

How may I help you? Sapphire questioned after being blocked by Karlee and her friends on her way to the restroom. Hey, so you are that girl who was flirting with Damien on the field, right? Let me warn you clearly--- Cut the crap and get straight to the point, I have important people to deal with, not to waste my time on trash like you who know nothing but bullying students in school, Sapphire scolded. You-, Karlee choked.

Wow, this girl is one of a kind, Karlee thought. The three girls behind Karlee were speechless. This girl would be a tough nut to crack, Benita whispered to her allies. They all agreed silently. Sapphire roughly pushed Karlee away and went on her way unscathed. Karlee was completely dazed and could not retort back.

Damien witnessed this scene in the hallway. He followed Sapphire after seeing Karlee and her friends furiously following her. Damien smirked and thought "This girl is a feisty one, and here I am naively thinking she would be wrongly bullied. It seems I am wrong and I like her more". He shivered after he said that. Oh, God!! What am I even thinking, it should be an act not that I like her, right? He questioned himself.

Karlee was tapped awake from her stupor only when she was tapped by Lauren. Karlee!! wake up from your daze, Sapphire is already gone, Lauren tapped her repeatedly. Where is that audacious girl? Karlee angrily questioned. She just left that way, Betty pointed in the direction Sapphire left.

Damien was here just now, so please restrain yourself for now, there is still enough time to take action, Lauren whispered. Karlee immediately regrets that she has been witnessed by Damien in her poor state. She wickedly thought "I will make this girl pay for making me lose so much face".