

  After the chat in the private room, Damien swipes his card for his items after he insists on paying bids his farewell, and leaves. Jessie and Jessica who were playing in the backyard of the shop saw his departing figure and jovially called him out "Damien!!!". He immediately stopped in his tracks and waited for them to get to his side. Damien who could not resist the cute twin had a sincere smile on his lips. Hey, did you come to visit Sapphire or did you come to buy something? Jessica asked. I came for both, Damien said loudly making Sapphire roll her eyes. Oh ok I see, Jessica said mischievously.

We did not see the surprise you said you had for Sapphire, Jess whispered. There was a change in plans, let's make it next week and you have to promise to help me ok? Damien replied. Ok, pinky promise, Jessica said. Damien relents and hooks his pinky with theirs.

They only let Damien go after their mom calls them. Ok, Damien see you tomorrow, Jessie said. Ok bye, Damien waved at them and left in his car. Sapphire, did you think we forgot about the deal we made this morning? Jessica said in her childish voice trying to make herself look more serious. Sapphire retorts calmly "Hey my dear siblings are you helping me or him, please choose your sides carefully before questioning me". Do you even take me seriously; I can see through you clearly because you are too small to play a fool out of me, she mocks.

Mommy, Sapphire is bulling me and Jessie, Jessica runs over to her mother to say out her grievances. Sapphire don't make your sister sad. Mom, Sapphire is too sharp-tongued, Jessie complains. Don't take your sister's words to heart ok? Mrs. Ruby says. Jessica sorry ok? Sapphire sincerely apologizes. Apology accepted, Jessica teasingly replies earning a crack of laughter from all of them. Mrs. Ruby sighed heavily and thought "So peaceful, this is what I will always pray for".