

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urban
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74 Chs

22| the victim of enemies


"We don't have to make it hurt so bad."-Lauv, enemies


I browsed through YouTube as I kept walking slowly. "Can you stop looking at that phone? You'll bump into someone."

I hummed and did as she said. I shoved the phone on the back pocket of my- oh, I wasn't wearing any damn jeans. I rolled my eyes and just kept the phone in my hands. We were currently at mall as we planned and I seriously didn't know why I wasn't participating in the shopping because my wardrobe was confusing me.

I needed to buy stuff.

"Rine baby girl, check out this dress."

"Really pretty. It'd suit you."

"Dumbass, I love it for you." My forehead creased. "When have you ever seen me, on a regular day, wear a dress?"



"Well yes, I know. But it could be useful. I mean look at it. It's black, it's silk, come on." I tilted my head to the side- contemplating. "Okay fine."

It was a cute dress. I mean sheesh, it was trending but- not that I don't wear dresses, it's just that I don't really like wearing them on a normal day.

Does that make sense?

Anyways, after I picked the clothes, I had quite a few clothes all in my hands. There were dresses too. Influenced by Levine & Sarah. There were also, tops, shirts, jeans and shorts.

Normal stuff.

Just pretty.

I had fitted most of the stuff, some I didn't have to because they were just my size and Vine wanted me to fit the silk dress she picked out for me, last. And that was where I was at right now.

I stared at reflection in the mirror. I can't lie, I did look good. But I just know Vine would just exaggerate. "Are you ready?"

"I was, 5 seconds ago."

"Okay on 5 then." I rolled my eyes. "5,4,3,2,1- Oh. My. God. You look hot."

And I told you so.

"I mean look at you, rocking those curves, looking all peng, with that moncho skin, baby girl. This calls for a date."

I blinked.

"A what?"

"D-A-T-E. A date. This calls for it definitely."

"That's not happening." I shook my head. "Its happening."

"No- that's crazy Vine. I mean- who would I even go on a date with?"

"With your prom date."

"I don't want to go to prom- you forced me to." I said as a matter of factly. "Exactly." She smiled clasping her hands together, proud."Because you'd be going with Alexa-"

"I need to send you to an asylum. You're going mental." I said walking back into the fitting room. "That would make two!"

Great, she influenced Sarah too.


We were out, with bags in our hands and now we were heading to the coffee place. The line wasn't all that long and to support that, I would be carrying the three coffees and Sarah would be taking the snacks. She placed her order before mine and I was next.

"Hi." I smiled at multi colored haired woman. "Hello, how do you do and how may I help you?"

Australian accent.

"I'm okay. I hope you're doing good-"

"I'm fantastic sweetheart." She grinned. "May I please get three regular coffees? With caches of sugar and they should all have milk please."

"Order coming right up sweetheart." I smiled. "You know, you are a very beautiful girl."

"Thank you." I smiled. "And I could say the same about you..." I trailed off looking at her name tag. "Heather."

"Off you go little bird, oh and just to let you know," She whispered signalling for me to come a little closer. "There's a boy staring at you. I think he likes you. " I furrowed my brows but nodded anyways. I went ahead to the delivery til and fetched my order. Once it was in my hands, I knew I had to careful with coffee because I always did something stupid with it.

I turned around slowly, looking on the ground and right as I was about to take another step, I didn't bump into anyone, but I spotted a pair of black sneakers. I felt like I had seen them somewhere and to confirm that, I slowly looked up.

Usually I'd be irritated but for the first time, in a while, I wasn't. "Are you following me?" Was the first thing that came out his mouth.

Just a bunch of nothingness that I'm glad I wouldn't be entertaining.

"We don't have to enemies, I'm willing to actually be your friend." I said. "I'd fist bump you right now- not shake your hand because I don't do that- but my hands are occupied."

"You're serious?" You could tell he was in disbelief but I nodded anyways. "As I said, we don't have to be enemies."

haven't updated in a while but here's all I've been working on!

theAkuhlecreators' thoughts