

  In the villa, Mom?! where are you? Damien come to my room, Mrs. Belle responded to her son after he called out for her. Damien made his way upstairs towards his mother's room. Damien knocked the door and waited for his mother response before entering the room. He found his mother gazing at the flowers on the balcony.

   Damien, tell me the truth. Damien stiffened after he heard his mother. He respects his mother the most before his elder brother and the rest of the family. Mom, it's not what you are thinking, he said. Let me finish talking first Damien before you say something, Mrs. Belle scolded. Ok Mom. Did your grandpa ask you to do something? Tell me truth. Yes, Damien replied. What did he ask you to do? Mom it's not a risky mission. Then tell me what it is, I told you not to accept to any mission you are assigned to do but you took my words for nothing, Mrs. Belle teared. They have made me lost your brother and I can't afford to lose you too but you don't know my fears.

You and Michelle are now the reason I still hold on to my life because I will protect you with all I have. Damien knelt down and comforted his mother. I am doing this to get you out of this place, he whispered. I can't tell you now but I promise to protect myself. Please pack your stuffs, you would be moving into my penthouse tomorrow morning.

 Now let's go down and have a taste of the famous five star Michelin chef signature dish, he joked earning a smile from his mom.