

Mom, I am back from school I am starving, what is there for me to eat; Damien yelled out for his mother. Damien who completely changed his expression to a mommy's boy shocked the h*ll out of the maids in the villa. "Is this the young master who gives a hard time to the old patriarch and master" they all thought.

Michelle skipped over to Damien's side after hearing his voice. Young man, lower your voice, mommy is having a rest in her room, Michelle said playfully with a little bit of maturity in her voice. You---- Damien choked. He smiled at his sister who is capable for her sharp tongue.

She reminded him of that girl in school, who can make him speechless with her sharp tongue. Let go and see mom first, if she is awake by now, Damien said to his little sister.

Hey brother, how was school? Did you meet new friends? Michelle asked excitedly. Hey my dear sister, let's go inside I will be telling you all the interesting ones, Damien who doted on his three years old sister said. Ok, she nodded repeatedly with her blue eyes twinkling like stars.

An aroma wafted through the air and invaded their nostrils. Isn't that mom's signature dish aroma I can smell? Damien questioned rhetorically. The food would get cold, let's go inside so I can fill my tummy, he said.