
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 6: The Rescue

Karma POV:

Karma found himself on the cliff, his power buzzing. He looked behind him to see the people he had become friends with in the short time they had spent planning. Tai was perched on a large wolf he now knew was Samina, both of their eyes glowing gold. Himari was next to them, her soft brown eyes scanning the desolate land. Overdrive crouched down beside him, ready to take the jump. Niko was on the other side of him, his eyes a poisonous green that made him look badass. A small voice in his head reminded him of Axel, but a bigger voice reminded him that it was an open arrangement.

He sighed, holding up his hand as he scanned the plain. He took note of the forest behind the institute, the trees stopping in a perfect line. As soon as the guard turned the corner, he snapped his hand down. Everyone immediately sprung into action. Niko, Overdrive, and Karma dived off the cliff. Karma spread his wings, gliding onto his feet without struggle. Overdrive lightly jumped from ledge to ledge on the cliff, using the steep edges to her advantage. Niko free fell through the air before allowing his hands to catch a cliff edge and swinging himself so he landed on his feet.

"Super villain landing, hard on the knees," he commented in a smug voice, causing Overdrive to cackle and Karma to snicker. Himari dove over the cliff, diving head first into a portal that popped her up from the ground with a twirl. It was lowkey impressive, but Karma didn't compliment lesbians. A lesbian with an ego too big was not a good thing in his mind considering his time with Siren and her phase of just girls. Dom Siren was a sexy thing yes, but it was also a complete pain dealing with someone who gave one-worded answers and condescending smirks. How the hell do you even get away with being condescending towards a god? Karma got so wrapped up in his thoughts for a second that he didn't notice Samina jump down the cliff with Tai on her wolf form's back. He nearly flinched as he turned around to see golden eyes right beside him. Samina nodded her head at him, before dashing off into the night towards the forest to take out any guards lurking in the woods. He also noticed Himari and Overdrive were gone already towards the military base as the distraction number 1. He turned around and the realization that it was just him and Niko dawned on him.

"Ya like Jazz?" Niko smoothly said out to him, his eyes lighting up the tiniest bit as he arched his eyebrows suggestively. Karma snickered a little before taking the lead and walking towards the Lab. He had time to kill, the distraction number 2 wasn't supposed to be happening for another 20 minutes and he didn't even have to be close to do it. He just had to be on the ground.

Niko walked out leisurely behind Karma, a lazy smirk plastered on his face. He sped up, gliding his way in front of Karma and started walking backwards so he could observe the man and walk at the same time.

"Should you be in more of a hurry to save Siren or whatever?" Niko asked as walked backwards. Karma looked up to see his hands behind his head. He could faintly see the traces of abs underneath his suit, before he forced his eyes up to Niko's face.

"Maybe," he said simply as he kept walking. He let his eyes wander across the plains, the moon illuminating most of it. He could see storm clouds off into the distance.

"I've decided," Niko said in a whisper that made Karma look back at where the man just was. He felt Niko behind him, his breath barely grazing his ear.

"Decided what?" Karma had stopped moving as arms wrapped around his waist, and a burst of hormones fucked his thought process up a little. He could still think straight but his poor human vessel body was being very affected.

"I've decided that I want you to be mine," his voice was low and guttural, the deep growl in it making Karma a little weak in the knees and a little strong somewhere else.

"What makes you think I'll be yours?" he asked though in a smooth voice, though his body was betraying him. He could feel that Niko's body was not betraying either of them.

"I want you, and I'll make sure I get what I want," Niko said into his ear in a way, Karma had no doubts if they weren't on a mission then he'd gladly jump into bed with this man. He dropped down, quickly stepping behind Niko and looping his arms around his neck from behind in a sensual way. He had to stand on his tippy-toes to reach, but his mouth was beside Niko's ear in less than 2 seconds.

"I'm still gonna make you work for it," he whispered into Niko's ear, earning a small grunt before smoothly walking off towards the lab. He heard Niko walk behind him, but the other male simply just enjoyed the view as he walked with his partner for this mission. He didn't care how much he wanted to let go of all control in that moment, if you were gonna Dom him in bed then you had to overpower him mentally and sexually.

He slightly snickered in his mind, deciding that this would be fun. He surveyed the area again, seeing bodies from where Overdrive and Himari had made their way through. He opened the door to the lab, making his way to where Siren's prison cell would be. The wonders of connected databases and hacking geniuses were simply astonishing.

A loud bang erupted from somewhere far into the distance no doubt part of the girl's distraction. At least he hoped it was. Guards were nowhere to be seen, they were chasing the two she-demons. Karma stroll through the hallway with nothing left to lose. He kind of hoped he'd see a hero, then at least something would happen. Siren was more important, but damn he was a little bored.

He rounded a corner, bumping into a asian male with long hair and elaborate red themed makeup. He looked at Karma then Niko and he knew right then and there that he fucked up.

Karma swooped behind covering his mouth, as Niko produced a wicked sharp dagger before plunging it in his stomach and gutting the poor fellow. He screamed out in agony though he came out quiet and muffled before dropping to the floor in a bloody mess. Karma found himself grinning like the wrathful god he was, before turning around and continuing on his way. Niko flicked his dagger to get most of the blood off before crouching down and using the man's suit to wipe his dagger clean. He caught up to Karma with just a few strides, his hands going behind his head and his dagger back at it's place on his hip.

It didn't take them long to reach the cell that was holding Siren. It didn't even take Overdrive and Himari long to catch up to them. Karma barely had time to lean on the wall before the girls were stepping through a purple portal and Overdrive was eyeing Karma's silence suspiciously.

Overdrive walked up to Karma easily, her tiny grin proof that she knew something happened. She looked at Niko before looking back at him with her eyebrows raised.

"Stop kinkshaming me woman," Karma aggressively whispered to her, having enough of her interrogating stare.

"Kinkshaming is my kink." she grinned wider as she whispered back, only for Himari to scream before she could. Why were these people part of the higher ranks of Nteri's villain society? He seriously questioned his life choices before turning around and opening the door and stepping inside. Niko, Himari, and Overdrive were confused upon seeing the empty room. Karma was seething at the sight of the big hole that the rest of them couldn't see due to lingering soundwaves. A small splatter of body laid on the floor, and Karma just knew that she had escaped out of boredom or impatience. His anger compressed as he walked into the room and started banging his head on the wall. There was also something, there was always some complication or unforeseeable event. This was life wasn't it?

He suddenly stopped banging his head on the wall, letting his forehead lay against it. A tiny drop of blood dripped down the wall, he slowly turned towards the group next to him before hissing out in a pissed voice, "THIS STUPID BITCH ALREADY ESCAPED."

The reactions were instantaneous, varying to hysterical laughter to punching the wall in a fit of rage to straight up confusion. Not two seconds passed before an explosion racked the other side of the lab causing an alarm to start blaring and the lights to turn red.

Karma looked up at the lights groaning and releasing a loud, "Fuck." He ignored Niko's dirty comment as he led the rest of them down the tunnel, even though they could tell where they were going due to the illusion.

Siren POV:

Siren could hear someone struggling to walk down the hallway, bumping into the walls. She could hear the struggling breaths, the straggled steps, and the small whimpers. She listened to the person opening a bottle of pills, and swallowing a couple before passing out. She released a couple clicks, letting the sound bounce and come back to her. She felt the person that was obviously Glory's weird ass, but what intrigued her was the sound of gold spreading up her leg. The pills were receding it, but oh the damage was done.

Siren smirked from her place on the wall, her hair falling towards the floor as she smirked.

"Is that a weakness I detect?" her voice was ecstatic as she started to find weak spots in the hero's metaphorical armor. This would be fun.

Her legs burned as she ran through the brush of woods. Branch after branch carved scratches into her arms, her mind was alive as several clicks came from her mouth. She slowed down as the sounds of a stream reached her ears, turning towards that direction. The stream was a clear color, the water glowing just slightly due to the moonlight. Siren fell down to her knee, gratefully drinking the water. She looked over at Glory, the woman still peacefully knocked out. She ripped a piece of the loose shirt she had on off, wrapping it around the heroine's hands and binding them. Next she removed all the gold on her outfit and her halberd before chucking them in the stream and watching as they got carried down quickly.

The shiny metal was gone within seconds, the current carrying it down faster than Siren expected. She noticed the woman looked much more innocent unconscious, and the white material of her outfit helped with that deceitful image. Siren scowled at the woman. She picked her up, leaning her against a tree just far enough that she could ignore her presence but close enough that she'd hear if she moved. She stepped into the stream with no hesitation, letting the cool water clean both her and her clothes. She stood there for a minute, before hesitantly removing them and leaning them on a tree branch. She cleaned her hair, untangling it and letting it slowly become longer the less it was tangled. It went from matted and in the middle of her back to going to the middle of her thigh easily. The coils in her hair dripping water and covering the most intimate parts of her. She stepped out the water, shaking off most of the water like a dog. She had no shoes, the bottom of her feet were tough from the time she spent bouncing off the icey walls of her cell. Her body was used to the cold by now, but she still shivered a little before picking up her clothes and wringing them out. She went over to Glory glad she was still asleep, before picking up her and dashing off clothes still in hand. It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for.

A small cave sat there, the entrance almost concealed by vines and leaves. She pushed some aside, putting her clothes as well as Glory on the small cave's floor. The leaves and walls shielded her from the wind, providing her with enough shelter from the storm she felt coming. She walked back out, gathering stones and placed them in a circle. Next she grabbed the driest wood she could find, and large leaves she was sure had no liquid on them. She arranged them on the waves floor inside the stone made circle. Finally she grabbed a bunch of grass, a couple vines, and two sticks. She tied the sticks together so the made a cross using the vine, and tested out to see how fast she could use the horizontal stick to spin the vertical one. Next thing she did was start rapidly twisting the stick on her dry leaves until she saw smoke. She quickly took the stick off and started to lightly blow. After a few breaths a few small flames lit the leaves up, she picked up most of the grass and dropped it there watching as they also caught on fire and helped it spread to the wood. She reveled in the warmth giving off from the fire.

She had shelter for now, and a small stream for water. The next thing she did was find a fallen slim branch. She needed a long weapon she could use and throw. She would've used Glory's halberd, but she wasn't taking any chances considering how much gold the woman had on her. She looked around for a jagged rock, finding one barely took any time. It had only been around 3 hours since she escaped. She alternated between resting on branches and running for the first hour and a half. She wasted a good half an hour at the stream, and starting the fire and finding the branch had taken another hour. She was doing good in terms of time. She just needed some food and some more leaves and she'd be gucci. She found a couple more vines, they were all over the place, before going back to her small cave. The fire was bigger now, the lack of wind keeping it from blowing out. She only had a day or two left before that storm hit. She put her clothes back on, the fabric now dry. She simply had the sports bra and boxer set she had when she got captured, the small black basketball shorts she had been given, and the black muscle shirt she had gotten Irina to get her. At least, she had some protection. It took her no time to braid the vines around the rock and the slim branch in a way to create some semblance of a weapon. She used the cave wall to sharpen the rock, and then she was out.

Hunting was something she learned on the road, it was something her surrogate dad taught her before he died. She clicked her tongue, letting her senses widen. She could hear deer over to the west, an Elk and a calf. She quickly hopped from branch to branch that way, making no noise. She stalked across a branch peering over to see the two deer eating some grass. She tightened her grip on her makeshift javelin, pulling her hand back. It took her two breaths to steady herself, before she launched it forward with accuracy almost as good as Karma was with his sniper. The spear launched through the older deer's stomach causing it to drop to the ground. It was dead in seconds, no suffering. The small baby calf looked up in panic, before walking forward and laying next it's mom. Siren felt for the poor thing, swinging down and grabbing the elk by its horn and dragging it with her. She looked back at the small deer, before she walked forward and slowly petted it's head in apology. She dragged the deer back to her cave quickly. She placed it next to the fire, before sitting down and skinning it. She wrapped the tendrils of meat in a few layers of leaves before placing it on the fire. She slowly crawled over to the small girl, touching a curl before feeling her cheek. She was cold, her skin wet from where Siren's clothes had dripped on her. Siren felt a sense of Nostalgia as she sat there with the woman, her sound was comforting and familiar. She laid her head on the woman's shoulder, resting her eyes for a little while. She only got to rest for half an hour before she was awakened by the sound of something pushing her leafy door to the side and walking into the cave. The steps were clumsy and clearly not human.

The small calf from earlier came towards Siren, laying down beside her. Siren pet the thing, before smelling the air to see if the meat smelled a little done yet. She reached forward, snatching the hot package off the fire and dropping on the floor of the cave before it could burn her. She quickly unfolded it to see that the deer strips were cooked through, some of them slightly burnt at the ends. It was a decent sized meal that would last her four days, well last them two. She looked at the golden girl before slapping her cheek.

Her eyes flew open in surprise, and her hands immediately tried and failed to come into attack mode.

"Relax," Siren said easily, causing the small girl to scowl at her. She smirked at that fact. "Look child, I'm not gonna let you die while we are here since I want you to come home with me."

"What makes you think I'd come home with you, also I'm not a child," Glory scowled at the overconfident woman. How she still looked like a hot badass in rags really tripped her out, it almost annoyed her.

"Oh my little Gloryhole, you won't have a choice," she said with a smug smile, before grabbing some of the meat and biting into it. The warm meat was a change from the cold rice and hotdogs they'd been feeding her at the institute. She offered some to the british woman, who reluctantly ate some, before wrapping the rest of it up.

"You seem good at survival," Glory commented, observing how she petted the small calf. She faintly wondered why the girl didn't cook up the small calf too.

"Yeah," Siren simply said before looking out of the cave, and going out of it. The one-worded response irked her soul a little, causing her to send a sharp glare at the wall. She was slightly grateful for the fire going and the warmth coming from the tiny calf. She let herself relax a little despite her worrying about her pills in the back of her mind. She watched as Siren came back with more vines, before she started braiding them. The silence was comfortable.

Siren hummed a small lullaby, putting Glory back to sleep as worked. She made a basket out of vines first, second she used the skin from the deer to make a waterskin canteen. The third thing she did was tear the antlers off the elk. Since it was a mother, the antlers weren't very big. They could be used to make small knives though. Siren used her makeshift spear to cut the antlers up and sharpen them. She had two good ones, some smaller sharp points. She had no idea how long she'd be out here, but she did know she wanted a couple weapons and some stuff before she'd set off again. She grounded the smaller bits into a dust, before going to get some water from the stream. She grabbed another jagged stone on the way. Soon enough she was sharpening the antlers and her stone spear point. She spent the rest of the night doing that while humming her lullaby.

Soon she noticed the moon close to the horizon. Siren put her spear point down, looking at the two small knives and the actual spear she had made before nodding to herself satisfied. She got up and put more wood on the fire before curling up between Glory and her calf. She let herself fall asleep.

She only slept for a few hours, when she woke up the sun was covered by clouds. The fluffy clouds slowly turned grey the further they went into the horizon. The storm was definitely coming tonight. She walked back in the cave, shaking Glory awake and sitting next to her. She heated the meat back up, offering Glory some meat and water. Siren didn't mind having to feed her, she was raised more careful than to let Glory eat with her hands.

"What are you gonna do to me when you bring me back?" Glory asked her, watching as she checked to see if the basket was still sturdy.

"Well Gloryhole, I'm gonna see what information you can give me. If you're inadequate or you make me mad, I'll chain you up in a specific pose and watch as you become my newest decoration. I always did want a gold statue in my living room. If you behave, I'll fix you and let you live comfortably," Siren said though the smile she had while saying information told Glory torture was somewhere in the agenda. This was a villain. She was incredibly sweet and charming, but a villain anyways.

"Why not kill me after you get the information?" Glory asked.

"Usually I would, but you remind me of someone I once cared about," Siren say a small, sad smile coming onto her face. Glory was taken back by the emotion in the woman's eyes, she had the realization that this woman was human.

She was a villain who murdered and tortured people, and she terrorized the government at least once a month. She was supposed to be a psychopath, but she was so human.

"Do you have a moral code?" Glory's question took Siren by surprise though she didn't show it. She placed the basket down, thinking about it.

"I don't do anything sexually without consent. I don't kill people unless they've killed someone first. I don't torutre children or women, though I will kill them if they really deserve it. I don't steal weed, nor do I steal money from people less fortunate than me," Siren said easily, her tone absent of the usually lightheartedness. Glory nodded at her, she really looked at her.

"How long have you been a hero?" Siren asked, earning a look from Glory. "What? I thought we were playing 21 questions."

"2 years," Glory answered easily.

"Where are you from?" she asked.

"Chicago, you?" Glory replied.

"No shit, I'm from Chicago too," Siren found herself smiling. "Did you come straight from Chicago to here?" she asked, noticed how Glory's brows scrunched up.

"No idea, I have medical amnesia," she said simply. "I only remember the last year or so. Apparently, I overused my power and that's what caused it."

Red flags went off in Siren's head as they talked. Something wasn't right. There were too many things missing, too many things Glory had said that didn't add up. The day passed by as they talked, secretly enjoying each other's company.

They were in the middle of laughing, the small slither of moonlight filtering in, when the institute's alarms went off. The loud siren reached the two girl's ears. It was quickly followed by the sound of thunder. BOOM!

Siren was immediately on her feet, running out of the small cave. She immediately crouched down surveying the area. The storm was going to hit soon. Siren couldn't see in the darkness, she sent clicks out feeling something approaching fast. The signature was familiar and Siren had a moment of sheer weakness.

She rushed back into the cave, running over to Glory. She grabbed the spear, cutting the woman's binds. She grabbed the woman, and pushed her in the opposite direction of which way she was going.

"Go past the stream, it'll erase your scent," she said quickly as she pushed Glory, who looked at her with a grateful look before running. Siren was a villain, she killed people and tortured people with no problem. The woman who reminded her of the sun held a place in her heart. As she watched the woman disappear into the forest, for a second she saw her sister. She narrowed her eyes at the thought, before turning and waiting next to her cafe. She grabbed two pieces of grass, before putting them together between her hands and blowing into them. A large piercing whistle tore through the air, the sound no doubt getting the attention of whoever was out there. The rain started pouring down heavily, making it hard to see more than two feet in front of you. Siren knew by the sirens blaring, it was probably a friend; She couldn't tell due to the trees and rain sounds blocking some of the waves.

A large growl sounded out in front of her, causing her to put up a defensive stance. She couldn't see, but could feel something there. A large black wolf emerged from the trees, the animal towering over Siren unnaturally. Siren looked up at the body of the wolf, and she was fucking terrified. It was always her.

Overdrive POV:

The rain hit while we were running in the forest and everything went to shit. Overdrive got separated from everyone. She took shelter in a cave, and with some reluctance accepted the fact that the storm was not letting up anytime soon. She sneered at the sight of the rain falling outside her cave. She hoped everyone was ok. She knew there had to be more caves around her. She shivered at the feeling of the cold air wrapping around her. A bolt of lightning stuck just outside her cave, she wasn't all too bothered by it. She pulled out her phone, texting the group chat and hopping their phones weren't dead. Hers would always be charged, a perk of her power.

The Pluggie

"Y'all alive?"

Divine Hoe

"Me and Niko are alright, we ended up in a cave. Are you ok?"

Niko Niko Nee

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

Divine Hoe

"Nasty ass"

The Pluggie

"I'm breathing

It's fucking cold"

Sexy Asian

"Me and Samina are ok.

She thinks she picked up Siren's scent close, but it's hard to pinpoint in the rain."

Divine Hoe

"Get out of the rain before y'all catch a cold."

Wakfu wannabe

"I'm ok but...

I ran into a Hero.

She's not attacking me, she just looks really lost.

I feel kind of bad for her."

The Pluggie

"Kill her."

Divine Hoe

"Kill her."

Sexy Asian

"Kill her."

Niko Niko Nee

"Kill her."

Wakfu Wannabe

"But she looks like some of us did not too long ago

She's crying"

Sexy Asian

"Fine, do what you want.

Just come back alive."

Wakfu Wannabe


Wakfu Wannabe has gone offline...

Sexy Asian has gone offline...

Niko Niko Nee has gone offline...

Divine Hoe has gone offline...

The pluggie has gone offline...

Overdrive cut off her phone, looking out of the cave's opening. She was happy everybody had gotten trapped with someone else, happy they weren't alone. She looked out at the cold, the rain pouring down before going back to her spot in the cave. She sat down, going to youtube and watching her favorite videos to pass the time.