
Bad Day

Lucas gripped his sheets tightly. He was breathing quickly and staring emptily at the ceiling. Lucas had a nightmare, but he couldn't remember what it was about. Only a familiar feeling and a pounding in his head. 'What a great way to start the day' he thought before looking at his clock and jumping out of bed. He regretted it immediately as he made his headache worse. There was no time for a shower, so he just sprayed on some deodorant and hoped no one would notice. Lucas found his school uniform on the ground and loosely put it on himself, leaving his shirt unbuttoned and his pants unzipped. He ran to the door and whipped it open to his little sister.

"EEWWW, Get dressed properly!!" He slammed the door in her face, his cheeks grew warm and turned pink.

"Sorry" He zipped up his pants and quickly did his buttons but then realised he had done them wrong.

"Hun. You're going to be late" His Mother's distance voice called. He took a quick look in the mirror before opening the door again. His sister had disappeared.

"I'm coming" Running down the stairs, he saw his little sister sitting at the table still in her pj's, waiting for breakfast. "Mum, Lily's going to be late too" He walked towards the kitchen to find his Mother.

"It's alright honey, she's going to stay home with me today." Her dirty blond hair sat in a sagging bun. She was busily making bacon and eggs.

"Mum, you can't keep doing this. Her grades are going to start dropping" She took the pan off the stove, while turning it off. Placing the food on two plates, she smiled at him. Her smile always made him feel happier.

"I know but I can't help it" she handed him a plate. Lucas began shoving food into his mouth and watched her put the other plate in front of Lily. "don't eat too fast Lucas. You'll give yourself a stomach-ache" He did not need that on top of his headache, he obeyed his Mother and slowed down. Pulling his attention toward her, he watched her visit an old photo. The look in her eyes was sad and hard to watch.

"Mum stop thinking about him. He's not going to come back; I mean he's had ten years to, you need to move on" She looked at Lucas and he could see the desperation, she wasn't going to give up. Lily looked at them both, not quite understanding them.

"It's okay Lucas" She moved over to Lily and began tying her bright curly locks into twin tails, while Lucas balled his hand into a fist. He was unable to finish his meal the sour taste of his father stuck in his mouth.

"Thanks Mum. I got to go" He took one last look at the clock then rushed toward the door, he might be able to make it on time.

"Wait, Lucas you forgot your umbrella" she said.

"Are you serious" He looked at her surprisingly.

"Of course, Hun. You know what happens when you don't protect your skin" Lucas sighed because he knew she was right. He had received the condition from his father, even though he was sixteen he still didn't really understand it. The sunlight burned him easily and it hurt his eyes, his Mother told him it's similar to albinism, but he still had black hair and green eyes. Lucas grabbed the umbrella by the door and before running out said goodbye.

"Have a good day Mum!" It was bright outside, and it hurt for him to look. Even though he took the umbrella, it wouldn't help since he needed to run. It would normally take Lucas about ten minutes to walk to school, if he ran, he could probably half that. It was only a small town, if you really tried you could probably know everyone by name. Lucas ran along the streets and tried to take shortcuts along the way, while also trying to stay out of the sun. While he ran his mind wandered back to his Father, he didn't want to think about him. He always made him mad, why did he have to leave. Lucas couldn't remember him that well, but he does remember the night he left. It was like he vanished into too thin air, no slam of a door, no yelling just the silent cries of his Mother. He had hurt his Mother; she was madly in love with him and still is. She believes that he will come back one day, if that day ever comes Lucas would punch him.

"Oh, come on" He had just reached the crossing before the school and it had turned red just as he arrived. Cars raced past him; he had no choice but to wait. Lucas also didn't know why his father; he tapped his foot impatiently. This was the part he hated most; his Mum told him it was for a good reason but that doesn't make any sense. If it was for a good reason his Mother wouldn't be suffering like she was. He can still hear her cry at night. The light went green and he continued running towards to entrance of the school. Lucas didn't want to go to school. It was important to learn but it was easy to do on his own. He would rather get a job and help his Mother with money. Lucas only went because it made her happy, but he didn't try hard, he got good grades but didn't want to socialise with anyone. People had tried to be friends with him, but Lucas turned them down. He only wanted to go home and spend time with his Mother, he wants to make her happy, he wants to make up for the absence of his father. The bell rang just as Lucas passed through the entrance, hopefully he could make it before role call. He sped inside the building and raced up the steps before finally reaching his classroom. Lucas took a couple of deep breaths before opening the door, trying to pretend that he did not just run all the way from home.

"Sorry I'm late Sir" Lucas felt all eyes on him as he saw a girl standing at the front of the classroomShe had noticeable dark brown hair with pink streaks, which should have gotten her sent home. Her eyes glistened and she glared right through him, obviously annoyed at his arrival. He blushed violently but his face was already quite flushed after running.

"Sit down Lucas Fitzroy" Mr Slavic scowled at him and he quickly moved to his seat at the back. Lucas would like to look through a window at a moment like this, unfortunately his condition won't allow that so instead he stared blankly at a wall.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" He said.

"Thank you, Mr Slavic" she directed her attention to us "nice to meet you, my name is Elvira" She spoke politely and smiled brightly, a completely different look she was giving had given Lucas before. Whispers began immediately. People love to gossip and with a name like that, there's no way they wouldn't. Lucas couldn't help but look back at her, she was really beautiful. Her skin didn't have any blemishes and her fell in just the right way, it made Lucas uncomfortable at how perfect she looked.

"Settle down, please take a seat Miss …Elvira, was it?" he pointed to an empty seat at the front of the classroom before turning back to the whiteboard.

"Yes Sir" She sat down quietly and immediately opened her books ready to begin, Lucas did the same. Mr Slavic began his drool about ancient Rome, Lucas hated this class because Mr Slavic would go on long winded talks that had no point and spoke in the most boring and monotone voice. Lucas just sighed and tried to write down what he was saying, hopefully this stuff would be useful to him. Suddenly, Lucas felt lightheaded and he noticed red on his page. He was shocked and jumped in his chair before reaching to his nose and feeling a large amount of blood coming out.

"Again Lucas, get some tissues and head to the nurse's office immediately" His small commotion had gotten Mr Slavic's attention.

"Sorry Sir" Lucas clutched his nose as blood continued to spew out. Carefully he made his way towards the front of the classroom to grab some tissues and quickly shuffled out of the room. Today was not a good day, he had already embarrassed himself several times. As much as Lucas didn't want friends, he didn't want to look like an idiot. He sighed and slowly made his way towards the nurse's office; Mrs Jersey wouldn't be happy to see him. Lucas unfortunately had a habit of ending up in there. Upon opening the door Mrs Jersey immediately began her practised introduction before noticing it was Lucas.

"Again" She placed her hands on her hip and shook her head disapprovingly. "you must take better care of yourself, Lucas you already know you can't be in the sun without protection so stay out of the sun"

"Sorry" He said embarrassed.

"Come sit down and throw those dirty tissue's in the bin" He did as she said. "you should know the process by now" he nodded and pinched the tip of his nose. She handed him a bowl "You can stay here until it stops but please be more careful. It's only nose bleeds now but who knows how it'll affect you when you're older"

"I know"

"Just promise you won't visit me for the rest of the week" She held out her pinkie finger for him to cross with. Lucas thought about it there were only two days left, he could probably do that, they crossed fingers and laughed.

"I'll try" He said.

Once the bleeding had stopped Lucas made his way back to class for a second awkward walk into class. Lucas impatiently waited for the bell to ring so he could escape the people around him. He spent most of his time watching the new girl, something about her made him feel uncomfortable and he was trying to pinpoint it. She attentively listened to every word Mr Slavic spoke, but he also saw her head twitch around like she was trying to look at other people's notes. At one point she had turned around and looked directly at Lucas, he was shocked but immediately looked away from her. The bell rang. Lucas and his fellow classmates shoved their books into the bags and raced out of the classroom ignoring Mr Slavic and continuing into the busy halls. It was finally lunch time which meant Lucas could finally be alone, at least that's what he believed. Unbeknownst to him, people were watching closely, waiting for the perfect opportunity. They watched as he quickly made his way out of the halls and out into the outdoor cafeteria. They saw as he dodged people approaching him and dismissed the ones who started a conversation before finally settling in his favourite spot behind an old oak tree.

"Finally," He said. Lucas reached into his bag expecting to find his lunch when he realised, he had never grabbed it from home. More unfortunate news to his already bad day, his stomach growled loudly at him. He slapped it gently and checked his bag for any money to buy something from the canteen. Suddenly a hefty hand clutched his shoulder and when Lucas looked up, he realised that he had made a mistake. Lucas observed the only person who still continues to talk to him no matter how he tries to avoid the dude. Unfortunately, this person happened to be Lucas's own personal bully and childhood friend.


"What's up Lucas, you got what you owe me" Lucas cringed because he didn't have anything to give him his hand still searching in his bag filled with nothing but books. "what's that look for. You haven't forgotten, have you?" Zack glared at him and Lucas gulped, today really wasn't a good day.

"I'm sorry but I forgot to-" Zack punched him in the face, knocking Lucas to the ground. He clutched his cheek in pain, normally he wouldn't come to this spot when he had to give money to Zack because it was a blind spot for teachers. They wouldn't notice what was happening until it was too late.

"What did you say" Zack stood over him and Lucas looked at the ground furrowing his brow, Zack didn't have the right to act high and mighty. At any moment Lucas could get someone to intervene but he never did, he was doing this for Zack and sometimes he really regretted it, like right now as his cheeked burned.

"I can bring you double tomorrow" Lucas didn't look in Zacks direction not wanting to get hit again, hoping that this would be enough. He didn't expect another flare of pain to hit him the stomach as Zack kicked him. He coughed in shock and pain unable to speak.

"You're so pathetic, can't even bring me ten dollars. What should I do with you" He pondered out loud, it looks like Lucas wouldn't be able to keep his promise with Mrs Jersey though at least it would be for a different reason.

"Hey, tough guy!" They both looked in the direction of the new voice. It was Elvira.

e wore the exact same icy stare she had given Lucas earlier and approached them confidently. "picking on the weak is a cowardly act but your strength is impressive. What is your name child" She flicked her hair when she spoke and looked Zack up and down like she was analysing him? Lucas was appalled at what she was saying, at first, he thought she might be there to save him but now he was scared for her.

"I'm only showing my strength to this loser, he disrespected me" he smiled

"I asked for your name"

"It's Zack Peterson" Lucas had to do a double take as he watched Elvira's eyes turn from brown to purple and Zack obediently obey her command. What the hell was happening. Zack had completely dropped his guard he looked like a puppet, his eyes blank and lifeless.

"I like you Zack, I think you may have some potential. Come here" Her finger beckoned him toward her, and he did as she said as Lucas watched from the ground. As Zack approached her, Elvira reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, round, glass bottle filled with… Lucas felt sick. It couldn't be what he thought it was, there was no way, Elvira must be some kind of psychopath to be carrying around a bottle of blood. Lucas hoped that it was not blood but the liquid contained inside was a deep red that she swished with delight. "I would love to drink some of this myself but it's all for the greater good. Here" she held it out for Zack to grab "drink it". Shivers ran up Lucas's spine, why would she want him to drink it. Well, Lucas still wasn't sure if it was blood or not, maybe it was just some coloured dye. Maybe it was just a prank, a really messed up prank to scare Lucas. If it was to scare him they were doing a great job. Zack pulled off the cork, flipped his head back and drank the whole thing in one go.

"No. Way" Lucas watched in awe and slowly stood up in absolute shock, unable to take his eyes off the scene before him. Zack held out the empty bottle to Elvira, she took it with glee.

"Good boy" She smiled happily and reached to pat him on the head, joyfully "you can go now, I'll visit you later" Zack did as she told and walked away, towards the main building, while Lucas watched appalled at whatever horror show he just watched. Elvira happily watched Zack wander away before returning her attention to Lucas. "almost forgot about you, didn't I" She approached him "what to do with you. You seem utterly useless, but you did just witness everything, oh what am I doing. I'll just erase your memory". Her purple eyes started to glow as she stared at him intensely, he had expected something else to happen, but she only stared at him as he continued to remember the whole event. "what is happening, why won't you forget" he shrugged as she yelled in frustration "fine the other option it is" she pulled out another bottle of what Lucas still assumed to be blood.

"Ah, can't we talk about this" He started to back away from her.

"Well, if I can't erase your mind this is the only other option"

"What is I promise not to tell anyone"

"I can't trust you, plus this is way more fun. I wonder what it would do to someone like you, now come to me" Lucas was confused by what she meant by 'someone like you' but he wasn't going to sit around and let her do what she likes.

"Nope, nope, nope, no thank you" And Lucas ran away from her, whatever spell she used on Zack didn't work on Lucas which he was thankful for. As he ran back toward the main school building the bell for classes to begin rang and he cursed under his breath and decided that he didn't want to stay around any longer. He wanted to be as far away from Elvira as possible, on that note he turned around to see Elvira sprinting after him. He yelled surprised and tried to slip into the oncoming crowd. The students were good cover unfortunately they were hard to run by every turn he could run into someone, he probably looked ridiculous from above weaving in and out of students like a mad man. Eventually he finally reached the entrance when he realised, he had forgotten his bag, it would have to wait for tomorrow. Once he made it outside undetected, he breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to relax but now he had to find a way to avoid Elvira for the rest of his schooling life.

"Thought you could get away, huh" She had whispered into his ear and gave him the shock of his life.

"Leave me alone" He started running again until he felt two soft hands wrap around his neck. How was she so fast and what was she going to do to him.

"Don't worry Lucas, I'm not going to kill you, this position just makes it easier for me to speak to you" She spoke so sweetly yet Lucas could hear the malicious intent behind her words, he shook with fear. "I just need you to answer a few questions for me and since my mind control won't work on you, we're going to have to do it the hard way. So please don't run" Lucas was terrified, every bone in his body told him to run, he needed to, but would she kill him if he did. He felt her finger slowly release his neck and he took in deep breaths and took a step forward before freezing again. "you refuse to cooperate then" He had barely moved a muscle and she was mad.

"Please don't hurt-" His feet were no longer on the ground and he had lost his breath. He could feel the wind rushing past him and could barely make out buildings pass him. Something was carrying him at a remarkably fast pace, then it suddenly stopped but Lucas kept moving. He flew forward into some bushes which left with small cuts all over his body. He groaned in pain before looking back at his kidnapper. It was Elvira but she was smaller, more childlike and she had to small black bat wings on her back, Lucas tried to retreat further into the bushes. She approached him in her smaller form placing a small but heavy foot on his chest. Opening her mouth, she revealed two large canines, one word came to mind as he watched this beast in front of him.

"You're a… a"

"A vampire, yes" She smiled gleefully.

All the title's are going to be terrible, just a warning.

matti66233creators' thoughts