
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 3: A Mission

Siren POV:

"You're ruffling my feathers here, getting me all excited," Karma's playful tone was the background music to Overdrive's scribbling. Overdrive was standing up in front of them, writing things on the whiteboard they kept in the corner of the training room with a sofa.

"OK so here's the plan. We'll infiltrate in Four phases. The first one is breaking in. Now there's a cliff that looks over the Lab. They only station a couple guards on the cliff, we'll take care of them first. From then on, Karma will stay there and give us long-range support. He will also pick up the guards we leave outside and put them in the van. After that, Siren and I make our way to the Lab itself and take care of any guards. Karma load your gun with tranquilizers instead. I'll temporarily shut down the power, so we can get through the doors. The next phase is getting to the admin room. Siren will silence our presence as we make our way there. Karma will keep watch on the outside as we move, in case any newcomers decide to interrupt us. When we get to the admin room, I'll download all the data and files into my brain and later into a hard drive. The next phase is getting out. We'll go through the same thing as before except this time the power will be on, so we'll have to avoid cameras. The final phase is Erasing our presence and getting the fuck out of there. The only evidence of us being there should be the missing guards. We wanna be in and out with this, no witnesses, no goofing off, and especially no playing with the unconscious bodies Siren," Overdrive sent a pointed look towards Siren who had an innocent smile on her face. Her arms lay on the back of the sofa while her feet were propped up on a small table in front of them. Karma sat with his ankles crossed, his stance was just as relaxed. They were both paying complete attention though.

"I can't help it once I go berserk," Siren said easily, crossing her arms behind her head. She smirked thinking of all the things she would do.

"Pay attention you stupid bitch," Karma's voice reached her ears. She craned her head over to see his face above her, his wings stretched out wide as they flew in the night. He looked thoughtful, his eyes shining with a green star in each of them. The sign of him using his godly power. The silver-green orbs trained down in the darkness, something which Siren couldn't directly see but had her own way of knowing. "Can you look for anything I missed?" he asked her, his eyes getting tired already. Siren nodded looking down into the night, her eyes not able to see anything.

"Sonar pulse," her voice came out clear, a small ringing sound echoed into the night, unheard and unnoticed by most. She felt karma doing and circles in the air as he waited for her soundwaves to come back. Within a couple seconds, images from her soundwaves were already being formed in her head. "Two guards on the cliff, four over by the door to is southwest, three over by the door to the southeast walking towards the other guards," Siren's voice was serious as she spoke carefully turning her head to figure out where the soundwaves were coming from and how far and fast they traveled. Her head turned in a different direction, "One guard towards the east, he has two dogs with them. Those will be a problem. One drone in the sky near the group with three guards."

Overdrive nodded at Siren as they were both dropped out of Karma's arms. The wind whipped past their faces, their hair getting blown up by the dancing air. The two girls looked up at each other as they smiled. Suddenly, Siren grabbed Overdrive's hand leading her over towards where the guards were standing. They both dropped on a guard, the poor guards taking all the force from their fall. Within seconds, both the guards had been knocked out in less than three seconds. The girls smiled at each other, they didn't even need to use their powers to knock out these suckers. Siren looked up to where karma was flying, almost unnoticeable. Her lips mouthing out the words "Damn, I can't see."

"We took the two guards out, it's safe to come down," she said easily, her voice carrying up to him. He swooped down onto the cliff, doing a flip and landing perfectly on his feet. Siren deadpanned at him, a scoff coming from Overdrive at his theatrics. He grabbed the sniper rifle off his back, the shiny black gun glinting dangerously. The green accents curved into sharp tribal patterns along with it. Karma got down on the ground, his wings turning completely black and within seconds he was unseen. Overdrive reached up activating her headset, watching Siren do the same. The girls were at ease, their movements had no hesitation.

Siren turned and nodded at where she assumed Karma was, but she really couldn't be sure as she couldn't see him before turning away and walking to the edge of the cliff. Her female companion waited for her before grabbing her waist and jumping off the cliff. The two girls glided down the cliff unseen, siren cushioning their falls with contained soundwaves.

"Pure silence," she whispered and all soundwaves coming from the two girls stopped. They snuck through the darkness, passing through the night quickly. Slowly coming up towards the guard Siren had spotted earlier.

"Brain rocker," Siren whispered to herself, her hand forming intense soundwaves that were contained in her hand. She could see the small lightning currents on Overdrive's fingers dancing in the night. She took a second to admire it, before getting serious. The girls dashed forward, Siren grabbing the dogs and painlessly knocking them while Overdrive knocked out the guy by shooting a circuit into a specific part of his brain. Siren watched as the man dropped to the ground, his body hitting the ground. She smiled signaling to karma, who swooped down and grabbed the body and flew back up to the cliff quickly.

Siren and Overdrive then ran over, slowly making their way over to the three guards. One of them was smoking, looking off into the distance. The other two were casually talking to each other. Siren looked at Overdrive, nodding to her. Then they dashed, Siren went for the one that was smoking. She took him down easily. She looked to Overdrive who was already done with the two she took down. Siren may have more strength and endurance than her, but one thing Siren was completely beaten at by Overdrive was her speed. She would gracefully weave her way around opponents in a show of speed and agility. It was something that Siren was amazed at every time she saw the woman fight. She sighed, she was more forward with her fighting style compared to the tech fanatic. They all had their strengths and weaknesses she supposed.

The two hopped up on the roof, climbing over to where the guards were. They dropped down on them, each taking out two easily. Siren punched one in the temple, hitting the other with her condensed soundwaves. She watched as Overdrive easily gave two swift pokes to the back of her guard's heads. The four fell to the floor easily. Siren let out a sigh of relief, letting her sound barrier go.

"That's phase one down," Overdrive said into her radio. Her voice sounded weird coming from two different sources, then again the soundwaves coming from the small earpiece were satisfying to Siren.

"Alright, I'll get the bodies after you head inside," Karma's voice came through. Siren smirked as she saw Overdrive get distracted by spraying something on her hands. She snuck over to one of the guards, taking out a marker and drawing a mustache on his face. As she snickers, she felt Overdrive glaring at her. She didn't even need to turn around to know that the woman was waiting for her. She put the marker back in her pockets, following Overdrive through the door.

The inside of the lab was intimidating, with sleek white walls and a shiny grey floor. You could easily tell it was a well-funded government building. Siren frowned at the unfamiliar setting, her body becoming more alert. She turned watching as overdrive, touched the wall, and put a sad smile on her face before her eyes glowed blue. The blinking light on a camera stopped before shutting off completely. Siren clicked her teeth, sending out more sonar pulses in order to figure out the layout of where they were going. She could sense that there were no guards in the building, the information making her eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

She watched as Overdrive pulled her hand off the wall before she took off in a run. Siren followed after her, not expecting the woman to do so. Her hair flew behind her, as she followed Overdrive through the labyrinth of hallways. Siren clicked her tongue, sending out more soundwaves to see if anyone was near. The images she got only revealed more hallways, but she stopped in realization.

"Overdrive?" She asked, knowing no one was there. She watched as Overdrive stopped and turned around to see what was wrong. "There's a bunch of hidden hallways and tunnels everywhere, and there are bodies all through them," she said seriously. She was all for blood, but this was just weird.

"I know," Overdrive said to her, before continuing leading Siren over to Admin. The soundwaves that came back to her, told her that there was someone around the corner. She grabbed Overdrive pulling her back. She recognized the soundwaves coming from the person, weird as they were. Her eyes widened as she put a hand over Overdrives' mouth and eyes. CLosing her own, she reestablished her barrier. The sounds coming from them stopping, not even a breath could be heard. The two wouldn't be seen if they weren't heard. The mind was weird like that. One noise, one slight noise could blow their cover. She couldn't afford to panic now, especially since she knew whose waves those were. If they made a sound now, then they were dead.

"Come out, Come out, wherever you are," A playful voice sung through the air, footsteps getting closer and closer. A tear slipped down Siren's cheek, her body completely still. She could see through the crack of the door, the monster who was looking for her. Even though he wore her sister's skin, he could fool her. He may look exactly like her, but she could feel his waves. "Oh Siren. It's me, Soluna. I know you may be shocked, let me see you. I just wanna talk to my baby sister, I promise. Why are you hiding from me, it hurts. Why are you hiding Siren?!" The imposter got closer and closer until they stopped and sighed. The body morphed back into a Korean Man with blonde hair. His eyes were cold black, the eyes belonging to a demon.

"I guess you really aren't here, little bird. That's ok, I have all the time in the world to look for you. You'll never escape me," he said disappointingly. He walked out of the room. Siren sat there with puffy eyes, her body in shock at seeing her sister walking. She whimpered, clutching her bloody stomach as she waited.

Siren didn't move, she didn't breathe, she simply focused on not letting them get caught. If they were caught, then it was over for them. The thought bounced through her head, assaulting her soul over and over. She knew Overdrive could feel her heart pounding in fear, the woman stood stiff as a board too.

Siren listened as the person walked away, humming in a voice that was all too familiar. She opened her eyes, seeing the eyes of her sister staring back. She didn't react, inwardly praising herself for that. The man wearing her sister's suit leaned back, smirking to himself. The body morphed itself back into the face of the person she hated before it walked off into a different hallway. Siren waited a few seconds, her heart rate slowly calming down before she let go overdrive. She received a questioning gaze that she just shook off, and the two of them resumed their mission. Siren's thoughts were filled with questions. Why was he here? Did he know that she was watching? What was he doing all this time?

The questions continued as they ran, only stopping when they reached the Admin room. The door was small, with a lock on the doorknob. The hallway itself seemed to go on forever, the shiny floors making Siren nauseous. She grabbed the doorknob, hitting it with enough soundwaves to break it off. She pushed open the door, happy that she could get out of the hallways for now.

Karma POV:

Karma laid there with his head on his arms, his eye level with the scope on his sniper rifle. He didn't mind waiting, most of the time he spent as a god was spent waiting. He hated being bored, however. It was a tedious thing to him, the concept of being bored. It didn't apply to him as a god, when he was bored he just did something. However, as human boredom was not something he could evade as easily. He sighed at the thoughts, looking over at the spot where the guards had once been standing. All 8 of them were now tied up and stashed over in a van not too far away, it wasn't hard for him to quickly fly them over and come back. He knew where the van was by heart. The area around the lab had been unfamiliar on the way over, but now he had a clear knowledge of the area.

His boredom was interrupted by his phone vibrating, the phone pressed against an area he was not expecting. He quickly snatched up the phone, seeing the word "Axel" on the screen. He pressed the accept button, holding the phone up to his ear casually.

"Yeah," he asked, peering through his sniper again. He watched as the barren valley remained lifeless.

"Can you come over anytime tonight?" Axel's voice came flooding through the phone, Karma could hear the familiar tone in his voice. He knew what was being asked.

"Maybe later tonight," he said sternly, he really hated when his subs got clingy. It made things harder on him.

"At least help me relieve some stress now," Axel's voice was pleading, a desperate note in it. Karma looked back at the truck, watching it sit there before sighing.

"Alright pull down your pants," he said, watching the truck at the same time. He'd have to make this quick. He heard the faint sound of a zipper and the rustling of clothes that told him the pants were gone. "Start slowly at first, we don't want to finish too fast."

He heard a sharp intake of breath, the sound stirring Karma's own libido to life. He wasn't so dirty as to touch himself just anywhere, but for a second the urge almost overpowered him. He could faintly hear Axel's hand stroking his dick, something that karma wished he could lay his hands on.

"Go faster," his voice came out slightly lower, more demanding and he heard Axel speed up. His breaths came faster and shorter, Karma mused in his head about just how horn Axel had to have been. Usually, the man would've lasted way longer than this. He was coming undone so quickly it was almost amazing.

"I'm so close," Axel's voice came out breathlessly, the sharp growl in his voice telling Karma just how close he was. Karma shifted feeling his erection rub across the ground almost painfully. He heard a soft "fuck" and then a long groan that just made him even hornier. He could hear Axel struggling to keep his noises to a respectable level as he came, the invitation clear.

"I'll be over there later, be ready," he said swiftly, ending the call as he watched someone jump out of the van. The gold accents in her armor catching the moonlight almost artfully. She had tanned skin and red hair. Karma didn't know what it was about her, but she looked like she belonged in the day rather than the night. Next to her was a woman in different shades of blue. Her skin was pale and her hair was white at the top and blue at the bottom. There was a man behind them. He had light skin and hair that reached to his knees, and he wore a black outfit that he somehow managed to rock. They walked with a grace that only belonged to people who knew how to fight. Suddenly, the pieces clicked in Karma's mind. He quickly reached up and pressed his earpiece.

"Hey we got a problem," he spoke urgently, his voice betraying what he was just doing, not that he cared. He heard a little static, the noise making him panic a little. He only calmed down upon hearing Overdrive's tease.

"You sound a little breathless Karma, seems like you were doing something," her voice came back over, slightly playful but also curious. She sounded distracted and Karma knew they were probably in admin since he could hear the telltale sound of her power.

"Heroes are coming in, three of them. They can most likely fight," he said, analyzing the three people. Based on what he could tell, the woman in blue fought with either ice or water. He could see no weapons on her, and it would make sense. It was extremely cold out tonight, and unless you had a coat on like Karma, you were probably shivering like crazy. Everybody wore a coat, except for her and she looked completely comfortable. It couldn't be fire because she was wearing blue and that wouldn't match. Heroes were tricky about their colors. Yeah, it was probably ice. The woman next to her carried a gold halberd on her back. It was an unusual weapon, so her power probably had something to do with that. He didn't really know what though, besides the fact she really didn't go with the night. It was just something about her, like seeing a fish out of water. It just looked unnatural. Finally, the last guy was carrying some weapons, a few small knives, and some other things. The only unnatural thing about him was his makeup and hair. The makeup he could write off as a fashion statement, the reds were becoming popular nowadays. If he had to guess though, the hair probably had something to do with his power. He narrowed his eyes at the trio, ice, hair, and someone unknown. It didn't sit right with him.

"Alright, we're done copying the information so get ready to leave," Overdrive's voice came back over the small earpiece. He felt slightly better knowing that they were on their way out. It meant they might not even be seen. Then again, something in his gut told him that something was wrong. For a god or even an ex-god, that was not something to be dismissed. He sighed and remembered the last time he felt a feeling as bad as this.

"Please someone save me," Karma prayed to the gods, he could feel some of them turning away from his prayer. Others didn't hear it. Some of them accepted his prayer, but put it in a stack where he was at the bottom. He could feel himself losing hope. His power would be taken, and he'd never get away from this hell.

"Don't worry, I won't let them do this," a small, feminine voice invaded his head. He looked up to see two women there, two who he did not expect to be in the same room as each other nor to be in the same room as him.

"Jing Wei," he turned to the first one. She was a tiny woman with small rainbow-colored wings that faintly resembled his own. Her face smiled down at him for where she stood. He looked at his mother in all her glory, his small smile evident. She landed on the ground, her wings beating easily. She caressed his small face, easily seeing past the child that served as his vessel. She, normally, wasn't this affectionate, especially with all her hate for the child. He turned to the other woman, who avoided looking at him. Her face wore a look of anger, a look he was all too familiar with. "Amaterasu."

The Chinese and Japanese gods lived near each other, just a mountain away. They talked quite often, however, Karma was not seen as a Chinese god even if his mother was. He was a disgrace in the heavenly world, someone who shouldn't exist. Nevertheless, he was still a god.

"X-I mean Karma. I'm really disgusted to see you. I don't know why they let you live," the sun goddess sneered at him. Her sword on her hip shone like the sun. "Honestly, I only came because even as disgraceful as you are, you are still a god. No mortal should be treating you like this," she said.

"You shouldn't lie to the boy," Jing Wei cut into the conversation, throwing a glare at the woman. She had to disown the boy so she wouldn't be exiled from the heavens. She still cared for him, her hands were tied. His being disowned meant he wasn't in any lore nor was he known in the Mortal realm. "She came because Fortuna sent her."

Karma wasn't surprised, Amaterasu wasn't too fond of him. She wasn't too fond of a lot of people. She and Fortuna did have a small friendship, Fortuna would help her bless her sword with her luck. Big surprise that Amaterasu didn't get along with the Seven Gods of Fortune. The name Fortuna wasn't something that brought good feelings to Karma. The goddess was his "father."

Gods could take on whatever form they wanted, they could take on whatever gender they wanted. Usually, they stuck to one gender, but sometimes they shifted. Fortuna was known in the Heaven realm for her ability to grant fortune and luck to people. Some time ago, she had gone and fucked Jing Wei. This would've been ok, except Karma was born. Gods and Goddesses with two pantheons were a big no. That was why Karma was a disgrace. He was the product of both the Chinese and Roman pantheons. He was a divine mutt. It made for no surprise when Fortuna and Jing Wei got in trouble. Fortuna had ordered Karma to unexist but his mother wouldn't have it and so he got to live. He had to be disowned, however. He knew Fortuna loved him, and he knew she was just trying to spare him of the pain. In her own way, she was trying to protect him. She stayed away from him, but every so often she'd sent notes to him through his foxes. Suddenly, Karma got a bad feeling.

"We can't exactly rescue you, but we can lock away some of your divinity until after you escape. He'll take your immortality and a little of your powers, but otherwise, you'll keep most of it. After you escape and get to a certain age, then we might be able to unlock your powers," Jing Wei explained Karma's choices to him carefully. He found himself agreeing with it. He felt slightly bad for his vessel, who would lose the choice to live his life. However, he knew that the vessel would get what he deserved for being cheated like this. With his nod, the sealing began.

It didn't take long as they realized that Karma had already been robbed of a couple of powers. When it was done, Karma wept for his loss. He could feel the mortality, he could feel the pain of being human. It hurt worse than anything he had ever felt. The two goddesses had left him alone, going away to the heavens. He knew they'd be back when he escaped, but for now, he had to figure out how he would.

Karma cringed when he remembered that moment while being mortal was painful. He also experienced a bit of the human pleasures that came with it. Sex was incredible as a god, the pleasure was amazing. Humans had the same pleasurable feeling and one that reminded him of his godly days, though they also had hormones. Hormones were something Karma hadn't ever gotten used to. Even after he escaped and had gotten his powers back, they lingered in his body. He had to get his full immortality back. If he didn't, he didn't know what he'd do.

Overdrive POV:

Overdrive hated running with a passion, it ate up a lot of stamina. Stamina was something she couldn't say she had a lot of, which was why she tended to end her fights as fast as possible. She envied Siren for that, her stamina and determination were endless. She could fight for hours and never get tired. It amazed Overdrive, who would much rather hurry up and then go to sleep. She yawned as she thought about her bed that was practically beckoning her to hurry up. She looked to the side, seeing Siren run next to her. The silent way she ran unnerved Overdrive, she had to keep checking to see if she was next to her. She could tell that Siren was starting to get annoyed, as she started blasting the "Run" meme music through her head. She knew she was reassuring her that she was there. Suddenly, the girls heard a shout from behind them. It was loud and panicked, and Overdrive knew they had been caught. She looked at Siren and nodded at her, and they took off. Their speed slowly increased as they maneuvered around hallways. Overdrive saw something black heading towards her, and she jumped back. Her instincts kicked in and she grabbed Siren on the way.

A crack appeared on the wall from the black tendril of something that looked very close to hair. It visibly creeped Overdrive out at how weird it looked. A man walked around the corner, and the tendril of hair shrank until it fell neatly down his head and reached his ankles. His eyes slanting in a way that told her that he was both Asian and Mad. Siren blew forward and launched a punch at him, her fist making contact with hair. The man's hair was wrapped around him protectively, and she could tell by Siren's face that it was definitely harder than normal hair.

"What's your name," Siren asked him, also interested in the man. Not just anyone could deflect her punches, she had a strict regimen in which she trained. Her strength was almost unreal.

"My name is Kwon but you can call me handsome," he said before releasing a small chuckle that was adorable to the two. Siren smiled at him, an angelic smile that seemed to light up the room before suddenly it got wider and the face she was making was psychotic.

"I just love adorable people, it's so fun to hear their screams as I chop them into bits," she said in a voice that screamed murder. Kwon smiled at the two before running in the other direction, screaming bloody murder. The two girls laughed before they started running again.

Overdrive almost punched Siren when she yanked her back, a bundle of silence coming over them. A woman in heels was walking back down the hallway, coming closer to them by the second. She had no idea why Siren was so afraid of the woman, her tense stance giving her panic away. It was the same as earlier when that woman passed them. She had morphed into someone else, the woman in heels suddenly morphed into a different man. Someone extremely familiar, and someone who launched fear into Overdrive's heart. She could understand why Siren was so afraid of him now. She could feel her heart, which was beating just as fast as Siren's now, in her ears. The two watched as she passed without noticing them, though Overdrive was sure that he looked at her. As soon as he was out of sight, she grabbed Siren's hand and they took off into a full run. They were almost to the exit. They couldn't get captured now, not when they were so close. Overdrive sped up, her mind only on escape. She wanted to get as far away from that man as possible. She didn't even care about the other heroes. A large exit sign greeted her sights and made her run faster. She felt her heart flipping in joy as she ran out of the building and into the cold air. It made her shiver, especially since she wasn't wearing a coat. She ran in the direction of the cliff not looking back, to where Karma would be waiting. As she saw him, he looked over smiling for a second before suddenly his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Where's Siren?" he asked, looking behind her. Overdrive's heart sped up, her fear reaching its peak as she slowly turned around. The spot where Siren should have been was empty, the realization settling into her bones. When had she let go? She thought she had an iron grip the whole time. She let her drop into a fetal position, her hands on her head as she thought about it. She felt Karma's arm go under her as he swooped her up and brought her into the air. As they flew up, she saw Siren passed out on the ground with a woman putting her in handcuffs. Next to her, another woman stood, looking through the darkness to try to find more enemies. Overdrive cursed as Karma flew away from the building, his face full of panic. They couldn't go back for her.

Overdrive looked at Siren's form, her heart in knots at the realization that they were leaving their teammate behind. She could feel Karma shaking in anger and fear as he flew, his body wanting nothing more than to go back but knowing it couldn't. She shed a tear knowing that they really couldn't go back for her, not with him there. She looked down to the ground, her voice whispering out a sharp, "Damn it."

Eventually, they landed at the van. Overdrive climbed in the driver's seat, letting her head fall forward. She couldn't believe she let go, she couldn't believe she had left Siren behind. She punched the dashboard in anger.

"Damn it," her voice came out harsher, her eyes slowly tearing up. She reached up surprised at the fact she was crying, she hadn't cried for a very long time. The passenger door opened up, and Karma climbed in. Overdrive looked at him, seeing the telltale signs of anger. He wasn't angry at her, he was angry at himself. "It's all my fault."

"No, it's not. It was those damn heroes. I promise we'll get her back," Karma reassured her, though she could still hear the anger in his voice. He looked at her and they made an unspoken agreement between the two. Overdrive started the car and drove off into the night, her body wanting to go back with every movement she made.