

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urban
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74 Chs

19|the victim of promises



My heart stopped.

Unwanted thoughts clouded my mind as I watched her twirl the book in between her fingers. For the first time in God knows how many years, Kelly had finally gained the upper hand against me.

It remembered  back to all of times where I was only in junior year and she knew who I was because we had gone to the same school even way before.

"You are nothing."

"You will always be nothing."

I could hear my own heart beat, loud and clear and I even tried breathing in deeply.

"Kelly don't- please. What ever you're going to do, please don't."

"Oh no?" I shook my head with pleading eyes and I could taste the blood from my lips that I didn't even realize I was biting. Ever since I built up the courage to face my fears and face her, I'd never thought I'd see the day that I'd be pleading for her not to something crazy.

I never thought I'd see the day of me letting go of my pride because of a situation.

A Kelly situation to be exact.

I swallowed all of my pride at that moment because personal things were in that sketch book. It was only sketches but also stuff I wrote.

"Kelly, please think of what you're about to do."

"Oh yeah?" She tilted her head to the side, mockingly. "Who would've that the infamous Serine Williams would be standing right in front me, practically begging for mercy."

"What don't you want me reveal. What's so special about this book anyway? You're always carry it around like it's something you cherish. What's so special about it huh? Tell me that one thing. What is in here than you don't want me to reveal to anybody." I gulped slightly and I couldn't help but think of myself crawling up into a small ball after all that 

I didn't mind the whole ground swallowing me so that everybody can not remember this day, and that's including me. I wish this day never even begun.

"This. Isn't. Necessary." Levine glared at her stepping forward but not before I held her back gently. "Levine." I gave her a knowing look before her shoulders dropped and she sighed. "Fine."

I turned back around and our eyes locked. "Kelly don't." I said. Usually I would be glaring at, daring her to do it but because of a notebook, that couldn't happen. Even if I wanted it to.

"Is that a command?"


And little by little, my pride was being eaten up. There was nothing worse than actually letting your own nemesis, do this to you. And trust me, it was the worst thing. "Okay then, if you don't want me to reveal whatever it is that is in this trashy book then beg for it back."


"Oh you heard me. I mean, unless you want me to reveal everything."

She took out her phone and showed me a picture of one of my writings in there.

My heart stopped beating for a second as I recognized one of the writings. It was one writing which I know I'd be judged for and I didn't want anybody to know. Only Levine and Sarah knew.

My dad didn't even know. Imagine a whole school knowing about a delicate subject of your past.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why? Are you seriously asking why? You have ruined my life. " I frowned and stared at her in utter disbelief. She stepped closer and glared at me. We were about the same height so I wasn't at all intimated by her height.

"Leave her alone." I heard two voices. Running footsteps we're heard as the source of the voices made their way to where I was. "Leave her alone." I spotted a familiar black leather jacket and I already knew who It was.

But something didn't add up.

The voice.

I looked up to find out who it was and it was Angelo.

Angelo Carson.

Why did I automatically think it was- Serine you need to get your shit together. "And who the hell are you to tell me that?"

"Someone whom you're testing patience."

"What are you-" before she could even finish her sentence, the book was ripped out of her hands. I sighed a breathe of relief but it didn't last long because I remembered she had a picture.

I had to do something.

She was shocked and distracted. I had to do something to save my own skin. 

I saw a figure run towards her took the phone out her hands. The phone was now in Levine's hand and she did something on the phone which I assumed as her deleting them and did something that made Kelly livid.

She smashed her phone, right into the ground. To make matters worse, she took a bottle of water in the cafeteria and split it on the deceased phone.

"How dare you?!" Kelly yelled.

"How dare you even do such a thing?! I swear," she snarled. "on what I love most, all three of you will pay. All three of you. And that's a promise. And unlike your parents Serry, I don't make empty promises and neither do I break them." Her eyes averted from me to something behind me and she glared.

"Let's go."

I have never underestimated Kelly, and this won't be the last.

Whatever she has in mind, will probably be the highlight of this year and I was ready for it.

tysm! Push for 20 votes and 30 reads? for the next update?

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