

Her fangs gleamed in the light; her shoe pushed harder into his chest.

"Now, I need to know why my hypnotism didn't work on you" Fear enveloped his body, how was this possible, vampires don't exist but there was no other way to explain the fangs, the eyes, the monstrous strength. Was she going to drink his blood or kill him and if vampires were real, what other monstrosities were there "Lucas, hey Lucas" she clicked at his eyes, grabbing his attention "I know this is a shock an all, but I don't have time for this. Do you know why my hypnotism didn't work?"

"Huh, I don't know" He stared at her blankly.

"Figured as much" She lessened the weight on her foot, and Lucas wriggled underneath it, trying to get away "don't do that" he stopped.

"Well, if you're not going to kill me, I can just go right?" Lucas awkwardly smiled and she smiled in return, then she laughed which made him very uncomfortable

"At first I was just going to erase your memories, but since that's not going to work, I have a much more fun solution"

"You are going to kill me!" He struggled underneath her foot, trying as hard as he could to get it off. Elvira kicked him in the chin sending his head back into the bushes.

"Shut up and let me finish" He pulled his head back down to look at her while rubbing his burning chin, he kept his mouth shut as he glared at her. "good, I'm not going to kill you but instead make you drink this" She pulled out another glass bottle full of what had to be blood. "you're going to drink this and if I like you enough, I'll visit you again. Okay?" She smiled so sweetly like a mother but there were daggers in her words she was doing this for pleasure. Lucas shook his violently, he had watched her do the same to Zack and he wasn't sure what it would do but he was sure it wasn't good. She laughed again "nobody said you'd get a choice" she uncorked the bottle, obviously enjoying this. As she approached him Lucas held his hands up, attempting to stop her but it was useless. Elvira was one seriously strong ten-year-old, why did she become so much younger. It wasn't time for that as the bottle of blood came ever closer, Lucas zipped his mouth shut as she tried to put it to his lips. It was like a human playing with their favourite toy, no matter how much the toy begged the owner could do anything they wanted even rip off its head. Elvira pulled open Lucas's mouth and shoved the bottle in his mouth, it was warm and had a metallic taste, but it ran smoothly down his throat until the bottle was empty. She threw the bottle aside, closed his mouth and held his head back, waiting until he swallowed. Lucas had no choice but to obey and swallowed the thick liquid. She waited a while before finally releasing Lucas, guaranteeing he wouldn't be able to regurgitate it. Nonetheless he still tried to spit it back up to no avail.

"What did you do to me" He glared at her, but she watched him in expressionless, just watching his reaction to her. Lucas then felt a burning sensation in his chest and crumpled to the ground the pain excruciating. He could hardly breath as it began to spread throughout his body, all the way to his finger's tips. Lucas clawed at the ground trying to grab something, anything to stop the pain, his head felt like it could explode. His headache from that morning was nothing compared to this, he noticed there was blood on the ground and instinctively grabbed his nose but that wasn't the only place it was coming from. Blood drippled down his nose, his fingers had layers of skin torn off and then he started coughing up more blood. It covered the pavement, his handed became lathered in it. Why was there so much blood, why didn't this happen to Zack, what was happening to him. He looked up to Elvira and she seemed genuinely surprised looking at him, like she really hadn't expected this. Lucas began crying, the pain and the shock too much to handle when it just stopped. The burning sensation disappeared, and the blood stopped, he felt completely fine though he obviously wasn't. He looked at all the blood on the ground, how was he not lightheaded or worse, he looked back towards Elvira, but she was gone. Lucas looked around expecting to see her somewhere else, but she wasn't anywhere he looked. He got up and looked at himself, his clothes were soaked with his own blood. How was he meant to explain this to his mother, how was he meant to process what just happened?

Lucas slowly made his way home, he felt fine but wasn't sure if he actually was fine. Luckily, he came across a fountain and washed off most of the blood but even with it gone he still looked like a mess. He was surprised that no one was paying much attention to him, Lucas was quite lost and looked like he had been kidnapped but not a single person cared. He did though eventually make it home just before the sun set, surprisingly he had nearly ended up on the other side of town. The worst part was when he finally came home, his Mother was shocked at his appearance.

"What happened to you Lucas? Are you okay? Quickly get inside" She stared fussing about him "you have cuts all over you"

"It's okay Mum, it's not a big deal"

"Of course, it is, have you not looked at yourself" She sat him down on the couch and went to grab the first aid kit. She came back with some rubbing alcohol "tell me what happened" There was no way he could tell her what really happened.

"Uh well, I took the long way when coming home from school and there were some uh, wild dogs. And well they chased me, but I didn't get bitten just scratched up" He smiled to reassure her, she returned the smile.

"Okay as long as you're all right" His Mother may have given him a sweet smile, but she knew he was lying. Something bad had happened and she wanted to pry him for more, but he looked so exhausted, she couldn't do it. She finished up and then began making dinner. Once Lucas had finished cleaning up and eating dinner, he was sent to bed to rest, no questions. He did as he was told giving his Mother and little sister kisses on their foreheads before going upstairs to his bedroom but as he got dressed into his pj's he noticed that all the cuts on his body had disappeared. There weren't even any scars, they had just vanished.

"Strange" He thought it was weird but was too tired to focus on it so he went and collapsed onto his bed. When he hit the pillow, his mind went blank and he drifted into slumber, he was exhausted and still unsure if the whole day had been real.

The sound of tapping woke Lucas from his deep slumber. He was still sluggish and didn't really understand where the sound was coming from. It was consistent then it got louder like someone was knocking on his window, this woke Lucas up fully. His bedroom was on the second floor, how was someone knocking from outside the house. Lucas didn't move from his sleeping position, his mind wondered to one person and he froze. Did she come back? The knocking stopped and he let out a sigh of relief, hopefully she wouldn't be able to come inside. If it was her. Then he heard the click of the windows lock, the lock that was located on the inside of the room. The window slid up and he heard someone enter, the footsteps stopped just beyond the window.

"I know you're awake" It was her. Elvira came back like she said she would "you can stop pretending now, the night's wasting away" Lucas sat up cautiously and turned to face her. She had changed out of her school uniform and into a black Lolita dress with a matching umbrella at her side, though she still took the form of a young girl. Her purple eyes glowed brightly in the darkness, her wings flapped at her side, he recoiled. Even though they were black they still looked gross, he wouldn't want to have wings sprouting from his back. As Lucas was watching Elvira, he didn't notice how well he could now see it the dark, he could make out every aspect of his room like it was day.

"What do you want" He sat up towards her, planting his feet in case he needed to run thought running hasn't been too effective against her. She smiled brightly at him.

"I've chosen you"

"You've chosen me?"

"Yes" Lucas gestured for her to elaborate and she sighed "I'm on a time limit right now, so it would be best if we head off and then I'll tell you more"

"You expect me to willing go with you, a stranger, to wherever, after you forced a bottle -of what I'm assuming to be blood- down my throat. Leaving my family and whole life behind without any sort of explanation" Lucas was dumbfounded, she was evil but not very bright if she thought that would work.

"You can come willingly, or I can take you" Lucas tightly gripped his sheets and gulped, she was much stronger than him and could force him to do what he likes.

"Maybe if you explained I would want to go" This could buy him sometime to work out a plan, maybe call the police. However, if she really was a vampire what would they be able to do.

"You do have a point. Fine, I'll tell you our story but I'm going to have to tell you the shorter version. I do unfortunately have other appointments" She smiled at him before taking out her umbrella, placing it mid-air and taking a seat on it. She just floated in the middle of the room "let's see, where's the easiest place to start. Ah, I know, you've heard of ghost stories, myths, legends" He nodded "Turns out most of them are real like vampires and werewolves, ghosts just to name a few"

"You expect me to just believe that?"

"You're watching me float in mid-air right now" she unfortunately had a point

"But if they are real, why haven't we found them"

"I was getting to that. Us mythical creatures live on a different plain of existence. Humans live on the living plain which is the base for all the other plains. Creatures like myself live on the Exspiravit plain, which exists on top of the living plain. It's kind of like a shadow except most people don't notice it or can't see it. Of course, some humans are more perceptive" Lucas kind of understood but also felt a little over loaded "That's basically where I want to take you" Lucas nodded and then they both stared at each other silently.

"That's it"


"That's all you're going to give me"

"Well, there is more but I'd rather not discuss it"

"you haven't made a very convincing case" She sighed.

"Fine, in the Exspiravit plain there are many Kingdoms. They were built to protect our brethren from humankind-"

"But you guys are the monsters, why would you need to hide from us?" Elvira glared at him with hatred then laughed.

"You think we're the monsters, hilarious. Foolish little boy, you'll understand soon. I am from a Kingdom call The Marcellus Dynasty created by vampires for vampires, though this changed now. Marcellus Hale formed the kingdom, one of the most powerful vampires of his time, he protected us vigilantly. Unfortunately, after his death the kingdom fell into disarray, we needed a new ruler but there were no preparations to select an appropriate candidate. That was until a gifted child came to us, Davorin Dracula, he was only young but extremely talented. Well, it made sense since he was descended from the great Count Dracula" Her eyes glowed brightly in awe at her previous King, but Lucas laughed at her joy.

"You're saying that Count Dracula was real"

"Of course he was, Count Dracula was notorious, why do you think he is so well known even in your world"

"If he was so notorious why didn't he form the kingdom"

"He was busy causing chaos for humans. Please do not interrupt me again" She glared at him with a large smile, Lucas motioned zipping his lips in return.

"King Davorin changed our Kingdom from a secluded and violent empire into a caring and nurturing monarchy. He opened the doors of our Kingdom to any creature, he vowed to protect us all under his rule and he lived up to that promise for many decades until…" Elvira paused, she gripped her arm tightly until she started drawing blood. Lucas reached out in concern but stopped himself. Why should he try and help her, though it must still be a painful memory. "sorry, where was I? Ah, King Davorin protected us for many decades unfortunately his rein ended sooner than it should have. But unlike King Marcellus, Davorin had set up a plan to find candidates for a new King. And our new ruler shall be you Lucas Fitzroy" Elvira looked happy, finally finished with her story while Lucas sat shocked with his mouth open.

"Wait, so you want me to be your new King"

"Yes, sounds fun doesn't it. Now it's time to go"

"I'm like only sixteen and you want me to be a King?!?"

"Don't worry we'll teach you everything you need to know"

"And you said he had to protect the Kingdom, does that mean I'll have to fight people?" Lucas began to breath heavily; this was ridiculous how was he meant to comprehend it, none of made sense. He took deeper breaths, he needed to ask one more question "why me" Elvira smiled

"I was given a gift from King Davorin, a gift that allowed me to measure a humans potential, their potential of becoming a vampire" Lucas took a sharp intake of breath. The only reason she joined his school was to find potential candidates, which means that Zack was also… turned. "Now comes the interesting part" she smiled delightedly at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Most humans stats are fixed, no matter what they do they can't change. At least I've never seen them change. You Lucas would have been my last choice for a King"

"Well, thanks"

"When I first saw your stats, they were zero. This was an anomaly in itself, yet I couldn't hypnotise you. So, I decided to give you the blood" A shiver ran down his spine, it really was blood "I'm glad I did too because you stats that were once zero have risen. Can you believe that they rose, it means you could have infinite potential. Making you the perfect candidate for King" Elvira swung her legs in delight and jumped right in front of Lucas "but to make sure my theory is correct" She slowly pulled out another bottle of deep red blood, Lucas recoiled across his bed until he hit the wall.

"Stop! I don't want to be your King or anything like that"

"It's too late, you already drank the first bottle. You're no longer human" Lucas froze at her words, were they true. Was he really not human anymore? Did this mean he couldn't stay, he just wants to be with his Mother and little sister. He wanted to make his family whole, like it was before. Elvira approached him on the bed but instead of crawling she hovered slightly above it.

"Stay away from me" Lucas couldn't see it himself, but his eyes had begun to glow.

"What a beautiful colour for our future ruler" He looked confused what did she mean by colour, it didn't matter at that moment he needed to get her away from him.

"Stay away from me" He growled deeply, something he didn't know he could do but Elvira just laughed at him.

"It's time to take the medicine. Your Majesty" She lunged towards him, pinning him against the wall. She was still so strong he couldn't do anything to stop her "don't worry it'll taste better this time" The bottle of its own volition, opened and poured itself down Lucas's throat. He hated that she was right, the liquid did taste a lot sweeter like honey. It was tempting this time, as much as Lucas didn't want to drink it his body wanted to guzzle it down. Once he had finished the bottle, she let go of him, he didn't try to spit it back up "I knew you would enjoy it" Lucas waited for the burning sensation to return but it never did instead he felt reinvigorated like he had just taken a rejuvenation potion. What would happen next?

"You know, most people would kill for this kind of opportunity. Immortality, unimaginable powers, no family keeping you tied down" Lucas tightly gripped his sheets as she smiled at him, knowing the comment would irritate him.

"Didn't you have somewhere to be?"

"Seems my theory was correct. Your stats are increasing. Amazing, maybe one more before we go" She pulled out another bottle and opened it but Lucas wouldn't let her have her way not this time. Lucas reared up his legs and kicked her hard in the stomach. It sent her flying to the other side of the room, her head fell down. She didn't move. What just happened, what did he just do, did he really do that? Elvira lifted her head, she glared at him as blood ran out of mouth. It stained the carpet.

"You little brat" Her eyes glowed brightly as she stood and approached Lucas "don't think you can beat me just because you got a little power" She grabbed his throat and hissed at him before throwing him to the floor.

"Just get out!" She scoffed at him.

"Fine but before you think I'm a monster why don't you take a look in the mirror" And with that she left leaving him alone to stare at his mirror. The only thing that illuminated the room were his bright red eyes. Now he was the monster.

I'm suprised I finished this so fast, normally I'm better at procastinating.

matti66233creators' thoughts