

 In the study; Damien, how is the mission I gave you, any improvement? The old patriarch asked Damien who sat comfortably on the couch in the study. No improvement, Damien replied coldly. Damien, don't be clouded by your emotions and forget that you are on a mission. Remember the Walkers do not succumb to emotions---- having emotions makes you a failure, Damien cut his dad off. He had a small frown on his face and said "Can you change your advice for once; I am tired of hearing the same one every day, old man".

 Damien runs his fingers into his short silky black hair feeling more frustrated. Grandpa, can you please talk so I can get enough rest in my room, I am exhausted. Let's talk after dinner, the old master said. Hector, you shouldn't go hard on that guy, or else it will make it difficult for him to obey us. His personality is more like his mother, so stubborn and willful.

 Damien who was outside the study smirks. "So naive of you, you think you can make me your puppet just as you did to my elder brother which led to his death," he thought. He happily whistled and made his way to the small villa in the backyard of the mansion.

  Damien passed through the cold and desolate gate to his mom's place. He had malice and anger in his eyes after remembering how his mother was being humiliated and thrown into this prison without any little bit of warmth. "I will surely get you out of this place, Mom". he thought determinedly.

 I hope this deal i am going to make with that old man becomes sucessfull. i will make sure no harm befalls my mom and little sister, Damien prayed silently.