
Knock Knock

Three bottles filled with the red liquid and a note were left on his bedside table. Lucas had only just woken up, lying on the floor. He didn't remember when he fell asleep, but he knew that last night wasn't a dream. Elvira's blood a clear reminder. He rose slowly as his body creaked from its uncomfortable position. Rubbing his eyes, he picked up the letter.

'Dear Lucas,

I will be returning in three days to collect you. While you wait, I suggest you cool down and re-think our conversation. I left you three bottles of blood to keep you going, drink them or someone could get hurt.


Elvira Laurier'

Lucas scrunched up the note and threw it across his room. He grabbed the three bottles and was about to head to the bathroom to drain them. What did she mean 'someone could get hurt'? He needed to look at vampire lore. So instead of draining the blood he placed them in his sock draw. Lucas refused to drink anymore of that liquid, but he was unsure of what would happen if he didn't. Hr hesitated in front of his mirror. His eyes were green again, he wasn't the most athletic kid, but he didn't have any muscle. How could he have kicked Elvira so far. Lily suddenly burst through the door; her blonde hair tidied into a high ponytail. Unlike yesterday, she wore her school uniform. Lucas felt happy, knowing that she was going to school for once.

"Mum says to hurry up or your gonna be late" She slammed the door, and he heard her small footsteps begin running down the stairs before stopping and coming back up. The door swung open again "also you're not hot, so stop staring at yourself loser" Lucas scoffed as she ran quickly back down the stairs. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He was unsure of where she learned that kind of stuff. At least she wasn't grossed at him being topless. Lucas felt his hands begin to sweat; he didn't want to go to school. Elvira could be there and even though she wrote in her note that she would be back in three days, but she was also crazy. Rummaging through his draws he finally decided on a top and made his way downstairs. Lily was putting on her backpack as his mum was finishing her lunch.

"Morning Mum"

"Hi honey. Why aren't you in your uniform?" Her eyes looked red and tired.

"I was actually hoping you would let me stay home today. I'm still tired from yesterday" He hopes she wasn't crying again.

"Oh, of course Lucas. I have to walk Lily to school and take care of some chores, but I will be back later okay. Just rest, okay" She smiled brightly at him and he felt better.

"Thanks mum. I love you"

"Love you too. Now let's get you to school" She took Lily's hand, and they made their way to the door.

"Okay but you know I love you more than Lucas right" The door closed. Lucas's stomach growled. He made his way to the kitchen and found himself a plate of bacon and eggs. Thanking the air, he dug in. After finishing his meal, he cleaned the kitchen. It would make his mum happy when she got home. Most dishes could go in the dishwasher, but he hands washed the pan and knives. As he cleaned Lucas couldn't help but think back to the past day. So much had happened, all highly unbelievable things. Should he tell his mother. No. She didn't need to be involved; she's still burdened by his dad. Blood dropped into the sink. Lucas had accidentally cut his finger on a knife. He immediately went to put it in his mouth but stopped himself and ran it under cold water instead. There was a knock at the door. Lucas was surprised, nobody ever came by their place. Did his mum forget her keys? He turned off the water and shock his hand before another knock. He made his way to the door and opened it carelessly. A man, taller than Lucas stood at the door. They both recognised each other, and Lucas tried to close the door again. It didn't close.

"That's no way to greet me" The man's foot was placed in the doorway and Lucas sighed and opened the door.

"Hello, Oscar"

"Much better" Oscar tussled his brown hair and smiled "is Mum here?"

"No, she isn't"

"Don't be like that" He tried to peek inside the house "she's always home"

"She's not here and she won't be for a while" Oscar stopped and watched Lucas intensely.

"You're always so cruel to me"

"You can go now" Lucas again, tried to close the door. It was unsuccessful.

"Come on little bro. Why don't we have a little chat"

"What do you want anyway" Lucas already noticed that Oscar was still in his uniform which meant he was on duty. Oscar worked with the government. The army more specifically but Lucas doesn't know what he does nor does he care.

"Well, I did want to talk with Mum, but you will do"

"You never visit, so why come now"

"No reason" He smiled but it was fake. Oscar didn't even bother to call or catch up with them he only came by when he wanted something, and Lucas wouldn't give it to him. "I was wondering if you or Mum had heard from Dad"


"Calm down" He waved his hands in defence "it was just a question"

"No, we haven't. Not since he left. Like you did" He growled, and Oscar darkened.

"Don't talk like you know everything Lucas. You didn't know what it was like living with him or what he did to me" Oscar clenched his fists and stepped away "I'll come back when Mum's here" He walked away. Lucas was shocked. Oscar never talked about their Dad nor his childhood. All he knew was that they had to send him to military school because he did something immoral. Oscar entered his car and gave Lucas one last glance before driving away. Lucas let out a breath and relaxed before closing the door and locking it. He sat on the couch. It was strange that Oscar happened to visit and why did he want to know about their Dad. Lucas grumbled. He hated being related to him, his siblings were lucky to be adopted. His parents struggled to have children, so they turned to adoption, but they never stopped trying and eventually had Lucas. Unfortunately, it was probably his fault that his father left. Lucas shook his head. No, his Dad made the choice to leave. He didn't remember much from that day just a faded memory of them arguing about… something he did. His head started hurting as he tried to remember more but nothing else came. Just his Mum crying and his Dad gone. She's never been the same since. It's why he tries so hard to make her happy. Lucas slowly fell asleep.


He felt something touch his cheek and opened his eyes quickly.

"Sorry, for waking you" He watched his Mum pull her hand away and then tousle his hair. She looked a little shocked but smiled happily.

"That's okay" He watched her carefully as he rubbed his eyes trying to wake up.

"Are you feeling better? I got you some medicine and some pizza for dinner"


"Drink this" She handed him a foggy glass and he assumed it was the medicine. He sat up and drank the whole thing, cringing at the taste. "you'll feel better in no time" She smiled reassuringly but Lucas wasn't sure if it would be. Was there even a cure to his predicament.

"How was your day?"

"It was good but a little tiring. Lily is staying over at a friend's house so it's just you and me tonight" Lucas looked out the window and noticed it was already dark. Did he really sleep all day?

"We should watch a movie"

"Great idea. I'll go take a shower and get changed then" She paused before moving into her bedroom. His stomach rumbled and he noticed a subtle dryness in his throat. He though back to the bottles in his draw but shook the thought away. It was nothing to worry about. Lucas's mind wandered back to Oscar. He would have to tell his Mother that he had come looking for her. He wanted to tell her but also didn't want to get her hopes up if he didn't come back. There was knocking at the door. Lucas believed that it was Oscar. It was strange that he decided to come back so late. Luckily, his Mum was in the shower so Lucas could just shoo him away again. He made his way to the door and flung it open.

"Mum doesn't want to see you so-" It wasn't him. Oscar wasn't there. Instead, there stood two men in suits. They looked like clowns as one wore a bright pink suit and the other was in less formal attire but wore a large top hat. And they both wore eyepatches on opposing eyes.

"Hello Lucas" The first -in the pink suit- bowed to him. His hair was blonde and flowed in a weird spiral pattern. Lucas gripped the doorknob tightly. How did he know his name?

"I think you might have the wrong person" Lucas began to close the door.

"My apologies if I freighted you but we heard of your predicament and believed we could help" Lucas stopped; his attention caught by the man's words.

"Who are you guys?"

"My apologies. I am Cexl and this is my brother Malex" Cexl's quiet brother waved happily at Lucas "we like to help those who have been afflicted by creatures of the other plain"

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Lucas's is unsure if he should trust anyone who knows about the other place.

"Well, we were also cursed" Cexl seemed hesitant but removed his eyepatch to reveal a bright yellow eye but instead of a circular pupil, his was a cross shape.

"I'm sorry that happened"

"We just want to stop it from happening to other innocent humans, like yourself" They both smiled brightly. Almost in sink. They both seemed questionably happy. Lucas hesitated. Would they really be able to help him?

"I appreciate the offer and I would like assistance to become human again, but I think I need a little time to think about it"

"Of course, you will. We will be happy to help you" he looked to his brother and they both nodded "if you ever need to find us come to the edge of town and we'll be waiting" They began to walk away when Lucas remembered his time limit. After today he only had two days before she returned for him.

"Wait!" The brothers didn't stop but Cexl looked back and gave Lucas a devilish smile before disappearing.

"Who was that honey?" His Mothers voice shocked him. Lucas wondered how long she had been standing there in her fluffy pyjamas. Did she hear what they were talking about.

"Uh, it wasn't anyone" She looked confused. Of course, they would been someone at the door. Lucas struggled for an explanation as he watched his Mum's face transform into glee.

"Oscar!" She ran past Lucas and through the door to hug his brother who appeared from thin air. Lucas sighed heavily. His stomach growled again. "The pizza should be ready now Lucas, go have some while me and Oscar talk"

"Okay" He looked at Oscar, who smiled happily at their Mum. Lucas made his way to the kitchen as he watched them envious.

After finishing his meal, Lucas headed for bed. It was obvious they would spend a long time talking. They wouldn't be time for a movie, and he had school in the morning. As he slipped into bed Lucas noticed he was still hungry. He had eaten majority of the pizza but still wanted more. He looked towards the draws where the bottles sat, and his stomach growled again. He tried his best to ignore it and sleep.

Procastination is fun and so are terrible titles hehe.

matti66233creators' thoughts