

  After getting home, Damien who was all smiles quickly changed his expression back to his cold expression. Wow, my young master can change his expression faster than the flip of a book, the driver thought with a surprised expression. They always thought he is suffering from facial paralysis.

The Walker's family mansion had a scenery one can't forget; the garden of orchid flowers and the different kind of fruit trees in the mini farm beautifully arranged along the way made the mansion look homely and welcoming. Damien who was in the car did not even spare a glance out of the car window.

  All this decoration is just a facade. This place is colder than Antarctica and even more scarier. He walked into the mansion and walked straight to his room ignoring everyone present in the living room. Damien!!! come back here, Mr. Walker called angrily calls him out. Didn't you see me and your grandpa sitting here? He questioned Damien who stop in his tracks without turning back. Don't you have a little bit of respect for even your grandpa, he scolded again.

Enough, Hector; let him be, the old patriarch said. Damien when you are done changing into your home wear, come to the study, the old patriarch said. Dad, you are spoiling him too much, you see he is becoming gutsier. The old patriarch gave him a dirty look making him clamp his mouth shut. Damien left for his room without turning his back.

 After changing into a more comfortable wear, Damien went to the study as his grandfather requested.