. He injected things into her, some of them making her high, some putting her in pain. He came by every day, and the pain just increased. It was excruciating like someone was pouring acid on her insides and she was inhaling tear gas to make it worse. Siren sat there though, she never gave him the satisfaction of showing her pain. She just sat there and kept thinking.

She thought about Overdrive and how desperate she was to get out of that lab. How she was probably blaming herself even though it was Siren's own fault. She thought of Treble who was probably worried about her and how she hadn't shown up to check on him. She thought about Karma and how he was probably worried sick. Her soul ignited with hope at the last thought. Karma may have been an ex-deity, but he was still a god. She could probably reach him if she prayed to him, it was a long shot. There was a 90% chance it wouldn't work, but still Siren tried. She took her faith in Karma, and she prayed to him hoping he would hear her.

Karma POV:

Karma was not feeling very cash money right now. In fact, he was worried sick. It had been a whole month since Siren had been captured, and there was no sign of her or the heroes. Karma internally sighed as he sat in his office chair. He looked down to see Axel doing his job as a sub. Normally, the fact that he was getting head in his office would've cheered him up, but without knowing if Siren was dead or alive, he just couldn't enjoy anything anymore. Karma sighed as he ran his hands through Axel's hair, he grabbed his hair pulling him in deeper. He could tell Axel was struggling to breathe, and the sight was enough to get Karma in a mood. He grabbed Axel's chin with the other hand, standing up so he'd have better access. Then he fucked Axel's face, with a combination of hidden anger and lust. He could feel Axel's struggling to breathe, his throat was closing tighter around Karma's dick in a way that distracted him from his problems. Karma pushed his dick deeper into Axel's mouth, letting himself cum. He sighed heavily as he released, all his tension working itself out. He pulled out of Axel's mouth, looking down at his hookup.

"I want to say I didn't like that, but we both know I did. Still, please work out whatever is causing you this much stress," Axel said before leaving the ex-god alone. Karma sighed at the comment, knowing he would be like this.

He got up and left work early, not caring what would happen to his position for it. As he sat in Siren's car, he chuckled to himself at some of the memories that briefly flashed through his mind. He cocked the seat back, let his body fall back with the seat so he'd have the perfect view of the ceiling of the car. Dozens of photographs littered the ceiling, connected with wires numbers. He had put a lot of things together in this past month about those heroes, but his gaze zeroed in worryingly on two people. The first was the hero with the long hair, it said he was the son of a scientist known for his experiments on people using drugs. It didn't sit right with Karma that he was one of the people imprisoning Siren. Another problem was the woman with the red hair, he had gathered a bit of information that struck him as odd. She had appeared around 4 years ago out of nowhere, no family connections, and she apparently fought with gold. Karma stroked an imaginary beard as he looked at her, trying to figure out where she looked familiar. She was an enigma, a mystery, and yet there was something so eerily familiar about her. Suddenly, a switch went off in his head as he looked at her. He knew why she seemed so familiar now. He pushed the seat back into its original position before starting the car. The impala zoomed out of the parking lot of the prestigious firm and through the seats of Nteri.

Karma texted Overdrive that he'd be home a little late, though he doubted she'd see it. As he drove to a place he had only been to a few times, a bar known throughout Nteri for its occupants. He just hoped he'd find who needed there. He looked at the clock on the stereo, his eyes narrowing at the time. He had to get there fast.

The ex-deity swerved into a parking space like a pro, getting out of the car quickly. He walked past the convenience store, into the alley, and right up to Siren's favorite bar. He walked into the bar with no hesitation, seeing a few people chatting and drinking about. He knew that even if they looked innocent, they were all villains. His icy gaze moved over to the bar where Tai was standing.

"Hey Tai," he said as he sat down on one of the bar stools. The bartender looked up at him and nodded. Karma mentally sighed at the dismissive gesture, before looking over their selection of alcohol.

"Give me like five shots of tequila because we need to talk," he said to Tai, who glided over and placed his shots down before he was suddenly at the other side of the bar. He didn't appear to be listening as much as he should've, Karma honestly thought about stabbing him just to get acknowledged by the man. "It's about Siren."

At the sound of Siren's name, Tai turned around quickly. He motioned at the guy who was sleeping on the counter, before pulling his apron off. The just-awoken man got up swiftly, leading Karma into the back room. Karma looked at the man carefully, gathering everything he could from one sight. The man was well built and obviously had fight experience. He somehow managed to rock black hair with a white streak, and he had sharp green eyes that seemed to briefly hypnotize you. As karma looked him over, he decided very quickly that he liked this man.

"Name's Niko if you really want to know," Karma was caught off guard by the man suddenly speaking to him. His voice was slightly rough and had a low pitch to it. The ex-god shot him a questioning gaze. "You were staring like you wanted to know," Niko said before walking away and out of the back room.

Karma looked after him with his face contorted, he was a little irritated that Niko had gotten the last word in that almost conversation. It was kind of annoying, and Karma definitely wouldn't acknowledge the other feeling he got from it. He pushed that thought aside looking around the room.

There was a desk in the corner with papers on it and a big Bullington board on one wall. On the other wall, beside the door he had come from were lockers. That was all that was really in the room besides a tacky, blue couch, and a coffee table. Two girls were in there, one of them sitting on the couch with her arm over the shoulder and the other laying on the coffee table like it was a bed. They both looked up at Karma as he was led in by Niko.

Karma looked at the two before walking over to sit on the arm of the chair, waiting for a second. Soon enough Tai came through the door followed by Niko, the two walking in as if they owned the place. Oh wait, they did.

"So what about Siren?" Tai asked in a smooth voice that kind of urged Karma. He leaned against the wall with a cool expression on his face.

"She got captured a month ago and I'd like your help getting her back," Karma said bluntly, wasting no time. He wasn't stupid he knew Tai cared for Siren, in one way or another.

"What do you need?" he asked Karma, his eyes narrowing. Karma wouldn't have come to them for combat help.

"The informant who comes here might be a rat, I need to meet with her to tell. I also would like some help getting in the institute," Karma said looking into his eyes. He had a pretty good idea of what he needed to do. Tai nodded thinking.

"We'll go ahead and rescue her if you know for sure she's alive, but it'll take time to get in touch with the woman," he said before pushing himself off the wall and turning to Niko. "Go let the rest of the staff know that we're taking the next week off."

Niko disappeared out the door quickly, as Tai walked over to the desk. Karma watched as he wrote something down on a piece of paper. He walked up giving the paper to Karma, before saying, "I'll go try and get in contact with the informant. Go to this address and check on someone for me. Bring Overdrive with you."

Karma nodded before walking towards the door, thinking about something. How the hell would he figure out if she was alive or not? He thought about it the whole way to the car, his wings beating quickly in frustration.

He sat in the car, grabbing his seat and pulling it back. The lines connecting pictures and words on his ceiling had the answer. He forced himself to stop focusing on the redheaded woman, and more on the bigger picture. He sighed at the lack of answer it gave him and pulled the seat so he could drive home. First, he had to get Overdrive out of the house.

He knew there was a chance that she wasn't home, and if she was she'd be locked up in the basement or her room. She trained day in and day out, her speed getting faster with each day. She still didn't have Siren's endurance or strength, but she was getting there. When she wasn't training, she was either out somewhere unknown or going through the drive they had stolen. She was taking this hard, so Karma couldn't afford to. He'd never seen her like this. His friend who was once a funny, laidback woman, who you could always depend on had turned into someone completely different. She was driven, She was Violent, and She never stopped. He had to do his part too. With those thoughts, he sped off into the night.

Overdrive POV:

"You're fucking psychotic," a man screamed from behind her. His face was painted with fear at the scene as he watched the unknown woman snap his partner's neck. She turned around, her crazed eyes taking in his form as she smiled at him.

"I prefer the term creative. I'll ask you again, tell me everything you know about the New Heros in town," Her voice was smooth and commanding, the tone a warning to what would happen if he lied to her. The woman turned around slowly, walking towards him with a graceful gait. She donned a red dress that accented her body, in her left hand was a sheath, and in her right was the sword it belonged to. It was a long katana that shone underneath the lights, the blade shining with fresh blood. Her glowing blue eyes held no mercy for him.

"I swear I don't know shit," he screamed when she was suddenly standing in front of him. Her face was morphed into one of hatred and disgust for the pitiful man in front of her. Out of nowhere, she smiled. She used to say her smile brought relief into other's eyes, the laidback grin she gave after a nap was comforting to most of the people she knew. It was comforting to the one she had seemingly lost, Siren. However, the smile she was currently giving the man was psychotic. Her mouth stretching to show all of her teeth like a kid who just found candy, her eyes crazed with some form of sick delight.

"I guess that means you're of no use to me," her voice was sickly sweet with unspoken warnings. She barely lifted the sword, but swinging it back and with one long slash killed the man. He sat there a moment before his body collapsed to the side, and his head rolled away from his shoulders. His face forever marred by the terror of his last moments. Overdrive watched the lifeless body for a moment, the bittersweet pang of guilt only came for a moment. She found herself scowling at the corpse on the floor. A small tear found its way down her cheek before she wiped it and her fearless mask was back on her face. She flicked her sword, the body coming off of it and splattering on the floor. She looked at the shiny weapon, before sheathing it and turning towards the exit. Bodies lay all around her, the walls and floors filled with splashes of blood and unseen puddles of tears. She found herself unbothered when looking at the Carnage. She simply walked out of the underground Casino without looking back.

The air outside was cold enough on its own, but the wind made it so much worse. Cold blades of frostbite nipped at Overdrive's skin every time the wind blew. She cursed as soon as she had gotten outside, her nose burning at the chill. She walked to her car, sword in hand.

She paused when she saw her reflection, frowning at all the blood on her dress. She hated getting blood on her clothes, especially on her expensive ones. She sighed grabbing a coat from the backseat and putting it on, she placed her katana on the back seat. She caressed the sheath lovingly, her mind flashing with a memory of hers.

"Will you two stop fighting," Overdrive laughed lightly as she watched the two in front of her playfully bicker. Siren, despite being so hot-headed when she wasn't fighting, never got mad at Karma for his comments, and Karma seemed to appreciate the mutual honesty between the two. It was probably refreshing to hear someone actually insult him. It was a nice bond in Overdrive's eyes, she smiled to herself. These were her precious people.

"Stop trying to end up behind us Circuit-Head. You're supposed to be in the middle of us," Karma said back at her, making her look at him questionably. Siren and him looked at her with tiny smirks on their faces. Siren reached back grabbing her hand and pulled her up so she was side by side with them. The two immediately started bickering again, but somehow Overdrive felt included in a way she didn't with anyone else. Siren squealed at the sight of a weapon store, dragging Overdrive over to look in it with her. Karma trailed after the two, his gaze scanning the black market.

Siren entered the store excitedly, her smile bright as she looked over the weapons. She turned to the other two, her hands on her hips in a happy manner.

"I have an idea, I promise it's good this time," she said, getting a skeptical look from Karma. Usually, her ideas got them in trouble. "Let's pick weapons for each other since we rarely use weapons now," she said to them, her mind made up. The other two looked at each other with tiny smirks before nodding. The three raced through the store looking through things. It had taken an hour for them all to end up back where they had started. They each held things behind their backs. Karma smirked stepping up to the girls.

"I wanna go first," he said to the two, his mind confident his weapons would be the best. He took two weapons from behind his back. The first one was a pack of metal senbon, the things were long and shiny. The second thing was a shiny, double-sided Axe. The handle had music notes engraved on the handle. "The Senbon is for OD, the Axe is for Ren." His voice held confidence and pride as he said it, he thought the weapons were perfect for the two. Siren smiled, looking at the ax with affection while Overdrive gave a lazy but happy grin.

"I guess I'll go next," Overdrive said, taking out two weapons from behind her back. The first was a whip that looked like it was made of shiny Aluminum. In the other hand was a shiny black sniper rifle with green tribal markings on it. "The sniper rifle is for Karma and the whip is for Siren." Siren smiled brightly between the two weapons, while Karma almost cried a little.

"My turn," Siren said excitedly. She pulled her hands behind her back to reveal the weapons. In one hand was a pack of darts with sharpened ends and a small wooden blowgun. In the other hand was a black sheath with blue kanji markings on it. The blue and black handle that stuck out of it and the shape revealed that it was a katana. "The Darts are for Karma, and the Katana is for OD." Overdrive unsheathed the Katana looking at the shiny blade and found a fluttery feeling going through her heart. She looked over at Karma who was rubbing the Sniper rifle, and Siren who was hugging her weapons to her chest. These really were her precious people.

Overdrive closed the door, getting in the car. She sped off as she thought about that memory. They still used those weapons to this day, Siren even had a pair of gauntlets for when her Axe was getting sharpened and she couldn't use it. Overdrive just used her Senbon until her sword was resharpened. She could never understand her friend, but she could admire and respect her. Overdrive's hands clutched the steering wheel tighter as she sped up. She would get her back no matter what she had to do.

She sped onto her street, pulling into her driveway with little effort. She saw Siren's car in the driveway, which sent a pang of false hope through her heart before she remembered that Karma had been driving it. Her face formed into a scowl at her own thoughts. She opened the door stepping inside and secretly enjoyed the warmth she was hit with. She heard a sigh from the left to her, making her look over into the living room. She turned to see Karma frowning at her, his gaze on the part of her dress that was showing.

"Again?" he asked like he was a parent who had caught their child stealing Donuts. He, normally, wouldn't have minded if Overdrive had come home with blood on her. They were villains after all. She had been coming home with blood on her every day for a while though, and Karma knew it was out of anger and grief. He knew that wasn't healthy for her mind, and she was taking people's lives as a distraction from her own guilt.

"I'm a villain. I do villain things. Problem?" Overdrive said casually, her eyebrow cocked up at him. Her tone was challenging him. Karma faintly saw Siren and her need to bicker with him. For a second, he missed it. Seeing Overdrive do it sent chills down his spine however, he missed the bickering but doing it with Overdrive just seems wrong in some way. Like he'd be disrespecting Siren by fighting with someone other than her. A gaze went between the two heathens before they both let their guards down for a mere moment. The understanding went between the two before Overdrive walked forward letting her head fall onto Karma's arm since she couldn't reach his shoulder.

"I miss her," she said to him, her voice void of any life it should've had. Karma put his arm around her as he sighed, he missed Siren too. He missed Overdrive just as much though.

"I have a lead," he said to her, hearing her hum for him to continue. "Tai wants us to go to a location." Overdrive looked up at him, her face tired.

"Villain gear or?" she asked him to be sure. He shook his head at her, as she went into her room to change into more casual clothes. She came out a couple of minutes later in a black shirt, black leggings, tanned trench coat, and black boots.

"Let's go," even with the obvious tired demeanor in her words, a sense of determination settled between the two. They straightened up, put back on the mask that they showed the world, and walked out the door.