
The Villainess Is Immortal

"where I now?" "choose your fate" "who are you! come out!" Jasmine said "I'm your ancestor" "Impossible" "that's are not possible and choose your fate" "why I need choose my fate? I'm not die" Jasmine said and weirding "die? you just die a few minutes ago" her ancestor said "what? how I'm die?" Jasmine ask "your husband, Lee Seojun just put the snake poison at your drink" "what?!" "just give up Jasmine, you need to glad b'cause you're blooding our noble Qecryt" "Qecryt?" "yes, the world magical, founder of Qecryt has manipulate power" "so, he's always help his descent until now" "now choose your fate" "but-" "first, be a noble woman" "second, be a normal human with life happiness" "last, be a servant" "ofcourse second choices!" "sure? but you need to die early before your ages achieve to 15 years old" "um, no" "I think first better" Jasmine said "I not suggest you about this choices, better you not choose that fate" "hah? why?" "do you want to be a queen when your age in 80 years old?" "what!" "hahh, better I die, I don't want life again" "how about you life in world magical?" "can I?" "yes, but you need to be a immortal, and for sure, you need to marry and loving one man" "who? I will do it" ......

MsHan · Others
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16 Chs



"I had told you! Don't disturb Elbert right?!"

Jenny said and slap Arthur face

He in silence,

"say it! Why you talk bad about he?! You want he be a king?"

Jenny said and angry

"yes! I'm!"

Arthur said after he quiet for a while

"why you want I to be a king?!"

"he's first child and Crown Prince, that's your fault b'cause not birth me before him!"

Arthur said

"plakkk" sound of slap

"how dare you shout at me?! I'm your mother!"

Jenny said, she being angry and bring her son at church

She loves her son, but when Elbert being a Crown Prince, she got many problem and pushes from every noble, them will support Arthur to be a king if Arthur has ambition to be a king too, from that, she push Arthur about his etique, education and others rules to be a king, always can, but he not has a power but his physical power can fight with Qaesar

"Priest Wailoise, pardon my son, and please teach he more than normal day"

"I give this reponsible at you, I go back now"

Jenny said and go to her palace

Arthur see at Priest Wailoise,

"you has came 5 times and you still not regret every problem you do"

Wailoise said

"congrates, you got problem when we meet!"

Arthur said

"haahh, stop it"

Wailoise said and walk with Arthur to his room


"where Vio?"

Qaesar ask at Deric

Deric bow his head,

"answering me, where Vio?"

Qaesar ask again and being angry

Someone running at them

"Duchess Qecryt at her room, but she in moody! So, please not disturb her!"

Angeline said and angry when Qaesar mad at Deric

"who you mad on? See your place"

Qaesar said

Them scared and bow their head down

"pardon we Duke Qecryt!"

Angeline and Deric said with their scared faces

Qaesar just look at them, then he go to his room to get some rest

"what do you mean when you mad at Duke Qecryt?! Did you not known your place?!"

Deric angry at Angeline


"stop Ange! You just a maid, and I'm just a guard, we serve to Duke Qecryt family for many years, LOOK AT YOUR PLACES!"

Deric shout to dicipline Angeline

Angeline cry, she run to her room to get some rest

Haah, she never do that, how can she argue mouth with Duke Qecryt? I need to diciplines she again later

Duke Qecryt feeling really bored when he not meet with Duchess Qecryt, then, he decide to meet with Violatte

He opened the door and..he saw Violatte with unmanage room

"what happen on you and this room?"

Qaesar said when he entered Violatte room

"I-I'm sick now, please hug me!"

Violatte said at her bed and open her hands to hug Qaesar

Qaesar shock!

What happen on her! Her face turn red and her eyes turn red too! Wait it's-

Qaesar run and hug Violatte,

"sleep, sleep, sleep,"

"sleep and get a good dreams"

Qaesar said in their hug

Violatte hug and want to sleep,

She still hug Qaesar in her sleep,


"get a rest! Your power want to burst out!"

Qecryt said and push her to sleep without dreaming

Qaesar sit on her side,

he still seeing Violatte to care her power before burst out

"tok..tok" Deric knocking

"Duke Qecryt, Wailoise has come"

Deric said to get a permission

"told he to enter"

Qaesar said and hold Violatte hand

She is sweating!

"good afternoon Duke Qecryt, I'm Wailoise priest from church came with Arthur to check Duchess Qecryt condition-"

"just you enter in, I don't want prince and his problem enter in my wife room"

Qaesar said

"but he's got a punishment from concubine Jenny to help me and study what I do as priest"

Wailoise said

Just give the permission! He will not do anything at your wife!

"okay, but he must distance his self 10 meters from my wife"

Qaesar said

"what did you do? Check Duchess Qecryt condition now?!"

Qaesar said and angry

Wailoise scared and he run to check Violatte condition, he quiet for a few minutes,

"hahaha, Duchess just in bleeding time, that's why her power in overflow"

"her condition is good now, but why her condition is more good? Are she had do something before I'm coming here?"

Wailoise ask

Qaesar faces like known something?


"I'm back to church now! If Duchess has a same problem, I hope you do like before I come!"

Wailoise said and hold Arthur hand to go back to the church

After them out, Qaesar faces turn red, he really shame when Wailoise told he to do that again

"I'm had married, why I shy?"

he said and look at Violatte faces..

"Hey, Wailoise! What you said? I'm not understand"

Arthur ask when them enter the horse carriage

"hear I"

"once upon a time, many of the noble girls got bleeding, there has'nt solution to help them"


"one girls got married and them touching their body like a hug or hold their hands, and other way"

"that's way make the girl still bleeding without sick"

Wailoise said

"so? What the solution?"

Arthur ask

"calm them down with your feeling of lovely"

Wailoise said


"oh, if Countess Kylia get the same condition"

"you as her fiance need to do the same way"

Wailoise said and show his evil smile


"how dare you!"

Arthur said and being shy

"hahaha the little bite too~"

teasing Wailoise

To be continue..

HAHAHA! there has a little sugar for you'll!!

MsHancreators' thoughts