

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urban
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74 Chs

18| the victim of war



I frustratingly sighed as another minute went by with me searching for my book. "What ya looking for princess? " Levine asked.

"My sketch book. I've been looking for it for over an hour and I still haven't found it." I answered ignoring the name she called me. "Did you check the library?"

"I checked there but it wasn't there."

"Were you the only one there?"

"Ye- no. Angelo was with me. I remember he needed to find the library and I took him there before Alexander interrupted. But it was still with me at the time, I'll ask Angelo anyways. "

I shut the door in irritation and I made my way to the living room. "Hey Sarah have any of you seen my..." I stopped mid end when I saw a green eyed, tanned skin human being drinking juice on the couch. "Darek?" My voice echoed and our eyes locked but I still held my confused face.

"I brought some- Serine." Sarah came into the living room through the kitchen and her eyes met mine and went back to Darek. "I- oh my gosh I-" I smirked as she kept getting tangled in her own words. "Hey no, it's okay you know. I was just looking for you but I didn't know that you had company." I smirked once again.


"One question, have you seen my sketch book?"


"That's all I needed to hear! I have to go. Bye!" I ran away not allowing her to say anything that might make me stay.

I made my way upstairs, up to Sarah's room where Levine was. I opened and closed the door shut. "You won't believe this." I said almost breathless.

"What happened?" I rolled my eyes as I saw the pile of books in front of Levine but she was on her phone. "Guess who's downstairs." I grinned.

"Shawn Mendez?"

"Get over your obsession, yes?" She pouted. "I will never forgive you for saying that."

"I don't need you to." I shrugged and she gasped. "Now guess."

"I don't know. Sherlock Holmes?"

"Be realistic please."

"I don't fucking know!"


"You keep on telling me to- what did you just say?"

"What I just said." She grinned.

"You mean to tell me that-"

"He's with Sarah." I said.

"Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh! Oh my beloved Lord! It's a miracle" Vine squealed and I squealed with her, jumping up and down.

While we were jumping down in circles, I hadn't realized how long we had been doing that until someone decided to open the door that was behind me. Only causing me to fall and for Vine to move out of the way. The impact was to hard as my whole body fell down.

The echo of her laugh could be heard from even downstairs and she clearly couldn't even control herself. "I'm so sorry." I heard Sarah."Fuck you." Was the last thing I mumbled before drifting off.



Levine parked her car right where all the rest of the cars were parked and removed the seat belt from her body.

Sarah and I did the same and we shut the doors and I slung my backpack sling on my shoulder. Once we were out, I couldn't help but feel pairs of eyes staring right at me. But maybe it was just me and I just completely ignored it and entered through the school gate.

We greeted the secretary as we passed by her, now we were on our way to the locker hall and the moment I got there, it was like everybody stopped what they were doing and just eye balled me. I knitted my brows slightly not understanding why and just went over to my locker. Once I got the pin in, it opened and I saw that my sketch book still wasn't there.


Where the hell did I leave it?

I shoved a random book I didn't need and took my English book with me. I closed my locker and from a corner eye I saw strands of sandy blonde hair.

Just what I needed.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." I didn't dare spare her a glance and just attempted to walk past her. But a hand hit my left shoulder and I came to face with a familiar freckled face, who I hadn't seen in a while.


Nina looked exactly like on Disney. I wouldn't be surprised if she played the role behind the scenes for that character.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I ignored her question and averted my gaze from her and looked at Sarah with a questioning look. I don't even think she saw me because she was holding an intense stare with Nina.

Nina and Sarah were sisters.

Yes. Sisters.

They were the same age but Nina always acted like she was years older than her. She was your spoilt, typical rich girl, and was a polar opposite of Sarah. I didn't realize they were actually speaking to each other until I heard, "I don't think I asked you to speak."

" I don't need your permission, Nina." Sarah glared.



Sarah glared.


Guess there really was a first time for everything. "Come on guys, let's not waste our time on these-"

"These what?" Kelly interrupted. "If you hadn't interrupted, then your stupid ass would know." I said finally making eye contact with her. I grabbed a hold or Sarah and of Levine who hadn't taken her eyes off Amber- oh that feud goes way back. I tried pulling them aside, and I almost did but another hand pushed me back.

This time, I began losing my patience. "Going so soon?" Amber smirked.

Believe it or not, Amber was the worst of these three. They were all bad in their own ways but Amber stood out. And I think it's because she had more brains. She was that kind of psychopath.

"Serine," Kelly chirped. "Are you ready for yourself to be exposed?" I shook my head in disbelief. I was thinking she was just bluffing until she pulled put out a black decorated thing.

My notebook.

tysm for 3K reads. Can we push through for 3.20K plus?? please. tysm.

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