

After the morning class, "Get ready for your physical education class, let's gather at the basketball field" requested Mister Glenn. Ok sir, they all replied.

Later on the basketball field, Hey Damien, Karlee called out. I'm gonna cheer you up with my girls so try your best, she said with a fawning smile. Hi Damien, the girl greeted. Damien nodded back to them. Why does he seem so cold towards us? One of them whispered softly. Betty, that should not be your problem and mind your words in front of him, Karlee warned sternly. Betty, fidgeted nervously and nodded her head repeatedly. Damien had a small frown on his face after seeing the way she treated her friends. Ok I will go and get myself ready, Damien hurriedly left the girls after seeing Sapphire entering the field. "I had to make this girl accept me today" Damien mischievously thought.

HAA!! Look at his muscles, he is soo handsome, the girls screamed and fantasize over Damien. Damien winked and flirted with Sapphire making her roll her eyes the thousandth times. The dirty smile on his face irritates her making her feel like brushing that smile off his face. "Does this boy think what he is doing is good to look at? So disgusting" BLURGH, secretly thought Sapphire while faking a vomit.

Karlee who was paying much attention to Damien had an ugly scowl on her face after witnessing Damien flirt with Sapphire. "I will personally deal with this girl myself after the training'' she wickedly thought to herself. Karlee, did you see what just happened? Lauren asked. Oh I have seen it, it seems like some people don't know their place yet and have grown audacious enough to covet my man on my face, Karlee annoyingly replied.