

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urban
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74 Chs

23| the victim of new beginnings


"Could I be more obvious?" -Ariana Grande, Obvious


"Guys I think we have company." Both heads snapped towards my direction and I was welcomed with a cough from Sarah. I smirked. "The universe seems to speaking to you guys." Levine smirked.

I glared at her, sending her precious middle fingers with my eyes. Turns out, that the guys were here too.

Yup. Alexander, David, Darek and Angelo.

Angelo who was awfully quiet and right as I thought about him, our eyes locked. His dimple showed and right then and there I saw his paper white teeth. I smiled back. "Ahem," someone cleared their throat and I look to see that it was none other than Alexander.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and jugged down a little bit of my coffee. I ignored him and took my seat next to the girls. "May we?" David rose his brow, eyes locked with Levine's. Instead of her saying something back, as I expected her too, she looked away.

Did I miss something?

Sarah seemed to not notice because her eyes were fixed on the dry fruit that was in front of her. I never understood how she could eat that.

It is utterly revolting.

Don't question me if you like it. It was the first episode I had of bulimia.

And it was not tasty, at all.

I turned to Levine with a questioning look that she seemed to noticed but ignored and took a sip of her coffee.


"You're already preparing to sit, so why ask?" Darek, whom I also expected to say something, didn't.

Something was up.

I mean clearly. Levine was never like this unless you really did something to her. Or, something happened with her and someone else. Yes, she could have her bad days, everyone does but I know she wouldn't treat David like that. Sheesh you could cut the damn  tension with a knife.

"How about we don't fight today?"


"I won't give you the pleasure."


It had been over 20 minutes since we had been at the café  and now we were in front of the bungee jumping place.

I was super anxious.

I wanted to kick the person who was responsible for this. The person who came up with this idea. The person who wanted to decide my death for me.

And guess who that was? His name starts with an A and ends with an R.

I'll let you figure that out.

According to him it was fun.

I stepped out of the car and so did the girls. We drove with my car and the guys drove with theirs. I made sure to lock he doors of my recently washed Audi.

"Welcome." A blonde haired women stood in front of us. We all took the time to  greet her and the guy next to her. "Is this your first time?" I nodded while some shook their heads. Indicating that they have done something this crazy before and it was easier for them.


I exhaled once I was done putting the suit on my body. I was more anxious than I was when I was in the car. Heck I wasn't even anxious then. It's only now where I'm minutes away from doing it.

"Hey." I jumped, staggering back, gasping in the process because I feared falling but felt big hands on my lower back that kept me from falling. My body jolted  back and I was met with two familiar silver orbs. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and I felt like he could feel it too.

Our bodies were practically pressed against each other and there was no way he couldn't. It was beating so loud that I could hear it.

A feeling, a weird feeling stirred inside my tummy and it wasn't the first time I had felt it-

Maybe it was because just a few seconds ago, I was about to fall and he stopped that from happening. "Ahem."

I snapped out of it. I repositioned myself and tore my gaze away from him. I felt him slowly let go of his hold that was on my waist. I frowned slightly- missing the warmth of his hands.

What are saying Serine Williams? Turn that frown upside down you idiot!

Levine was standing, dressed in her suit and seemed ready to go.  She smirked and threw me a wink. "When are we starting?" I said not wanting her to question me. I wasn't in the right state of mind because I was about to fall of something- once again.

And this time there was no one to save me.

Of course because you would love to be saved again.

Shut up.

"Right now." I nodded slowly, exhaling. "I say we go in alphabetical chosen pairs."  I furrowed my brows at Angelo's suggestion.

"Like how? Pairs are supposed to be equal."

"I'll go first." He said and I 100% agreed because I wasn't going first. "Then Alexander-"

I frowned. It didn't make a lot of sense. Alphabetically, Alexander would be the one going first but maybe Angelo just wanted to go first. And I didn't mind it at all.

"And Serine in a pair." I looked at him but he seemed to have been avoiding my gaze. There was really no use in fighting anymore. "Darek & Levine and then David and Sarah."

I didn't expect for Angelo to pair us this way. It was shocking to say the least.

"Shall we begin?"

it's been a while but I'm bacccckkk!

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